HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 896: Levying a Special Assessment of Taxes in SID No. 72 f'OUNCILRESOLUTI0N NO. 8~6. A Council Resolution levying a special assessment of taxes upon all property in Special Improvement Distric.t No. 72 in the City of Bozeman, Montana, to defray the. cQst and expense of the maintenance of. the improvements installed ',.,' .,' " " , an~.established under and by virtue of the Resolution creating said district, the year 1 ~18 . Resolution No. 564 being the Resolution of Intention to crea~e Sp.ecial Improvement Distriot No. 72 is hereby referred to and lIllde a part he,reof for further particulars in respect to the boundaries of said district, the estimated cost of said improvements and the me thod of assessing the same aga inst the property wi thin said district and the oharacter 0 f the improve- ments. Whereas, said improvements as oontemplated in said Resolution No. 564 were established and installed and whereas, the cost for the maintenance of the same for the year 1918, is estimated at the sum of $132.51; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Q1!' BOZEMAN, MONTAIU: Section 1. That to defray the cost and expense of maintaining said improvements in said Specia 1 I,mprovement District No. 72 for the year 1918, there be and there is herebyleviedandajaseesed, a tax upon all the prop.erty in said SpeoialImprovementD!strictNO. 72, amountingtothesumof$13Z.51; that a description of each lot or paroel ,of land with the name of the O'&ner and the sum assessed agai nst him for such maintenance for theyEiar 1918, is as is shown in the assessment list hereto attaohed, marked "Exhibit A" and made a part hereof; that the several sums set opposite the names of the owners and described lots and,paroels of.land be"and the same are hereby respectively levied and assessed upon and against .f:laid described lots and parcels of land to defray the oost.l;ind e::x:Pe:tlSeofth!3maintemmoe of said improvements .for the year 1918; and that the several sums so assessed be colleotedfrom the respeotive . . . owners of said lots or parcels of landd.escribed in.B~iJi.(I, a.ijsessment list as required by law; that the payment of said sums shall bamade between the first ondayof October 1918, and the 30th day of November 191m, in the manner and in aooordance with the law governing the collection ofspeoial Improvement ta.xes; failure to pay suoh assesements shallmakesaidpa rsons and p3 reels of llanO. liable to the same penaJ,ties provided by law. z:elat:l.vetodelinquent taxes. Section .2.. Thatt.heCi ty Counoil of said UiPYOf;iBozeman , will be in sess ion intheOiounoilChamber in theC! ty Hall.Bu.il,d,ing of said \,;ity 15th day of August 1918; at Beven thirty 0' clock P..11., at which time the Clbty Counoil will hearobjeotions to the final adoption of this Resolution. Seotion 3. , Tb.a t .the'C'."ttY'O;:J,~rk'r ~:"~~I!I oi'~oi~emanbe, aI1dhe hereby is authllDized and directed to publishatleaat oJ::\cein a newspaper ",'~ . published in the Oity of l:iozeman, to-wit:-The WeeklyCour:l.er, a notioe signed by the City Clerk, stating that a Resolutionlevyipga special asseSS- ment to defray the cost and e:1Cpense of maintaining the improvement's in said , ,':i((. Special Improvement District No. 72 for the ye:ar 1918, is on fHeinhis office, subject to inspeotion for five days; that said notioe shall I;1tate the time and place at whioh objections will be heard by the City CounoHto the final ad0Jption of this' l.1esolution; that said notice shall be pUbfishe,d at least fl ve days before the date set by the "i ty Council for the hearing of , obJeotions and final adoption of this Hesolution. u Passed and adopted tll-la 1st day of August 1918. Approved by the Mayor this 1st' day af August 1918. n \:1 L. W. Truitt. ...-......) Mayor. Attest: C. A. Spieth. City Clerk. ,., I -..--..- -..-....---.-... ~Wlti~iJ\)'ii' ", \r<::;,:;-;'/:.I.:,.::'. -896- . WHEREAS, the above en,title d Resoluti onsl gned by the Mayor and City Clerk of the said Oi ty was filed in the office ofBa,d,d Olerk of said City on the 1st day of August 1918, and has ever since been on file in said office, . to inspection and the said City Olerkhaving given notice of the and filing of said Resolution, by publishing seid notice in Tpe a newspaper published in said City ,atleas,t five,. days before .. .., hearl ng a)11 objections to the final adoption of said ., ..., Resolution 813 herein described, and the City Council having ,been i.n session to and at the time so fixed for hearing objections to" the final . of said Re60ilution and the time so fixed ,haying 'already passed and end no owner of property within said ,Speoial Improvement,Distriot, appearing to object or objecting to ,the adoption of sa'id assessments of said 01 ty Counc:lil. that theassessl;!IlL:ents in said Resolution provided; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the above ent1tled~e8-o1utioI1;'\:>e aAA , I same hereby is, finally ad opted end the special assessmentfj,there in for be, and the same ar~hereby levied and by the City Counoil L. W. ..t;w.(': c ,-' r -C~A:. 6pie tho -- '~ ":" . . .1' :'Y:: .,," ~ '." City Clerk. . . ':I .---.......--.-..-- ... _n _ ..._ -.--. --.....-- .- A-SSESSMElIT LIST AGAINST SPECIALIM:PRO~NTf':p;rSTliI~Q'1'..NQ.. . , OF PARKINaS.HI8. - - ,.' ,'- , Rate af assessment $0.000258 per square foot. TotalT~x iriel uding 6%:aoerued interest :t a Nav. 30, Neine Lets BlaokAdditian Area 1918. 1. Dr. C.S. 8mi th 1 , C AJ.d .Amdt. 1079:1,,2 2.78 2. W. D. Tallman 2 Blaok:OAl.d.Amdt. and 11 10 Fairviewl6557:, 7 4.27 3. E. H. Demerel1 7 & 8 1m " 8400' 2.17 4. E..Broox Martin 9&10' 10 " 81400 2.17 5. W. F. Brewer 12,13 & st af 14 10 " 11579.4 2..99 6. Georgia M.Sprague ' Nt of 14 10 " 2309.8 .59 7. J. L. Staa t a 12 & Freol lot 8 of same 45 Park 12762.1 3.29 a.F.B.Linfield 10 ,11 &8far 9 45 " 7680.6 1.98 9.141"8. b'lerenoe Brewer 8 & N. of 9 46 " 4641.3 1.20 ~O. Fre.dH. Harris Frae'l Let Sauth af 12 46 " . .J,~3;L6. 5 3.43 11. J. N. Clark Frae'l Lot Sauth af 13 46 " 13431 3.46 l2.UanteneRenchea 90.. 8 to. 17 46 " _~1250 10.64 13. E.H.Carr Free'l Lot Sauth af 12 47 " 11537.4 2.97 14. GElo.P .-Pl'n a to. 17-& Frao '1 Le.t.S of 13 47 " 4tJ6~48.i61l. 98 15. J.C.,TaYler Freo'l Lot Seuth af 12 48 " 104128.75 2.69 -;I;Q496.3 n 16 ..Gallat1nCounty l1':pac'L Jjets'outh af 13 48 " 2.71 I "" : 'I w. F~vhauner 7 &I 8 48 " 5208.4 1.34 I i 18. J. C. Park 11 & 12 48 " .>:6208.3 1.34 ,....""j I' 19 .E. B.Tipton 9 & 10 48 " 5298.,3 1.34 20.:a.E.Long 13& 14 4:8 " 6.250 1.62 21. C. H.Pettersen 15 & 16, 48 " 6250 1.62 22. Coda Alward 17 48 " 3125 .80 23. Matt Niebel 1, 2, 3 4 Bu tte. 15400 3.9$ 24. Gea.W'.Niebel 4 &5 4 " AfiOO 1.26 25. JehnOlson 6 & N 10ft af 7 4 " 7000 1.81 26. Howard We loh 21-22 &N 10ft ef 20 4 " 9300 2.40 . 27. MaryA. Oantwell 23 & 24 4 II 7750 2.00 28. SuaieM.G.euld 26 & 26 4 " . 131 '15 3.41 29. Ge@.Y · Patten 1.2 & Nt ef 3 1 Cap.IUll 11700 3.02 30. M.P. Davidson 4 Stof 3 & Nt af 6 1 " 6000 1.55 31. R.E.Finlay 6, st ef 5 & Nt of 7 1 " 5700 1.47 32. W. Y. Smith 1 to. 7 2 " Zg900 8.49 33. Frede Sohwan S& E 15ft crf[ 9 2 " 7520 1.94 34. A~ O. Brenden 10 to 12 & W 10ft ef.9 2 " 15980 4.131 35. Arthtil" Truman 13 & 14 2 " 9400 2.43 36. Gu.t A. Ens inger 1. 2,3 3 " 15730 4.06 37. J. A. Boedes 4 & 5 3 " 7150 1.84 38. D. A; Uampbell 21-22-23-N 10ft ef 20) 3 'II 12155 3.13 39. M. H. Allen estate 24 & st a f 25 3 " &362.i> 1.38 40. A. o. l1iB11.enden 6 & N 10ft of 7 3 " 5005 1.29 41. Chas. JohnSon 26 & Nt ef 25 3 " 1Q367.5 2.67 42. Chas. L. Spaulding 1-2-3-4 4 " 17280 4.46 '"1 43. Gee. ,. Dier 5-6-N 10ft 0.1' 7 and ; .'j 21 to. 26 & N 10ft of 20 4 " 326-40 8.42 I '1 SI37M. "'132.51 \,-_...1 July 3D), 1918. I he reby certify that the cost af Maintenance in Special Imprevement District No.. 72. fer the seasen of 1918. is $132.51; and that the faregeing is a full, true and oQirreot list ef all property wHhin said distriotsubjeot to Speoial assessment en aocount ef seid maintenanoe. C. a. Widener. City ~ng:ineer.