HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 895: Levying a Special Assessment of Taxes in SID No. 68 " , A Counoil all in Speoial Improv~ment to; defray the oost and me,nts installed and established under and by vlrtl,le of the Resoll,ltion oreat- ing said distriot, for the year 1918~ Resoll,ltion No. 539 being the l\esoll,l,tion of Intention :,to, oreate Speoial Improvement Dhtrict No. 68 fa hereby refe,rredt,o and made a, part hereof ~,tfor further particulars in respeot,to tllebol,lnda:rie,~ of said; district. the estimated cost of said improvements and the method of assessing the same aga inst the prope:uty,wi thin said "district and t,he oharacter of the improve- ments. Whereas, saId ,improvements as contemplated in said Resolution No. 539 were establishe,d and installed and whereas, the cost for the maintenance of the same for the year 1918 . is estimated at the sum of $129.71. THERE:&'ORE BE IT RESOLVED BY 'rEE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA: ~\ Section 1- That to defray the cost and expense of maintaining said improvements in said Speoial Improveme11;t District No. 68 for the year 1918, there be and there is hereby levied and assessed, a tax upon all the property in said Special Improvement .l.Jistrict No. 68. amounting to the sum of $129.71; that a description of each lot or parcel of land with the name , i of the owner and the sum assessed against him for such maintenance for the year 1918, is as is shown in the assessment list hereto attached, marked "Exhibit An and made a part hereof; that the several sums Bet opposite the .. names of the owners and described lots and paroels of land be, and the same are hereby res~eotively levied and assessed upon and against said described lots and parcels of land to defray the cost and expense maintenanoe of said improvements for the year 1918; and that the so assessed be collected from the respective owners of said lots of land described in said assessment list 8S payment and the 1918, law such same by law, relative in ---------- -895.-' Seotion 3. That the City Clerk of the City-of Bozeman be, and he hereby is authorized and.direoted to publish at least once in anewepsper published the City of Bozeman, to-wit: The Weekly Courier', a notioe signed by the City Clerk. stating that a Resolution levying a special assessment tIID defray the cost and expense O:f.' mSintainingthe improvements 1'n.aai'd Special Improvement Distriot No. 68 for the year 1918. is on file in hishoffice. subject to' inspec,.. tion for five days: that said: notice shall etat.e Iths ,time andpiace at which objeotionswjjll be hesrdbytheC'ity Coumril to the .final'adoption of this Resolution; thatsaidndtloe shall be published. at'least fiveda'ye before the date set by the City 'Council for the hearing of objeotiorllSi and fi'nal a@ptioD. '.' \ of this Rssplutidn. Passe(!:and'ad.opted thfslstday.of'1\.u:gueti19l:S. i\;pproveg..1)Y theM.syor thi s Is t ds Y 0 f AUgUB t 1918. m' :J:ruft.t., . Me;wer. . ,,/(1) ---- WHEREA S I OityOlerk: of the said City was HIed in the office of Ci ty on the 1st day of August B18 I and has ever since been on ,f;i.le in said j 'I'~:~ "..~ office, subject to inspection and the said City Olerk having given notioe of the pa~sage and filing of said Resolution, Weskly Courier, a newspaper the day, set for hearing all objeotjj ons to the tion as herein described. and the Oity pursuant to and at thet1me so fixed for adoption of said Reoo luti on and the time so fixed havinp: alr,eady passed and no owner of pro~erty within said $pecial Improvement District, or other person appearing to object or objecting to the adoption of said assessments of said City Council that the assessments in said Resolution provided; the abo~~ entitled Resolution be and " , ' " the same hereby ie, finally adopted and the special assessments therein provided for be, and the same are hereby levied and assessed accordingly. Finally passed by the Oity aduncil this 22nd day of August 1~18. L. W. ~rui tt. Mayor. Attest: C. A. Spieth. Ci ty Olerk. , ,. "."\C~'.'<//,\.i:!',::').l '"',, ;'''','', ;"-'0 ASSESSMENT LIST AGAINST SPEOJ:ALIMPROVEMEN[iD.:(STRIOTNO. 68.]'ORMAINTEN;.. ANOE OF PARKINGS.1918. . . . . .!!otaltax Rate of assessment, $0.103 per:f.'ront foot. inQ1ud,:\'J:Jg . 6%aoorued interest to Nov. 30 Name Lots BlookAdd,.~tion Fron~.ae 1918. 1, '-'::',::;'"" "':'n:,.. "," ,>" '" ~\: ~;'!: '. 1. T.. B.3 tory 1 to 12 3 .1Mtte 33033. .9a 2.W~"R.".C~<3,tewart 24--25-26 2 ....'.'1 "nliSel, 8.24 3. Robt. A. Cooley 21-22-23 2" 76 7.72 4., E'.Ero'C):x:Martin. 18':'19-20 2' 71;> 7.72 5. Oha.e.a. .!illeger 14 to 17 2" lOOJ.P.2~ 6.M~ryWa1tei .. . 1 t04 GlOO!.. lq~2~ 7. F.A . Maxwell 5 to 6 6 100 '1;b.29 8.L1innie'M.Norr:ts9.to 12 6100 'l9.29 9. RossR. Seitz 20 & 21 7" 50~~l5 10. l.W . Choate 22<to 247 " '757.72 11. J. R.S:t1ff estate 18& 19 7" 50 "9'!.16 12 ~,Mary:&'.:Bul1 . 16 & 17 7" 50;i;AS~1.5 13. Mae V. S. Yergey 13-14-15 7" 757.72 1 60'; :;L~'9.l11 0, I' · " '. ! ) . . '.. . '. ~" . ."" I herebyoertify that the oost of maintenanoe in "'peoial Improvement . Di~ tr1 ot ,No. 68, for the ssasonib f 1918 , is $129.71, and that the fOllowing is fa . full, true and oorreot list of all property within said distriot sUbjeot to speoia1 assessment on aooount of said maintenanoe. C.c. Widener. Oity Engineer.