HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 893: Levying a Special Assessment of Taxes on SID No. 57 ','j Whereas, said improvements as were established and installed and whereas, the the same for the year 1918, is estimated at the sum of $166.~7. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TDE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA: Seotion 1. That to, defray the oost and expense improvements in,;said Specl,al Improvement District Ho. 57, for the year '1 Dla , there be and there ia hereby levied and assessed, a tax U110n all the property in said Speoial Im,provement Distriot ~o. 57, amounting to the sum of $165.37; that a desoription of each lot or paroel and the sum assesBed~galnst him for Buoh as is shawn in the a~~eBsment list ~ereto made a part hereof; that the several sums owners and desoribed lots and paroels ~f land be, respeotively levied and assessed upon and against parcels of land to defray the cost and expense of improvements for the yearl9l8; and that the several sums so collected from the re.6.peotl ve owners of said lots or paroels of land scribed in said assessment list as required by lawj that the payment sums shall be made between the first Monday of Ootober 1918, of November 19l8, in the manner and in acoordance with the oollection af shall make said persons and parcels of land liable provided by law, relative to delinquent taxes. Seotion 2. That the City C,ouno1l of said session in the Council Chamber ---------.. u... _____._..._ . -..--..---- 1;~:::,4:..'.:;::.," ',' ',,'.i',.",.'" """:""""".,""},,:X" ," ,":i,','" ",'" ,:"""""''''''""".",:(,;,},'',,:,,'<' , i.~'''''''I'''' :" '" ".i.,::["i'.."..,"ii'..'.'.."." ,.,,':i,":.', ",' , ""/"":","""", ' .,'.';' '",,: , "",.""",."/ '""" ,'",:',," , ',,' ;'", :: '., ,',': ' ", ,', " "',,, ,.,."", ""k'",,',,, '," " "".",' , " " /"'" "',<<"" """,,," '" ' 1;<:!:,:" ',' , ' , ,,"" '"" ',', ,,' ,', '",,' "",' " , iii" ",,' ',",," '" : " :1,1/:::,:" ",,"',", ',.,',':',',":, ",,", '", , ' ,','" """,:",-893;':, ,,'.i'!: "" ""'""",,,, ""'" ",' .i:; ',',,', ."",,"'" "",'",",' ',' " :f Section 3. That the Oi ty Clerk of' th~ Q:1ty of BOzeman be, and he hereby ! is authorized and directed to publish ~,t least once i.n a newspaper published in the City of Bozeman, to-wit: The Weekly Courier, a notioe signed by the , " ~' City Clerk, stating that a Resolution levying a special assessment to defray, "',"" , ./, the oost and expense of maintaining the improvements in said Special II!lprOVement' "" :' "i": Distriot No. 67 for the year 1918, is on file in his offioe, subje<?t ,to' " " inspeotion for five days; that said n,otioe shall state ,the t;l.me and pJ,aoe at ,;,' whioh objeotions will be heard b;V the Oi ty Councii,l to the final ~d,~~,~1,oj\l, Of, I:.!',:, this Resolution; that said notice. shaU be 'p:l.lQlished at least :t'ive:d,ays bt;!;fol!1i ,'.;, . , I' \, , .' ",:' the date set by the City Counoil for the hearing of objections and final,';:':', ""', ' adoption of this Resolution. ."i ..'. Fassed and adopted this 1st day of August 1918.,. .... " " Approved by tbeMayor this 1st day of August 1918.,.. ! I' . ,,;::") ", '.,:i. ,'",', L. w. ~ruitt.,. .... ......' ........ " . ""; . .... "'.; '. . ." ""Mayop,' ....,.. . I" .'.. Attest:Y . '; "","':, O. ~. Spieth . ........ .....'} . 0.1 ty Clerk...... ; ','". ~"'\' I' '. ,. .............. '., ....., i, ' , ,'..." , ' .' : .:'" '. ......... '.',: .........,......>.: ..' .....!:.,' . . .' ..:i:;'" , ''':'"".,.,' '. .. .,,' . ;:i::.....' . .......... i;....' ( . "H"",:, ',':,',',;", ." ", ';, ........ '. . ' ." ..... .'. .i' ,,"",".". '" ','.:, "',," , , '. .',:,':""",," '.".'."." ", ' ,':.... ,': ,', : ,;",,:,,". "', )," : ,:, " : ",';':>"':",,::'>. " , :":':',' ,.", " .'. ",,'. '.,'. ,p,rl">:I:. . ,,! ....';. ':"",.(;;......... '. .,)" ",,': " ,...... I,..'. ,"'. .' ',; .....>:. """"'," .,',. I...... i"''': , .' '.;, ': ",'" ::: , . '. ';"': .... "","'< :',.. 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"::"",, :,;:; ."" ,,:,", "',, ,:".,': ./, '''C'..' - _.___ n.. ____u --- - ()"7 ,'1 ;o,f the passage and .' , , The Weekly ,before ,the lfeso11ltion ; " j' !)~~rsuant to \"\.-1, ;!a'doptlon of ".' >" !e'xpired, and no I ~ .. ,1,.' ' or other person . \~~aoluti on or the assessmenta of said 01 ty Council be made as in said R,esOlution PI' ovided; .., ' THEREFORE BE IT :RESO:f,lVED, that- the above entitled Resolution be hereby is, finally ado~ted and the special assessments therein the Oity L. w. Truitt. Mayor. - ------------ ----- -893.. ASSESSMENT LIS-T AGAINST SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRIOTNO. 57 FOR:M4.INTENANQE. OFPARICINGS. 1918. Rate of.assessmsnt -$0.05243 per frcnt:t;oot. TOt;al........TU ino :L:o.liihg. 9%aocru;ed interest to. NOV. 30 Name Lots Block 4ddit ion FriJ)ntage 1918 1. J,{ra.Minnie Norris 11 & 12 6 ~:tte 7.06 2. F. A. M8xwall 13 & 14 6 II 7.0.8 3. .,AmoeBal1 1 ~ 2 9 " 7.08 4. Geo. 1'. Dier 23 & 24 9 " 7..08 5. .F .W. :M.c:j(ay 11 & 12 5 " 7.34 6. W. L. Eeerl:! 13 &14 5 " ~';13 7. O. w.. Swee:p 1 & 2 10 II I'k;.M 8. J. H. Mimm!Ok 23 & 24 10 " 6.13 11&.12 16 .. Oap . Hill I,:,','" i;',.':' 9. :aol;le.:rtS.an~y 'i~','';;;39 10. L. L.. Brotherton 1 & g 17 " ~;(fi:~;~!~ llE. R.,$tahl:1!Xig .7..8 Jolliffe'Ei,RearraJ;lgement 15 " 11~62 12. C. F .J'jllIlP 9..10 " ." 15 " '..,.:62 13. B .D:.~E)mer 11..12 " II 15 " ;3.,&2 14. Ray Holloway 13-14 " " 15 " .2,.62 15. E.:r..Cp,rrd.er 15-16 " " 15 " "?i~jM~ 16. B. M. Jenaison 17-18 II " 15 " ':~.6g :1;7. J. :a.Ea~k.er 25",26 II " 15 " )l:.62 18. F.S.Oooley 7 to 12 " II 14 " 1>.89 19. M.B.SpauldIng 13 to 18. " " 14 " i7i.86 20. J. F.:i"reston . . W56;ft of 1 & 2 18 " ~,.94 21. Jo.s,,ia:nghase .,i&56;f,tof1 & 2 '. 18 " gik~4 22. T. a.Parmy Center 56ft of'l & 2 18 " 2.$:4 23. R,R.l!'~nlay . ....... .....23 & 24 ],8 e:.8~ 24. B..H.'Finlay 1';'2-23-24 19 "leK~'Q'Q 6. Edg!.i::!;'."A::...,.,G.,o;;,.. ...... .,>,,", .,.,...",.11i.,j~"Q 14,. 13 " . 1;$ij~Y~,2 26. C .S.:'iLl~~:t'bq,rIl( B:(ytna;Ga1) "1'&/ 2" .. 20 II' ~+,ij). '. :r '~,I:~r~'~ :,'., . 7. ~on1;'~.l?ta~e:9Rl~.~,~~ ' ,.)~3..,.&, ,~.... 20 " '$f~',n 16'.0' 7 July 25. 1918. 1;'1"\ .... ..' Il1ereby oertify that the cost of MaintenanQ~ i~ Speoial IW~Qvement District No. 57, for the season of 1918 ,i~$l~H~ .37.~pd t:pat the foregoing is a full,true and. 0 orrect o:fll,'tOf,~~J" p~q:w,;r~1 ,::1: within said ;Distriot subjeot to speoi a1assessm&nt. qp~QQ'oui1~. Qt'i:Jii4 "",," :',:' ,,'.'(,,' maintenanoe. IV C. C. idener. City Engineer.