HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 892: Levying a Special Assessment of Taxes in SID No. 52 --. against :the ments. oontemplated in said . ., were established 'a~d installed and ,whereas , the oost for the same for the year 1918. is estimated at the Bum of $68.59. THEREFORE BE IT RESO~VED BY TEE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN ,M01~~.ANA: Se ot ion 1. improvements in said Special Improvement District ~ ;, be and.there is he~ebY levied and assessed"a tax Special Improvement District No. 52, desoription of each lot or parcel of same are upon and against said described lots and expense of the maintenance of said improvements .for several parcels of land payment of Section 3. is authorized $nd directed in the City ment District No. 52, for the year 1918, is on file ". < I'. to inspeotion for five days; that said notice shall state the time and place at whioh objections will be heard by the City of this Resolution; that said notice shall be before the day set by the City Council for the hearing of objec~ions and final " il,,,, ~dopti,~P. o,f thiS: Res 01 ution. Passed and adopted this 1st day of August 1918. o : ,J' ,';:1':1:(: n Approved by the Mayor this 1st day of August191S. i I "".M"" L., W. Truitt. May 0 r. ;-1. '"~: Attest; C. A. Spieth. City Clerk. . '.'1 '\ the above entitled City Clerk of the said City City on the 1st day of August of'filde , , that th,e hereby is, finally adopted and the special pr:ovided for be~ and the same are hereby levied and Finally passed by the City Counoil this 22nd L. .'~ :,t L ': ,,{ i'~ I,': ("[ r);:"/ ,I City Clerk. Rate of assessment to.0003956 per square foot. Name Lots Block .Addition.. Area 1. 42-43,44& 10ft E side 41 story's 1000q 2. 40 & W 20ft of 41 " 5000 ,3. " 6000. 4. " 5000,.. 5. " fiOCa.- 6.- II 6000 7'. " 270.Q"O 8. 26 F " 9. S. Blair 3 Pijrk 10. 2/3 3 .11 1l. 1/3 3 n :1.2. 3 " 13. 4;,5 3 " 14. 1,2 3 " 15. 2 " 16. , 2 " 17. 2 n 18, 2 /"'- 2 1 of July 25, 1918. I hereby oertify Distriot No. 52, for the season of :1.918, is a'full, true and oorreot list of all subjeot to speoial assessment on aocount O. O. Widener. Oi ty Engine or.