HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 891: Levy a Special Assessment of Taxes in SID No. 50 COUNCILRESOLU~ltIQ:rqNiO. 891. Resolution levying a special assessment of taxes upon all property in Special Improvement District No. 50 in the City of Bozeman, Montana, to defray th~ cost and expens$ of the maintenanoe of the improvements installed i:, ,~) and by virtue of the Resolution creating said district,~ 474bei.ng the Resolution of Intention to create Special hereby referred to and made a part hereof for I respect to the boundaries cf said district, the estimated coat of said improvements and the m~thod of assessing the same against the property within said district and the character of the improve- ments, Whereas, said improvements as oontemplated in said Resoiution No. 474 were established and install~d and whereas, the cost for the maintenance of the same " for the year 19].8, ,:is estimated at the sum of$1IO.13. THEEEFORE BE' IT RESOLVED BY THEOITY OQUl1CIL OF THE CITY Q:B' BOZEMAN, MO~ITAJ:a,: Se,ot ion 1- That to defra'y thecost<andexpense of maintaining said 1m:prov,emente in said.apQclal ImprovementDi str1ctNo. 60 for the year 1$18, tJ:lerebe and there is hereby levied and assessed', a tax upon all the property in said.Spaoisl Improvement":QistriotNo. 50,smounting to the sum of $110.13; ,,' ',:",," ".":,':'.,".' , ' " , ' , :' ' " " ,:' ",:,,) that a desorip~,1,()not each lotor.parcel o;f landw1tpthe name of the, owner a~!i th6,SUltl fisae:l3aeda'~ainlolthim for suoh maintenanoe for the~ear 'le:l.8, 1.s ae is shown in the assessment list hereto attaohed,marked "Exhibit A" and made apl;irt hereo;f;tha1ithe several sums and desoribed lot.sl;ind paroele of land be, and the same are hereby respectively levied and assessed upon and against said described lots and parcels of land to defray the oost and. expense of the maintenance .of said improvements year 1918; and that the several sums so asse8sed be cOlleoted from the respe oti ve owners of said lots 0 rparcels of land list as requ.iredby law;tbatthe payment of said 811mS alla11 be made the tirst Monday of OctobeJ:' 19l8, and the 30thday.o:f',NQvamber InS, mennerand in l;icoordance wit;h the law governing the colleotion of special Improvement taxes; failure to pay SUQ)l assessmentsshallrnakesaid parSoIlS and parcels of land. +~~ble to the same penalties provided by 1l;lW, relative deunquent t,axE;Js. Seotion? ,~hat the Oi ty ;:\.'," sllSsfQ:nint:b,eQq~E.ci:t::1.Qhamber in the Oi ty Ha)LlBu,11dingofea:i.~Oity 15th dayofAugl.lFJt1.91S,. at seven thirty 0' clookP. M." at which time hear obJeotions to theflnal adi!!Jptiol1 Resolution. Oity Olark, the oost and expense ment Distr:!i ot 110. 50 inspection for f1~e at whioh objeotions Approved by the Mayor this 1st day of Aug~st 1918. L. W. Truitt. :>, } .. .'.:.' Attest: C. A. I.!, -891- - WHEREAS, the Clerk of,the said ,'." on the 1st day of August 1918, and subject to inspection and the said City Clerk having given notice ipS s sage. Weekly j, :before the to and at ,the time of said Re'solq,tion. and no person " , , as in said Resolut:1.on provided; " ~ 11/ ,'.\ 1iI ' the I ~. ) A. Bpieth. Ci ty Clerk. . Rate af a,saessment Name Lets Area 1. Zoe'Pattersen 1",2",,3 :Pa:rk 2. Ohas. Vandenhoo.k 4 & 5 II ,3. Thea. F.S te'VeIl6on 6 & 7 II 4. W. L. Hollaway 8 to 12 " 5., Mre. :,Luo.Ue,,13.iQA..l:Laghlinl-2..3 6. ,,J~ H. Delaney,:' " 4..5..6 7.. :&.! 'R., Be,nap,g,;,. 7.;,;8 .,.,g, 8. Aiioe Selw87 10..11-12 9. Acoo1sBrosl, ,,1 to., ; 6 10. Mrs. Flo.renoe Brewer 7-8-Nf o.f 9 11. F .:e.Linlield . '. ,10-'11":'31# af '9 ' 12. J. 'L. Staats & 'Wife 12 & tract S af 12 13. G60>. Y. Patten 1-2-Nt af3 14. M. P. Davi ds on . st 3-4-NtS ' 16. R.R:.,IIFlinlay , st 5-,6 tq 10 -Nt' '11 16. D. H. Budd 12-13-St ef 11 17. 'J~;,A'.: Thaler, 1 & 2 18. :rr. W. Gedn@ 3 & 4 19. Wm. Cobleigh 5...6-Nt7 20. Alfred Atkinsen st 7-a-9-NI1O 21.", Ro.1$1.S.",Bai'l,ey, '11-12-8 " 0. f'10 22. W. L. Beera 1~ & 14 23 .,JelJ1l1:e'j. La'\71,e ],5 to. 18 24. Frank Wi,lton 19-20-8 15ft af 21 25. 'h ,:E. :J,CiJlllffe 22.,.23,,..24-1" 10ft of" 21 26. Mxs. J. T. Freeman 14 to. 17 27.' FredH. Bro.wn 18 & 19 28. Howard Wmloh 20 to. 22 29. Mary A. Cantwell 23 & 24 " SID;'. ,SuBie M. Geuld 25 & 26 " 31. W. D. Tallman 2,BkkO.Ald..Amd.and 11 1!'ai rview 32. W. F. Brewer 12-13..St of 14 TI 33. Geergia M. Sprague .N't 14-15";St 16 n 34. Mrs. T. M. Pierce N 16,& 17' to 20 n 35. ~. H~ Benepe 11 & 12 " 36.ohn.Warner 13 & 14 II 37. Mrs.. Jennie Taber 15 & S 20ft of 16 11 38. Edgar F. Co.x N10ft ef 16,11 S 20ft Of 18 " 39. 'We F. Schoppe J9-2Q-N 10ft of 18. 11 40 ~.. David ]I; Brenneman 11~12-S 10ft of 1~ II 41. E:ate L. Hutohinson ~'/~:,,14 & N 20ft of 13 11 42. J. S. L&We J,Lf3. &: 16 If 43 ~ A,. T. Rutl~dge :1:.7 & 18 11 44. John Widdicornb 19 & 20 If July 20, 1918. I hereby certffy that the cost speciala~sessme~t-o.n c. c. --------- - - -- -- ----------