HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 904: Levying a Special Assessment of Taxes in SID No. 172 COUNCIL RESOLUTI ON NO. 904. A. Oouncil Resolution aeclarl ng the intention .\' ~fBozemanj Montane, to ore ate a Improvement of oonstructing Ave. from Lamme assess the. entire cost of making said improvements against the property within said. district, under authority of and in conformity with the provisions of . . !&'I.1b,,1Divis1:bn Eighty, Section 3259 j E6\'(isedCohs of t}J.e state of ~,ontana, 190.7, Ohapter 89 of the Laws .of the Thirteenth Legislative the state of. Menta!Ui ,approved Maroh 9, H"15. .1 BE .ITM$Q~VED; BY THE OITY OOUNOIL OF THE o ITY DF BOZEMAN, MOlITANA: That it ishlOreby deolared to be the intention of the Oity ,Counedl of the Oity o.f Bozeman, in the state of Montana, to create a special improvement distriot to Ge known and designated as "Special Improvement 146" of saidll Oi ty, for the purpose of making the improvements in ,special improvement district hereinafter described. Section 2. No. 172 are hereby defined andll described as fo11ow~: "All that portion of the said City of Bozeman ~'Ii!lelteis' and bounds, to-wi t: I .:aeginning at a point in.. the center the center line of Lamme .line,',of said W. Lamme ~t. to a A:fTe.. j and the each ,of s.aid lines; (chence line of Beall St.;. Thenoe west thecenter..line:of the: alley between s.outh a1. ong the ~, . _._..._.._u______. .. -- - -.. ---. .--- - .-. --- - .. --.-.- -. ---- The oonstruotion of Central Ave. Section 4. said work. and making the improvements in 172. as above desoribed, is assessed for the proposed improvem~nt~, exolusive ,of is 83353.2 square feet; and the~ ~ ; improvements to the property to be assessed therefor "- exoepting that Lot 1 and the east' 28 ft, of Lots 14 Third Addition and the Eaat 45t.ft'of Lote 1 to 12 Addition to be (or fraotions thereof,where neoessary), ~ . ." fund to beknown'as ""Bpeoiallmprovemen1;DistrictNo. shall be redeemable at the option of the said .Oity at funds to the oreditof redemption thereof. per annum. and suoh the payment of the first installment Vv.Iill be suoh first installment; that the' entire cost ments w:futllinbsaid distriot shall be defrayed entire district, each lot or paroel of land, within said for that part of the whole cost district. east Lots 1 to aotual ares; and shall b~ paid in years. Seotion 6. That Thursday. the 19th day of 0' 01 oak P. M., (the same being the next regular City of Bozeman. as the place, when and where the of Bozeman will hear and pass proposed work. or against the assessed, or both. _.n ..- 7. notice to each person, firm or corporation, firm or oorporation, having property within , his last known address upon the same Said notice shall be insubstantially NOT IC E. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at a regular the City of Bozeman, State of Montana, ust 1918, a Resolution was duly passed amID adopted by said City Cpuncil declaring its intention to create a special improvement district to be known ahd designated as Special Improvement District No. 172 of said City, for the purnose of constructing concrete walks and curbs on the west ~ide of North Central ~ve. from Lamme Street to villard Stree; and declaring it to " .., be the intent'ion of the said City Council to specially assess the entire cost and expense of makin~ suoh improvements against the entire disxriot, each lot or parcel of land within such district to be assessed for that part of the wp'ole cost which its area bears to the area of the entire distriot; exclusive of streets, avenues and alleys; excepting that the Lot 1 and the east 28 ft of Lots 14 45t ft. of Lots I to 12 Block 4 double their actual area. That the estimate of the total cost and menta 1s $1358.80; and the total area in the proposed imp~ovements is 83353.2 square square foot to the property within said Lot 1 and the east and the E. 4511,-:ft. of Lots 1 to assessed at double their aotual September 1918, at seven thirtr where said City CO'\1noil w1l1hear and pass ----- -- of the O'i ty of Eozeman. Dated at Bozeman.Mont~na. :t'assfid A'\lg. 22. BIB. A~proved Aug. 22, 1918. ~ttest$, C.. A ..Spieth Oi ty Clerk. i . " .