HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 903: Levying a Special Assessment of Taxes in SID No. 151 cost of said improvements and the method of assessing. the same against property within said district and the charaoter of the improvements. Whereas, said improvements as contemplated in said ReSolution No. established and installed and whereas, the coat for the maintenance of the same ,.\',; for the year sum of $23.00. THEREFORB BE ITRE60L VED BY THE CITY COUNC!Ii OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA: Se.ct ion 1- ~hat to defray the cost and e~ense of maintaining menta in said Special Improvement District No. 151 for the and ther~is hereby levied and assessed, a tax upon all the property in said S~ecial Improvement District No. 151, amounting to the sum of $23.00; tha t a desoription of each lot or parcel of land with the name of th:e owner and the '. . that the several sums set opposite the names of and parcels of land be, and the same are hereby upon and against. said desoribed lots and parcels of expense several sums'so parcels of land desoribed in said assessment list as payment of said the 30th day of November 1918, in the, manner and in accordance governing the collection of special improvement taxes; failure to assessments shall make said persons and paroels of land liable to penalties provid~d by law, relative to delinquen~ taxes. Section 2. That the City Council of said City o~ Bozeman, in the Oouncil Chamb~r in the City Hall ..... August. 1918, o'olock P. Counoil will -------.------- ----.-..-- _.qO~.. 'WHEREAS, the and of the said Oi ty was filed in the office the 1st day of August 1~18, and has ever subjeot to inspection and the said C'ity Clerk mv:iing ,~a;ssage arid fi'ling of .WeeklyCourier, '8 newspaper .tpe day set. for hearing all that the assessments should be made theabovs' entitled Resolution be and the i Bame hereby is , - fina'lly adopted and the special \assessments therein provided for be, and the same are hereby levied and assessed' accordingly. Finally passed by the .City Counci1 ~his 22nd day of August 1918. L. W. Trui tt . Attest: C. A. Spieth. City Clerk. . Section 3. authorized City of stating that a Resolution levyin~ a special assessment to defray the cost am expense of maintaining the improvements in said Special Improvement District Uo. 151 for the year 1918, is on file in his office I subject to inspection for five days; that said notice shall be heard by the City Councjj~ said notice shall be City Council for the hearing of6bjections and tion. Passed and adopted this 1st day Approved by the Mayor this 1st Attest: ; -~O3- inspection and the said pa~sage and filing of We~~ly Courier, a newspaper the ,day set for hearing all objections appearing to objeot or objecting or the assessments of saHli. Oi ty Oouncil that the assessnm:iJ:ts should be made e,s"in said Resolution provided; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the above entitled Resolution be and same the speoial assessments therein pro- vided hereby levied and assessed aooordingly. Finally passed by the 01 ty Council this 22nd day of August 1918. .: ' L. W. Truitt. Mayor. Attest: C. A. Spieth. Ci ty Clerk. -903- FOR MAINTENANCE Rate of assessment $0.0002068 !jame Lots Block Addi ti on 1. Cathering McDonnell 3.Cox's Rearrangement 13 Park 2. J,. J,.. Patterson 4 & 5 .. .. 13 .. 3. Mrs. Mattie Lillard 6 .. .. 13 .. 4. Stephen White 7 " .. 13 .. 6. Anna Van Camp 8 .. .. 13 .. 6. James P. Bole 9 " .. 13 " 7. J. M. Holderby E 40ft of 19-24 & t vaa.alley 16 " 8. Frank W. Eenepe Central 50ft 19-24 16 .. 9. Al bert Morgan W 75 it of 22-23-24 16 ..' 10. Alford Yergey, Tm,steeW .75 it of 19-20-21 " 16 ll. Mary F.<BullE 40ft of 13 to 18& t vec alley 12. John Hartman Central 50ft of 13 to 18 16 13. Alford Yergey, 'l'rustee' . W75ft of 13 to 18 "16 " J~lY 31, 1918. I hereby certify that the cost of - > --------