HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 902: Levying a Special Assessment of Taxes in SID No. 117 ::}"';::::: COUNCIL RESOLUrrION NO. 902. A Counoil Resolution levying a special assessIIlent of taxes upon all property in Speoial Improvement District tlo. 117 in the City 'Of Bozeman, Montana, to defray the cost and expense of the maintenanoe of the improvements installed and established under and by virtue of the Resolution oreating said dis'triOt, f or the ye arl918 · Resolution No. 711 being the Resolution of' Intenti6ntooreate Speoial Iffiprovemeni Distriot No. 117 is hereby r~fe:rred.io ~ri(tmadeapart hereof for 'I'.'" .. " ,"""" ,,', ," >''', , " ., '; '. " '",,' .'" ' : " " , : " ..-:, ,'" ':, ',:" ~ ':\" : " " ::,::-:' ':":."" )', ,',......,: ,\'...:' ,': ':, <: :' "'~ <,' ,,:', ',' further, partioulars in respeot to the boundaries ofsaiddist:d::'ct, the estima ted cost of said improvements and the method of assess:iing the same egainst the property within said distriot and the charaoter of the improvements. Whereas, said improvements as contemplated in said Resolution No. 711 were established and installed and whereas, the cost for the maintenanoe the same for ihe Y$~r'i91E3, is estimated at the sum of $62.56. , " 'T!1E1t~FORE BE IT RE~OLVEDBY THECITY COUNCIL OF ~HiCITY OF BOZEMAN " M9NTAIM: Section 1. That to defraY the oost and expense of maf:rltaining said improvements in said Speoial Improvement Distriot there be and there is hereby levied and assessed, a'tax in said SJ?(i!oialIinJ?rovement District No. 117, amounting to the that a descriptiOn of each lot orparoel oflandvr.ilth.t:Q.e name and thasum assessed against hlmfor such mainten~t1.oefor 8S is shown in the 8ssessmentlisthereto attaohed, ma.rked made a part hereof; that the several sums set opposite the owners anq. desori bed loots and parcels of land be, respectively levied and assessed upon and against paroelS of land to defray the oost and expense of the maintenance ofeaid improvements for the year 1918; and that the several sums slDiassessedbe oollected from therespeoti ve owners of said lots or parcelS of land in said 8ssessmentlist as required by law; that thep~:YIDent of said shall be made between the first Monday of OctoberUne ~ and the November 1918, in the manner and in aocordanoe with the law go)verningthe collection of speoial improvel)'lenttaxes; failureta pay l:1a~e'eaid.per~ons and parcels of land liablet6 the by l.aw ,re.1at1."le to delinquent taxes. Seo;;i9n2. That>.theCi ty Council sessionintheC'oii:r).ollOhamber in i",,::, ',:' ,",,','" I:::,' 15th day ofAu.gust191~,.at seven place the City 001:ln~ilWill Resolution. I'. . '"., ',","i""'" '."",.' ..,:,...' (J'\i'i!~j::~I;,';lifl'A(~:0J, i~~~'11::1C1(1)i~r "'iJ~;iv~;,;".'" "., .' " ....i,(., , , " :' """i;!':'/ ;S.' . ", ' '(,,; '. . . ...",'.....,.', ,. , " '. i :./.;., ','.,',' ;,,' ,,' ". .!,. ....;.......;":f'i. ,,':",'( ", ' . Ii, "'. i:';ii:::i:V,I:1i:,r; ''''i 'i , ,.../.,.; .' ""'" ,..!..'''.!!!, ' ". ..' :".'., '.' _9n.g:",". '.' " ,'!;" ,"";:" C ',' I ,", ..... , .S; '. ..... , ' ..... ,. ",','. Section 3. That theCi ty Olerklof the CiAty of Bozeman be, and he hereby. is a.llthorized and directed to publish at ,least onGt1e in a newspaper published '.' ;.;. " '! in the City of Bozeman, to-wit: The Weekly Courier, a notice signed by ths:' " , Ii City Clerk, stating that a Resolution levying a special assessm~nt -to defray :,; " ,.." the oost and eX1?ense of maintaining the improvements i~ said Sp~oial ImprovemenT::; Distriot No. 117 for the year :t.na, is on file in his ?ftioe, subjeot to inspeotion for five days; that said notice shall state the time and "place at ,; which objeotions will be heard by the Oit;1 CoUftdil to the final adoption of '" ....' ; this Resolution; that said notioe shall be published at,.ilieast five ,days before . . ," :1,' the date set by the City Counoil for the hearing of objeotions and final:,:;" adoption of this Resolution. .... ' P,assed and adopted this 1st day of August 1918.' , " ' . ) Approved by the ~ayor this 1st day of Aug:11Qt ln8..:,~> I ............... L. w. Truitt. Jd~YQr. i. Attest: .. ...... :', C.A. S"pieth. Oi ty Clerk .;: ,f:, ~ ~. \.", ':. , , '.' .... .", :i. ..,i;; I .::' :," . .... ..: ..... .1,.: . ". ....";: ,':: . '''''''',;:,;':,'.. "\,,,' '. , ,....... " '. ,..... ('. '. ," ""y,'. ,", ..', ..... ......T ' ." "i:' '".) , I, " ...."."'..,'"."..'.. :ii:.':', ," .', i . ".' : ", "": : ,:...::, ..,::..: ","., " .......;'..;i; ..;: , .... ';.,:;;;:"'. . .';" ,':.:',;;. ,"-:"." ...."."'. , ":""" " "'., '",., ....... , ... .... ': " ". ,,":' , '. ,.(:i:", :.:......".....,i.::i",.....,.......' :1 ,",.,. ,", """ .",:.. ," ........ i ;/' '.;'i..: ."".) ......,......::' ,.... ...............:. ,i...... ..;............,. ,':: ..'.......,.......,.. .,..,.,.,..... .". ..,.,....,.'. "::':t\:.\,,,.'" ..i . ". " ..,........ '.. :";!":""':':':'.',;.':, ,";" ~I!~ " "'''.'",;' . ":/: ;. :;"';'..,; ., .,< ""'i"',""!""''''': '. "".' . ':.i...;,.'.,....'...,; ,'"'' ':: " '..i.... "::"'!i .,; ;'..., '. " ...:,' . ,'.;:' ;. '. ,!'."":i,' . i..,.,i: :',.,., ill '.', ,"..' ,;.: ..., ,,,.. .. 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'.' "... "".' 'C" "'." :;",,:,i' . :',' ::) 'L ., '" .... ...., ....: ",' .........'.> .......,'. .... ....;':,', :,:ii . ." .. .' "':.: . . ":: :'...... :'.; ):.. , .' " ". -, . .... ....,.........., .... , , ..;. ':,": ,". "n': :;._'":i.;,,:,,. ."........ ...... ,.i..:...,.... ': ,,:' " I '..',' ." ',:;!>;:",,. .' ':' , (,:,.,:{, "":;.': .III~''':'''';'''\;';:,,,:,,,,,,: i/ , . \,." "".,: ;i" ;;."".: .:. ,";..;.:;::", ..,'.:,.....;,. ,". ." " " 41. :;,(. ',', .' <...i;"""" ,;:::,,,,;;::,,. :""'i:(ii"" .', ,'" :., ",:"', . - ----- --... Rate of assessment $0.0464. Name Lots B1 0 c,k Addition Frontage 1. School District No. 7 17 to, 25 ~ s 6ft of 26 10.81 2. Clark-Montana Realty Co. 18 to 34 19.82 3. H.. H. Howard 1 & 2 li'airview 2.78 4. MartinJ. Settle 3 & 4 " 2.78 6. ,Geo. W. Boby 5 & (I " 2.78 6. E. o. 'Holm' 7 &, N 15ft of 8 " 2.09 7. CoL Fred Brown 9 & S 16ft of 8 " 2.09 8. Nelson Story, Jr.10-14 & S 10ft of 15 " - 17.17 9. Nelson story, Jr. 1 Ald.Amdt. 2.24 . 62. 56 July 31, 1918. \ I hereby certify that the ~st of maintenance in Speoial I~provement I . ~ \ 'I [1 Dietriot No. 114, for .the season of 1918, is $64.66, and that. tp.e foregoing .. -'-I . 1s a full, true and oorrect list of all property within said \d~strict ~). Q,y sUbject to spe.c..ial ass.eesment on aocount of said maintenanoe. C. C. Widener. Citty Engineer. .- --.-- . .-- ... - --- .....-