HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 901: Levying a Special Assessment of Taxes in SID No. 114 -.. .--. - A C01U1Cil Resolution levying a speoial pr~perty in Speoial Improvement Distriot No. 114 in the Oity of Bozeman, Montana, to defray the cost and expense of the maintenance of the improvements installed and established under and by virtue of the Re.solution oreating said '. district, for the year 1918. ~esolution No. \708 being the Res.~lution \ \ "I' I Improvement District No. 114 is hereby referred for further partioulars in respect to the boundaries of said district, tbe estimated cost of said improvements and the method of assessing the same against the property within said distriot ani the charaoter of the improve- ments. Whereas, said improvements as contemplated in said Resolution No. 708 were established and installed and whereas, the cost for the maintenanoe of the same for the year 1918, is estimated at the sum of $60.20. THEREFORE BElT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA: Seotion l. That to defray the cost and expense of maintaining said improvements in said Speoial Improvement District No. 114 for the year 1918, there be and there is hereby levied and assessed, a tax upon all the property in said Speoial Improvement DistriotNo. that a description of eaoh lot or paroel is shown in the assessment list a part hereof; tha,t the several described l~ts and paroels of land be, and the same levied and assessed upon and against said described parcels of land payment of said and the manner and in accordance with the law governing the colleotion improvement taxes; fa~lure to pay such assessments shall paroels of land. liable to the same penal ties provided by delinquent in 15th day the City Council will hear objections to the . .. -- --.-..- ..- --- .-- - .-- -- -- ...-- Seotion 3. That the ia cost and expense of maintaining the Distriot No. 114 for the year i918, inspection for five days; that said which objections will be heard by this Resolution; that said notioe the date set by the City Counoil adoption of this Resolution. Passed and adopted this 1st day of August 1918. Approved by the Mayor this 1st day Mayor. ". h \ :\' A t,test: C. A. Spie'th. 01 ty Olerk. :,'-,'. ''-'.' 0 ,< " " .i' ,-- '\ '- ( < r (, ...",,, ;'.1' -901- WHEREAS, the above entitled Resolution signed by too. Mayor and City Clerk of the said O{ ty was filed in the offiee of th,e said Clerk of said Oi ty on the 1st day of August 1918, and has ever sinee beenonfi1e in saidoffiee, subjeot to inspeotion and the said Oi ty Clerk hav.ilng give!lnot1oe of the passage and filing of said Resolution, by publishing said not~ce in The Weekly Coilrier, a newspaper published in said City ,at l.~m$t:five days 'before the day set for hearing all objections to .the final adoption ofS';lid~esolution as herein desoribed, and the City Council having been in session-pursuant to a,t the time so fixed for hearing objections to the final adoption of said :a~,solution and the time so :fixed having already passed and ,'expired;- ,and no , ' , , owner 0 f property wi thin saidSpeoial Improvement Dist'riot,.orother person " ,,'~ ,," \' I' " I;!ppearing to object or objeoting to the adoption ofsa:!.dResol\1.ttonorthe assessments of said Oi tyCounoll that the assessments should be made as in said Resolution provided; THER~FORE BE ITRESOrNED, that the above entitled Resolution be and the ,hel'eby is, finally adopted and the speoial assessments therein provided the sazn,ea1'8 hereby levied and assessedacoordi:cg;J.y. FinaLLy passed. ~ythe Ci,ty Counoil thi,s 22nddsy of August}91S. L. w. Attest: C. A. Sp i e th . City Clerk . Rate of assessment $0.0647 per frO!nt foot. Name Lot s . 1. g. W. Hagen 11 & 12 10' Butte 2. Eugene F. .l3unker 6 to 10 10 ,n 3. $1. c. Snow " 4 & 5 10 n 4. C. W. Swee,.t 1-2-3 10 " 5. F. W.' MoKay 10-11-12 5 6. Clara Hines 7-8-9 5 " 7. w. P. TOdd 5 &6 5 ,. 8. Nelson Story Jr. 3 & 4 5 " 9. ~dith M. Ramsey 1 & 2 5 " 10 .M.rs. J., T. Freeman 12 & 13 4 " 11. Eliza Stevens 10 & 11 4 " 12. O. H. Rodgers 8 & 9 4 " 13. John L. Olsen 6 & 7 4 " 14.G~o.W.. Nieb$l 4 & 5 4 " 15. Matt Niebel 1-2-3 4 IT n i I L.J July 31, 1918. I hereby: oertify that the oost of maintenanoe ;In Speo;lal Improvement Distriot No. 114, for the season of 1918, is $60.20-~ and th,at the foregoing is a full, true and oorreot l;lst of all propertyiwithin said distriot subjeot to speoial assessment on aaoount of said maintenanoe. C. O. Widener. City Engineer. ____.__m___.________.________ ___________.___._