HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 900: Levying a Special Assessment of Taxes in SID No. 107 COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. A Oquncil property in Special Improvement MO;ntf,:lna, to defray the cost and and established under for the year 1918. Resollltion No. 653 being the Resoluti.on of Intention ., .fU7".Jhher e.stirw ted cost of said improvements and the property within said district and Whereas, said improvements as contemplated in said Resollltion No. were established and installed and whereas, the cost for the maintenance of the same for the year 1918, is estima ted at the sum of $131.25. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA: Section L That to defray the cost and expense of maintaining said improvements in said Speoial Improvement District No. 107 for the year 1918, there be and there .is hereby levied and assessed, a tax i in said Special Improvement ~istrict No. 107, amounting to 'the sum ~ that a descripti on of eaoh lot or parce;).. of Umd wi th the name J and the sum assessed against him for such maintenance for is shown in the assessment list hereto attached, marked "Exhibit part hereof; that the several sums set opposite the names of the owners described lots and parcels of land be, and the same levied and assessed upon and against said described lots and parcels of defray the cost and expense of the maintenance of said improvements for 1918; and that the several 6ums so assessed be collected from the respective owners of said lots or parcels of land described in said assessment list requ. ired by law; that the payment of said sums shall be mad.e between the Monday of October 1918, and.the 30th day in accordance with the law land -900- f-! -i, Seotion 3. That the City Clerk of th,E!"City of Bozeman be, and he hereby is authorized and directed to publish at leastonoe in a newspaper published in the Oi ty of Bozeman , to-wit: The Weekly Courier, a notice signed by the City Clerk, stating that a Resolution levying a special ass'essment to defray the cost end expense of maintaining the improvements in said Special Improve- mentDistrict No. 107 for the year 1918, is onf-Ue in his office, subject to inspection foIl five days; that said notice shaTlstate the time and plaoe at whichobjeotions win be hBard'by the,Ci ty C'o1incilto the fina1a<loption : ' ,,:" !" ,':.:. " ""',, ::."" ,"," ,: ",," ",,', ::,,' "" "" "" '" ': '::" "" "" ,,: '" ':. :,,1.:" "I..: ,,~,':,'.:" , ' "" ,," ",," :..' ,:" "":"",,,,' o;t'this Resolution; that saidnotioe shall be published at leastXfive days before'the date Bet bytheCityCoUnc11 for the hearing o:f ob'j'~:s:e:Fons and fina adoption of this Resolut ion. Passed a:rull adopted this 1st day of Jl.ugust 1918. Approved by the Mayor this 1st day of August 1918. Trui tt. Mayor. :', ': ' ":,,~,, : .~ ',,'(~"'," :'''''~:,''': "::':,,,' ..,'",,:-' , : C. ;.. Spieth.' Oi tyo1~tk;. ~:; !) ~ ij I :'1 '-..j ! -900- WHEREAS, the above enti t.led Resolutio:nsigIled by the Mayo:!! and City of the saiiiI City was filed in the Offi()~()fthes~id Clerk of said Oi ty on the 1st day of August 1918, and has eVer s:iince been on file; in .said office, subject to inspection and theaaidCity Clerk h:1 ving given rtotice of the paSsage and filing of said Re'solution, by publishing said notice in The Weekly Courier, a newspaper published in said Gtty, ai; least ii vedays before the day set for hearing all objections to the final ~doption.of said It.esolution as herein described, and the 9ityOouncil having ,;.,,~ ,\ " ,'::: :" :",:' ,.b.een in session pU2!.suant to and at the.t:Lrne SO f.ixed ..tpt' ]:1ear1:Qg;'qbj/;!;oti_ons 1::..1:.:' ", r t~';the final adoption of said Resolutiortand the time s.o. fixe;dhavi~g,alreadY and expired, and no owner of property. within said >;Ipec:l1al Improvement D:Lstrict, or other person appearing to object or obj ecting totheadop.tion of said Resolution or the assessments of.said City Council that the assessments should be made as in said Resolution provided; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the above entitled Resolution be and ~ame hereby is, finally adopted and thespeoial improvements therein for be, and the same are hereby Ie:;v:4;e.dand assessed aooordi:Qgly. Finally passed by the City Council this !2:ma !lay of August 1918. L. W. Truitt. Mayor. .Attest: C. A. Spieth. City Clerk. ASSESSMEHT LIS T AGAINSTSPECur.I~;~~~T",;~~SWRr,e:Ti'NO. FOR MAINT1!)NANOE OF PAR:KiTJtGSf.' l'918~,;f> . . Total Tax ' ..' :', ~,~ ",; /;. .,' , Rate of assessment $0.05823 per front foot. ino]ud.}ng 6~aoor*ed ltltereat to Nov:.30 Name Lots BI0ok.Add1tion Frontage l'i!18 1. Henrietta Roae 11 F 9.72 2. J. A.Bartholemew 10 iF: 'i!~72 3~ John A. Luoe ,estate. S 57ft,of(11-14 &J\i17'of 10') " 7..34 4~ Ohris Wentler W 4ft of7 ,8Qa: .El17ft}.of'9.'. 2.68 5. J.. A. Barth,olemew .EI. 30ft 0 f 7.A B< 80ft:.ofFrao:.'lfL"ot"IA< Guy.'s ~;p.d. f ,i.. &;ij,P . Frac'l 10 t between Hoffman's' .and. Guy' a 2nd: . .' 8$.4 6. JuatinM'~ Smith I':,;", ....<,34 'j;E Hof:fJnani"Sc '.,l~'" 9"~72 7 . J.A.Bartho1emew W47.5 ft of 1 ]I " .. 4'7.6 2.77 8. :M:rs.Etta Beck E 1l9.erftOf 1 '.EI 1'J,:J,1iJ.5 Q.96 'i) .],1..1.0'Conne11 . . .5-6-7,,8 B" l09 p~3p 10 . JolinA. Luoe', estate 1-2..3-4 B. I.' 'iQI~ 6~35' 11- M.erettaNev:es 840.25ft oft Acre Lot 8 Guy's 2nd p.8.8 ~...92 12. Louis'O. Lorin W.75.ft of t Acre Lot 7 ",llcpr 4.;37 13. Raohe1 M. Lindle.y estate E <<3.8 of 7 & W 33ft of 6" 76.8 4"47 14. Aschalianchor 60ft E of W 33ftof",;'6... ." iifijt:1:,. 3..t)O 15. R~?h,e1~'!J:l.ndleyestate .5,J!f,2S.S of G.&: W 51.4 ofe .II ..' '. .l~p 11.41 16. Harriett,A.}iKyle 100 :ft.Nendoftractbetween:Bk lJ.H<;>ffaal\:'!3'in,) and 2 A()re Lot l,Guy' s 2ndiand 100 ft .N . . end...,.ofpor.t:l1,on ..o:ff: 2AlJre:~,ot, 1. Guy's 2nd".": '........ west of Ga 11 at:l.n Valley Ry~'Hight of Way.. 57.3 17. HSl'rietA. '.'!{yle,',i,N,,:tO'0:f't ..of . 'pertionio::f '. 2 Aare Lot 1 "of.} Guy's 2nd,. Add' n east of (,}al1etin Valle,y Ra.ilw&y .'Rd.gbiti'f'I;')(f':Way . . ,~gt.41 18. Gall aUn Valley Hy..O<;>. N 100 ft of R. ofW. in 2 . ". .... ......' ;i,,:.'Aore .Lot 1 Guy's2nd;"np!l1 3.32 19. Sallie A,. Bragg 110 x 100 in NWcor of Lot E 11 110' ',' 6.40 20. Roy B.Hart:N lOOft.ofK 9~.930fLot E. " 94.93:'5f53 21. Raohel M.Lindley estate N 100ft of W 16,5.36 of Lot D It Ui5.36'9~62 2~~~Q~'J:3,~.,26 ':-"".' 1":':; July 31, 1918. ~ ' ) " , , , I hereby certify that the cost of mainten~nce inSpe()lal '.Distriot No. 107, for the season of 1918, is $131.1215:' and that the. fare- going is a full, true and correot list of all property within aaitl4iatriot subject to speo1al assessment on aocount of said maintenanoe. C. C. ~iU:ener. CityI;ng'j.:p.eer. . - - --- -------- .-.......-...--...---