HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 899: Levying a Special Assessment of Taxes in SID No. 90 . ,- ,- OOUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 899. A Counoil Resolution ~evying a speoial aSJlessment of taxes upon all in Speoi,al. Improvement Distriot No. 90 in the Oity of Bozeman, to defray the oost and expense of the maintenanoe of the improve- , ments installed and established under and by virtue of the Resolution oreat- ~,'~;f"\ I ;:,:,L,< ~~ . ";": t , ... ing aaid dis:triot.. for theye:ar 1918. ".L J" G:L,'Cr ;~~":I' ,'L}I'):";~' ....':, ',', :\::'" ':'" ': :/,': ;,!... ',::<,:"" ~ , "i,"\ Res.olution No. 626 being the Resolution of Intoo.tion to create Speoial Improye1J1ent lJistrict No. 90 is hereby referred to and made a part hereof far I ,t r'I:: /}, .,::; ,', further particulars in respect to the boundaries of sa:J;~ district! the estimated cost of said improvements and the method of assessing the same against the property within said distriot and the oharaoter of the improve- ments. Where~~. said irn!,'rovements as contemplated in said Resolution No. G26 " 1)1,'. were established and installed and whereas, the cost for the maintenance of the same for the year 1918, is estimated at the surnet: $33.10. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY TJ:llil CITY COUNOIL QIj' THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA: Seotion 1. That to defray the cost and expense of maintaining said improvements in .said Special Improvement District No. 626 for the ;ve ar 1918, there b'e and there is hereby levied and assessed, a tax upon all the property in said Speoial Improvement llistriot No. 90, amounting to the sum mr $33.10; that a description of each lot or parcel of land wi th the name of the owner and the sum assessed agains t him for such maintenance for the year 1918, is as is shown in the assessment list hereto attaohed, marked "Exhibit A" and made a part hereof; that the several sums set opposite the names of the owners and described lots and parcels of land be, and the same are hereby respectively levied and assessed upon and against said described lots and paroels of land to defray the cost and expense of the. maintenance of said improvements for the year 1918; and that the several SUrnS so assessed be collected from the respective owners of said lots or paroelS of land de- scribed in said assessment list as required by law; that the payment of said sums shall be made between the first Monday of Vctober1918, and the 30th day of November 1918, in the manner and in accordance with the law govern- 1ng the colleotion 9f special Improvement ments shall make sa.:I.dpers ons and parcels provided by law,re.1at.;yetodelinquent taxes. Seotion 2. That.theOityOounoil ofea idO:t.ty session in the (}ounc;tl Ohamber in the City Hall 16th day seven thirty 0 'clockP.M. ,at wh1qhtime the City -8SJ9- Section 3. hereby is authorized and directed published in the City o~ Bozeman, by the City Clerk, stating that a Resolution leVying a speoial assessment to defray the cost and expense of maintaining the improvements in said Special Improvements District No. 90 for the year lSJ18, is on file in his office, subject to inspeotion for five days;that said notioe shall state the time an4 plaoe at which objeotions will be adoption of this Resolution; that five days before the date set by the City ~\ ;J' : ~ '~',~ and final adoption of this Resolution. (.1 ,.' " Passed and adopted .this 1st day of August 1918. , I ~','f!'~'~L~i 4pproved by the Mayor this 1st day : 1, ,~' ~ \ .: ~ -899- the above errotitled:Resolution signed by the Mfiyor and City Clerk of the said City was filed in the offioe of said , , on the 1st day of August 1918, and has ever since been offioe, subjeot to ins~eotion and O;f" the ~assage and filing of said in. The days before, the of Resolution as he!ein desoribed, and the .,~ :f~~l adoption of said 'Res@lution and the time so and expires, and no owner of property within said or other pers~n appearing to bbject or objeoting to the adoption of said assessments of said City Council that the assessments , I' in said ResQlution provided; , i: ~; . THERE1!'ORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the above entitled ReSQ,lution be and hereby is, finally adopted and the speoial assessments therein for be; and the same are hereby levied and assessed acoordingly. Finally passed by the City Council this 22nd day of August191S. L. W. Truitt. Mayor. Aittest: C. A. Spieth. City Clerk. n_____ -899- - ASSESSMENT LIST AGAINST SP:E;CI..AJIi, 90, OF PAREINGS. 19J.8. Rate of assessment $0.03543. Name Lots :6iLook, : 1- James P. BOle 7 to 11 2. Albert Sch1eoten 12 & 13 3. Montana, Ranohes Co. 4. Mary AM erson 5. Ge~. P. Dier ' 8. E. w. Radford 7. O. E. : L on g 8. C. H. Patterson ~. Ooiia lIhAlward 10. Montana Ranches 11. ,Gall,at:i:n Oounty .----