HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 915: Levying of taxes in SID No. 167 -..-- .....--- r:; OOUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 915 AOOUNCIL RESOLUTION LEVYJ;NG i\ND ASSE::'SING A SPEC- IAL' ASSESSMENT OlP TJ\XES UPON ALL 'PEE PROPERTY IN SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 167 IN THE CITY OF EOZElViAN, COUNTY OF GA.1LATTIT, S1'A~'E OF MDNTANl, TO DEFRAY THE COSTOFCONSTRUCTlliG AND MAKING THE IMPROVEMENTS WITHUJS.AID SPEC'IALIMPROVEMENT DIS- TRICT NO. 167. VlHEREAS, the City Council of theOity of Eozoman dill on the 6th day of June, 1918, duly and reg:lilarly pass Conncil Resolution No. 865 declaring'7zito be the intention of said City Council to create Special Improvement Dist.t'ic t No. 167 for' the ptU"POS8; of construc tiDg a Sanitary " Sewer in the alley between Main Street and Babcoc1t Street , from Eig.hth Avenue, to Ninth Avenue in the Ci t;y of Bozeman, State of Monta:aa, and thereafter, after Jue and legal proceedings had, the saia Oity Council l1i d on the 5t{1 day of July, 1918, dUly and regularly pass GOlmoil Res- olution 1'{O.869 cree,ting said Special Improvement District No. 167 of said City of Bozeman. state of Montana, for the pllrpose mfconstruoting the irop,fovements He herein set forth. which OouncUResollltion lifo. 865 and No, 869 pas,$ed as am'oresaid are hereby referred to and 111.9..de a part of this resolution for further particulars in respect to the boundaries of said District, the character of the improvemen ts. to be constructed there'in, the estimated cost of said 'improvement(3 ana themethod of assess- il1g the cost against the property wi thin said Districtj AND WHE:REAP, said improvemerts as, contcewplated in said Council Resolutions No. 865 and No., 869 have been constructed and com- pleted in aCcordance with the terms and cona it io-nlB of Council Resoluyions ,No.,865 and No. 869 and the todJ.;al cost ofS~id ;improvements ~30 construct- sum of Six Hundred Fifty-one and 86(100 Dol1srrs (~~651..B6)) Now The"e forel.:pur~Hmant to the provisions of Chapter 89, I Montana, 13t4 Sess.~oJ:1 1913, as amended by Ohapter 1~:l2, I~~vvso# ,! Montana', 14th Session 1915 . BE IT RESOLV.ED AIID HillS HEREBY ORDERED BY THE CITY COUNGIK OF THE aULYOF BOZEMAN, STATE OF MONTANJ).: Soction 1. Tha" to defrhy the cost Bnd expense and making the improvements in said Special Improv\,!men t Dis- be, ew'i' there is hereb y levieC1andassessed B ta.x arno~~ting to the sum 0 f Six Hnndre d 1!'ifty-one and 86 !lOODollars, , ,I..)" " ($65l.8,6Jnpon~1 the property in saidSpecia.l I nrprov erne)1t District ' ' '," ': r"" ,," ".': :,'::-i-.:;",': ": ",," -:.,:... ..,!:~ '" .::'~',,, : ,< ,: ";..;. .:: ' :"" . ,',' :, , ,"';' "" ;, ' .: ' ". , ,,: ,," ;: ,~ :No. I6~j that a ~ticular description of each lot and ]pUcle of land . , wi th t11,8 ng~ of t~:~ owner and the sum aSSessed a{3'l'Idnst him or Hfor . , such im.:j1)roveJ):nsnts ~md the amoDnt of each partial payment to be made und, --.... --". ---- ----..". I 9 , '"~ . the day when the same Dhilill bocome iie11nqnent is set forth in detail in the I I assessment list hereto attached, marked Schedule ITAIT afid IT\!;1de a .part hereof; I i that the several sums set opposite the names of the owners end the described I lots and parcel S of land, be, and the same are horerJY levied a1':1I1 i1SSef3fJOt1 upon ! I antI aga1nstsaid ClescribeCl lots and parcels {)f IGnd to tlefr!1Y the cost anc1 I I expense of cOl'wtrncting 8nu making sEdd imprOVeJ'1GDts wi thin said District; I i that the several sums so asselo'sed be collected frO}ll tho. respective O'li'ffiers of ! said 10tsEI-nil parcels of lanade:EOribed in saitl 8ssessment list Scrhedule ITA" as required by law; th'" t the 1l<1YTI'e,..,t .0'(' "aid "UTI1S "halJ be n"(l e in Three OJ) ..'0::;.. . ' .c...~. .- .". ...L 0 )0.) ',~~ I.:;) ~." l(.... ,'. _ , , "', instal1ements and the,. payment of aaia. insrbaHments shall extenlft over a pex'iod of 'D.:hre:e (3) years; thSi:t the payment of the respective annual insta1:1emnts shall he made between the 1st l\ionday in October a:nd the thirtieth day of N'Q'v- embel'of each year until payment ,of 0..;1.1 the, installments, tagether With: the interest .thereon, shall have lJeen mar1e; tha t saHi sums shall. be:pa~.a ~m(l the colleotinn thereof 8h1O\11 be 1TIar1e, "In the manner am1 in accardance with the law gaverning the collection of Special Improvement Tm:es; that failure to pay stlch installments 'when the same shall become due and payabJ.eshall make Dueh persons and parcels of land lia"l;le to. the IJenalties pr.ovided hy la.w rela+ive todelinguent taxes j Section 2. That the regu,lar session of the CityOpunci1 of the catyof Bozeman to be held in th(:J Col.mci1 Chamher in the City Ha=t:tiof sa;idCi;!ty on the 6th day ofMarch,~,1I:9l9,at 7:30 olclock,P. M. be, andt he same is here- hy desie;nated as the time and place,. at which ob,jections to theI',inal andadO'ption of this .Resolutionwill lJe heard by the said Oity'Council; Section 3. That the City Clerk of the Otty. of Bozernan"he , and he is hereby orclered and oLllrected to publish in the Weekly Courier, a weeltly newSJ'paperprinted and published in tho said City of Bozeman, a notice signed by the Cd.ty Clerk and stating that a Resolution levying. a s~ecial assess:men;jt of texes to defray the coat nnd expense of constructing andm8k.J.:ng the improve- ments in the said Special Improvement Distri,,::t No. 16'7 is on file in the office of the City Clerk sub.ject to inspection for a :perioc1 })f five ( 5 ) d eys; that Gaia notice sha11 stnte the time ant'lplace at which ob.jectiosn will be heard by the City CouncIl to the final adoption of this Res01ution~ that itsh,ll " ' ~, . ~ , "\ be pnhlisheCl at least :five ( 5) days before th8(1[O'LtO set lJY theOi ty Conneil for the hearing.of ob.jections ~iJit:he final adoption of this Resolution. l's,,,lsell ant] adopted, by' the City Council of tho Oityof Bozem.an, at 11 regular session thereof, held on th'8 6th dayof February, HT9. , Approved by the Mayor th is 6th day 0 I' Febru82'Y. 1919; Attest: L. W. Truitt Mayor n C. A.SEieth !" " , ,,1 , ',I City lerk L._J ASSESSIIENT LIST AGA.lnST SPECIALnfPROYEtIF'.J~'I' mSTRICT NO. 16'7 dFOR-;'HE COFSTHU'C'nor.j OF A SAlH'I'ARYrER nr T~ .ULEY BETWEEN MA.IN ST. AUD BABCOCK STREET1 FitOM NInTH AVE. TO EIGHTH A Vi:. ~st P . 6 f d . .?nr., Brd Add. &J!o interest on 1 Pymen t accr.f;~rmefit Payment deferred payments fa one Rate of assessmentper front foot 11.2343 on Principal,.i ;.j 1:peli.p't.IntQto WJ::in't. Djlin't Iyear from date when st It .." n!!.. 0.08842"' Ijjterest~]!OY. 50 Jan.. Hg~. zE'V~'p~""',ent w'Cs due. . H. M. stewart 1.2 & 13 62.. 6'7 4.42 20.89 20.89 ,I ! F. M. Lillard 14 & 15 , " 50 b2.67' 2.0.89 4.42 20.89 20.89 ; I ,j I R. F. Pecina 1 &"2 G " 60 75.22 25.08 5.31 25.07 25.07 I i j \Val ter P. Story 3-4-5 G " 919 112.82 37..130 7.95 3'7 . 61 57.61 Wnlter P Story 2&.23-2~ -G n 90 112.82 3'7.60 7.95 3'7 . 61 37.61 Eva Mae Onslow ?5 & 115 G " 60 75.22 25 .08 5.31 25.07 25.07 if"a1 ter Co 11 ins 60 x 131 E. 'of Lot 1 G " 60 75.22 25.08 .5..'51 25.07 25.07 25.07 . F. M. Lillard 60 x 131 E. pf Lot 26 G n, 60 '7 5 . 22 25.08 5.31 25.07 $651.86. 21'..7.30 45.98 217.28 217.28 " Noy. 15, 1918. I hereby certify that the improvements in SpeciAl Impro'VwJen t Dis tric t no. 167 haye beencp'Tlp1e ted in ac c.or danc e wi th the res- olution creating said district and with the plans lind specifications governing said work; that the cost of sme is $651.86, all of which is assessable against the abutting property, and that the foregoing is ~ full, true andc orrect list of a 11 property wi thin said dis- 0 trict suhject to special assessments on accoun t of said improve':lents. ~ C. C. Widener . Ci tyEngineer , .~ t .~ .",