HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 914: Levying of taxes in SID No. 166 COUNCIL RESOLUTI::N NO. 914. A OOUNCIL RESOLUTION L~VYING AND ASSESSING A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT :;1<" TAXES upon ALL THE PROPERTY IN SEECIAL nLPROVEL,ENT DISTRICT Nq. 166 IN THE OITY OF BOZEI/il.N, < COUN~ry OF GJHJLATIN, STi,rrE OJi' M01TT.I!NA, TO DEFRAY THE COST OJi' OONSTRUOTTIW AND II'lAKIl'W THE IMfROVET,1ENTS WH.'EHT SIIID SPECIAL Il\Il'ROVW/[ENT I\I S1:RICT NO, 166. WIJEREAS , the City Oouncil of the C~ty of Bozeman, aid on the 6th day of Jw,e, 1918, duly and regularly pass Counoil Resolution No. 866' deloaring it to be the intention of said CHy Council to create SpeC!- ial Improvement District No. l6p for. the purpose of constructing a Sani tary Sevier in and along the entire north and south alley in Blocks 3, 10 and 19, and in apd along the ontire east and .west alley in :'Blonk 19 in Park Addition in the City of Bozeman, state of Montana, and there- after, after due and legal proceGJings had, the BaH! City Oouncil did on the 6th day 'of July, 1918. duly pass Oouncil Resolutidn No. 8'70 creating said Special Impro'V,ement District No. -166 of sairit City of Bozeman, state of Montana~ for the purpose of eonstrncting the improver~nts as herein ,set forth, which Council Resolutions No. 866 and Ho. 8'70 passed as afor~ said are hereby referred to and made a part of this l:Zeso lution fO.r furt- her particulars in respect to the boundaries of said District, the char..;. aoter of the .' improvement s to be construotea therein, the estimated cost of o,8ia iml')rove:~0nts ana the method of assesfJing the cost against the 'prop;erty within sai a Distri.CJt. AND WHERE1~S, said improvements as Oouncil ~esolutions No. 866 and No. 8'70 , ,. (. plated in accora~ce- with the terma and No. 866 and No. 8'70 and the total cost of said improvements ed is the Sl1lll of Nineteen Hu.nared Seventy-three p.nd 52/100 Dollars, , , ' ($1,97,3.52) / Npw therefore, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 89, Laws of Montana, 13th Session JIIlonh.\l1a , 14th Sessionl 1915/ , BE IT RESOLVED MID H' TIS HEREBY ORDERED BY THE CITY COUN- CIL 0]' TH CITY OF BOZEMAN" STATE OF. MONTA~A: Section 1- ~:hat to defr',y the cost anc1 expense of construct ine: ahd making th e s81d improvements in siid Special Improvement Dist~ rict No. 166 there be, 0.11(1 the re is hereby, levied and a8s68881 a tax smonnting to the sum of Nineteen I-Iundre d Seventy-three ant1 52/100 Dol- lars, (~~l , '73.52) u:Don all the ~'~roperty District No. 166, th!1 t a particnlar uescription of each lot an'a p!:J.roel of land with the mamo of tho Oil ner and the sum a8S0E~sea against him such imprOVOhonts and the amount of each partial payment to be waGe and the day when the sn1110 :shall become delinqltenf is set_Cforth in (Jetail in the assess- ment list hereto attached, Inarker) Schedule "A" and made a part hereof, thc,:1: the several sums 8et opposite the names of the ovvners and the described 10t:3 and parcels of land, be,aXl[1. thesamois herelJY respectively levjea 311G ,assessed "llpOnani2lagainstsaid described Iota:. anilparcehJof laniBI todefr:aythecos t and expense of constructing ana maJringSEiid improvements wi.thin saia District; thct the severaJ. sums so.ac",gesseiL1Jo collectedfl"bm the res}J8cti.veowners of said lots ana 1y-"rcels of land deseri bed in said assessmEmt list,Scheaule "AI! as reqnireu by law; that the payn:el'1t of said Sllmsshall be made in ]\onr (~J. installements ana the payme:nt of siSda installments shall extend ov~r a period of Four (4) years;that'the. payment of the respective annual ins,tallmen ts B ~',::,,( , ',,"', shall he ma.o.e between the 1st l\:Iomlay in octo,ber and the 30th day of November, ofeech year until payment of all- the installments, together wi'\:,J'l the interest thereon, shall have "been made ;tnat sa tel sums shall 'bepaiu and thece 118ction thereof shall 1)8 made in ct!he manner and in accoraance wi.ththe law gOverning the collection of Special Improvement ~i:axes; that fDiluN) to pay such mssess;:"- menta when the senne EJhalJ. boc omo due ani'l payalJle nha11 make such persons anil saia lots onG paroels of land linble to the penalties providod.bylaw relative to delinqu.ent taxes; Section 2. That the regular 'eel:~sion of the OityCou.no~.loJ!i' the City of Bozeman to be heH. on the Council Chamber in the City Hall of said City on the 6th day ~fMarch, 1919, at 7:30 o'clock, P.' 1'vI. be, and the same is hereby desllgnated as the time and place, at which objections to the final adoption of 1:h is Reso 1ntio11 will 1) e heard by the s0i d Oi ty Co11.ncil; ~ I,:',',"i' Section 3. That the City Clerk of the 01 ty of Bo zeman, lJ$, ay.ul he <'".',t ~ 'j': '~.j is hereby ordered Bna airected to p11.blish in the Weekly Coutier, a., weekly news- paper printed and published in the said City of Bozema , a notice signed by the City CIerI;: ant':\ iJtating th:'.t a Resolution levying '8 special assessment of taxes to fesra.y the cost an a e::JJense of C onstrnc;ti:n,g and :rnald.ng the irl1provements in the saia Special Improvement Dis trie t No. 166, is on file , in the office of the 01 ty Clork i3Ul)ject to 1hspection for a period of f~ve (fj) da~/.s ; that so.idnot1co shall state the time anti place wi11 be heard by the Cllity Counc 11 to the , that it shall "be pllblishea at least.five City Council for the hearing of o.....jec.tions and the oluti.on. ~, , .... ..--.- --- ..-.... ---.-----. .- Passed and ado:f?ted l::>3T theCi~y Council of the City of Bozemna, at i;] regular session thereof, held on this 6th day of Ji'el::>r\wry., 1919, Approve(1 by the Mayor, this 6th (jay of February, 1919. L. W. Truitt mayor ( ~)E.AL) .A ttewt: C.. .:A.. Spieth City Clerk . . ". -----.. ASSESSHEUTLIST _t\GUnST SPECIAL nPRO~T DIS'I'::1ICT NO. 166 FOR "'13": Cm::-STRUCTIor; or A Sft-NIT"'ay SEWER IN TH? ALf,EYS IN BLOCKS 3, 10 and 19 OF ~^RK ADDImIor. 6'1, .. RIi te ofassessIIIllnt on Principal 10..{jl035. per Srt. f6ot. 1st 2nd 3:td. 4th one year 0 n n It It Interest 0.000726" ~ It . Payment acar'd. P,;yment Payment P?yment fe:r.red pa delin' t. Int. to del in I t.Delin' t. Lelin ft. ma ining u Nov. Jan. Nov. Nov. Nov. date when Total 30. 1 30 30 30 ~stallment N a.me Lots Block Addition Ake.a Tax 1919 1920 1820 1921 U922 G. R. Whitaker 12-13-14 3 Park 11250 116.43 29.10 8.07 29.n 29.11 29.11 Mrs. Mary Vetter 15 & Nt of 16 3 It 5625 58.21 14 .56 4.05 14.55 14.55 14.55 Geo J. strong 1'7 & Sipf 16 3 It 5625 58.21 14.56 4.05 14.55 14.55 14.55 1ITs. A. J. Svorkmoe 22 & 23 3 " 7500 77.62 19.42 5.46 19.40 19.40 19.40 Jas Todd 20&21 - :3 .. 7500 77.62 19.42 5.46 19.40 19.40 19.40 Josephine Widdicombe 18 & 19 :3 n 7500 77.62 19.42 5.46 19.40 19.40. 19.40 1I1argaret A. Heeb 1- 2-3-4 10 .. 12402.5 128.36 32.09 9.02 32.09 32.09 32.09 Clara Monroe 5 & 6 10 n 6201. 25 64.17 16.05 4.52 16.04 16.04 16.04 MaryK. Robertson 7 & 8 10 " 6201.25 64.17 1~.05 4.52 16.04 16.04 16 . 04 Mrs. W. S. Bole 9-10-11-12 10 .. 12402.5 128.36 32.09 9.02 32.09 32.09 32.09 F. IJlgram '13 & 14 10 .. 6207.08 64.23 16.05 4.52 16.06 16.06 16.06 E.Moser 15 & 16 10 " 6207.08 64.23 16.05 4.52 16 .06 16.06 16.06 11'l & 18 10 n 62011 .08 64. 23 16.05 4.52 16.06 16.06 16.06 19 &20 . 10 " 6207.08 64.23 16.05 4.52 16.ID6 16.06. 16.06 21.....82-23-84 10 1" 12414.18 128.47 :';8.11 9.02 32.12 32.12 32 .12 19 n 12500 129.36 32.34 9.08 32.34 32. 34 32.34 19 " 6250 64.68 16.17 4.55 16.17 16 . 17 16.17 . fa E~ C~:J -,"- - I I . I ) m ,~ , J~~:I.,~' Na.me Lots B10ak >,'Ad.di tion ~~>;'i, 1919 1920 1922- v: A. G. Berthot !1" 125 ft of '7- 8- 9 19 Park 8750 90.56 22.64 6.3Q 22.54 22..64 22.64 A. G. Berthot .. .. .. .. 10-11 & E 10ft 01'12 19 " '7500 '7'7..62 19.42 5.46 19.40 19.40 19.40 J. D. Werling " " or .. 13-14& W 15ft of 12 19 " J 8125 84.08 21.02 5.90 21. 02 21. 02 21.02 ~ C. S. Dearborn It ft or n 15-16- 1 '7 . -19 . n 93'75 97..<02 24. 2'7 6~80 24.25' 24.25 24.2f? Robt. L. Todd 18 &19 19 " 6250 64.68 16.1'7 iI .55 ,16.1'7 m6.1 '7 16.17 R. R. Finlay 20 to 23 19 " 12500 129~36 32.34 9.08 32.34 32.34 Z2.34 190700.0"19'73.52, 493.44 138.50 493.36493.36 49:?36 . Nov.13. 1918. I he reby cert ify that the imp.l'0YmnentsinSpec ia1 Improvement Distr ic t No. 166 have been c omnle te d in accordan ce with the reolution ere a t ing said, distri ct a.nd with the piEB,llit1Uld spec iYications governing- said work; th8.tthe same ha.ve cost $1973 .52, a 11 of which is assessable against the. property within saia .:district, and that the f'oxegoing is a full, 'true end cor:reetl:Lfst' of all property witluim sa iddistri ct sub j ect .t 0 speci!i,lassessment on: account of said impr ovement s ~ C. C. Widener CityEilglrre~r " c.. .~ "'.~ ~_. .- ~~ - ~< - ,~~~__::__, . -1 ~ < >~,,:.:.~.::-.;......-....., . 1;~\W'~\ ,~,'i/>>/::::\::!:\<:::',:':" -91.1.- I ~ ~ :;;:: '..",:';: ,', i:,:- .:i.: 'I' "~ NOT I 0,:&1; ,":',',':', ,"" Hearing Final Adoption Resqlutton No. 914 Levying Assessment Constru.oting 8 ani i tary Sewer ina,nd along the en- tire North and South alley in Blooks 3,10, and,19 and in 811d along the enttre,es.sj and west alley . in Elock 19 in Eark Adtli tion. ,. ' . Improve"snt District No. 166. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEL!, That at a regular sessio:qof; the City CounOil, of tIle City of Bozeman, heIa on Thur.'Sday, the6thooy 01' FE'ibrury, 1919 Council Resolution IIo. 914 was duly passed apd?i-doPted; that said Council Res- olution levies and ar.osesses a Special Assessment of t'i3xes u:pona,lItheprop- arty in Special Improvemont Di~)trict lro~ 166 in said City, to defray the cost and expense of constructing "end making the i:mprove11,1ent.s w1.th~n s~Hl 'District; , to-wi t, cons tructing a :Jani tary Sewer in anlJ along the on tire north and south a11ey in Blocks 3, 10, and 19 and in anil along the entire east 8l)c1 west alley . . in Block 10 in Park Aduition; I ~n; ':'::) THAT, said CouncqResolutionNo. 914 is now on f;i:leil1lthe office of the Git;vClerk, City of Bozeman, subject ,to ,1.nspectio:rl " ,.,1:' ',' '>':",~"~':":,"':,,, ':':,:'. of five ( 5 ) days 'by any person interested; tlit! t ThUrSday,th0'6tb"'~aYofIv1aroh 1919 at 7:30 o'clock. P..M. at a regular sessi!)n of the 'C:LtyC91.1.~C:li~, at the Counc il',Ohamber, Oi ty Hall, in the Oi ty of Bozer:nn, ha<-) beePde~i~B.ated:as "" i.""" '.' , time anl'iplace when and where thesaiil City CoUlhoil will hea.r anajass u.pon , I any t),l1l1 all objections that;may be made to the fim,l al1option anl3 saiil Resoll.ltion and the levying of saiel assessment, and thfit will 'be finally passod and adopteaat said regular session. All pers:ons interesteel are referredtoCOllllCil 869, declaring it to he 'trhe.intention of Improvement District No. 166 ant! Council Resolution lIJ0.8'70creating said SpeGl.. ~ , j , . 1al Improvement District No. 166 for constructing and making the inl};>rove;ments a ,: "'::i,~\,, there in. ' ~~:'~:Q Date a. thi s26th day of Fel)):"\) ary, J. 919. C. A,sgieth Qflly ..1E)J:1r "';,1"""" """'\, OOUNCI~FESOLUTION no. 914 A. COU]'JCIL RESOLUTION FINAI,INPASSIUG AJ:rD RESOLUTIOl'1' NO~ 914, EN'I'ITLED, " A C LEVYING AW.D ASSESSING A f3PECIAL UPON ALL TIfEPROJ?ERTY INGSPECIAI, ND.166 nrTHE CITY 0]' BOZEI&UJE STA TE OF ThlOl'f':C.#.NiI ,TODEFHA y 'rEr' ANID MAKINGTH:fj IJ1t1PROY$MENTS WITHIN 1?ROVENIENT DISfuRICTNO..11J,4..1f WHEREAS, The CityCouno 11 of the C.tty dsy of February, 1919, at a.reg.n1Etr session t1iereofl tion IIo. 914, entitled, . --.-....- ..~ _ ....--..-.---..- _ _ -.--.-........-.-.-..---..-..--.- .-...-.-----..-....--.---- "A Council 'Resolution levying ana assessing a Cope c- :J.al a8sessmentof taxes upon all the property in Special Improvement District N6.. 166 in the City of Boz."man, County of Gallatin Sta1eof Montana, to defray the cost of constructing and making the impro'Vements wi thin said S--ec io.l Improvement Dis- tr1ct No. 166," AND, said Council Resolution No. 914 was dnly signed l)y the ]):layor and the City Clerk of said Oi ty ana was filed in the offioe of e OHy Clerk of said City 011 the 6th day of 1'ebruary, 1919 and ever since f1~\,'J l~o~n on file in said office snli,ject to and for the in8:08ction- of all , ..I... " " I. ,. .:. '. .~. ., . persons intorested; Aml,Thnrsday, the 6th day of March, 1919 at 7:30 o'clock, E. M. at a regnlar session of said City Conncil, to be hela. at the 001.1.n- cil<Chamber, City Hall,Fsaid Oi ty, was designated as the time and place ., 1 ' . of hea:ring ob jectionsto the final passagellnd adoption of said Resolu- tion; AND, The City Clerk has given notice of the filing of saiiJ. Resolution ani) the f'inalpaesageaniJ. adophon thereof by ImlJlhJhing no- tice thereof in the Weekly Courier. a weekly neWl31Japer pn111is.he (1 in said City, at least five (5) l'lays before the clay set for hearing any Imcl all objections to th~ final passage and ia~ption ~f said Resolution; t AND, The matter Of'S8id final passage ana adoption of said Resol\1.ti'on comtng on regularly to be heard , pursnant to saill He~301t1tion and notice, this 6th day of March, 1919, at a regr'].ar session of said City C 0 unc i 1 , due proof being" made of the publication of seid notice, as' reqti.lred:1JY Law a~d as orllered by seid Resolution, ana no objeotions hav:i:~g ,been made or fUed to th'e final IJ8.Ssage anilad?ption of seid Iies- olntion and the levying of the assessment as therein'v,rovided; -, :HOW TREREill"ORE"BE ITRIDSbLVED MID IT IS HENERY ORDERED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OJj1TJIEgJ:T;Y OF BQZElfl.l!J:I, STATE OFM;O])1fTANA t. {,. That said Council Resolu.tion No. 914, be, and the same is hereby fins.lly ps.r~se(land ad,opted ana the Special Assessment of taxes to il.e fray, the cpst and 8xpel1sGof making the improvements as therein set forth, be, ancl the same 'a~e }1er.eby levied and assesEieG as the.:cein l)rovid- ed. Approved by the Mayor this 6th day of March, 1919. L.W.Truitt Attest; .lVia,yor C. .1:.. S'pieth, City Clerk