HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 913A: Passing of Resolution 913 -913- COUNOILRESOr.UTION NO. 913 A. COUNCIL RESOLUTION lPINALLY PASSING AND. ADOPTING CIDHJ- CIL RESOLUTION NO. 913, ENTITLED, 11 ACOUNOIL RESOLUTION IiEVYnm Ah'D ASSESSIm A SPECIAL ASSESS:MEN~ OF TAKES UPON ALL T.HE PROPERT.Y III SPECIAL HDJROVET.JENT DISTRIC~L NO. 165, IN THE CITY O:P BOZEI.1.AN COUNTY OF GALLATIN, STA~.\E DI!' MONTANA, TO .DEl'IUY THE COST OF COnSTHUCTIHG AND 1~KING THE IMPROVEI~NTS WITHIN SAID SPECIAL IM- . PROVEWl2NT ])I STRIC T NO. 165", < VVHEllEAi3, The City C0U11Cil; of the City of B'ozeman, dic1 on tfue 6th day of ]'ebrnry, 1919, at a regular session thar of, l11Jly pao1r3 Coun- ail R~solution No. 013, entitled, " A Council Resolution levying 3l1dassassing a special assessment of taxes IF)on all the Property in Speoial Im:prove"fmt District No. 165 in the City of Bozeman, County of Gsllatin, State of IilontsLl1_a, to uefray the cost ofool1structing and making the impriDvements within sai8. Special Improvement Distrj_ct Ho. 165," AND, saHt Council Hesolntion No. ')13 was i~nly signed by the - ;~layor a11(1 the City Clerk of sail] City am} was filed in th:co office of the City Clerk of soio. City on the 6th Gay of Febrnary, 1919 anB. ever since has lJeen on file in said office sui ject to and for the inspection of. all persons interested; AND, Thnrsday, the 6th day of March, 1919, at .' at a.. regulE.l' session of said 9i ty Council, to be held at the Council , II ,: Chamber, City Hall, sioia. City, was designated in said Resolution as the _ time and place of hearing objections to the final pnssage ant; adoption , of' said iReso'lution; AND, The City Clerk has given olution and the final passage and the .1~ the final passage 8nd adoptioD of AND, The matter of said final pass[tge and HN10lution cO'--ing on regll1arly to be he aT (1 , pursuant and notice, this 6th d8Y of March, 1919, at a regular session City Council, dUe proof being ID8;de of the publication of said ordereo. by sr:dd Resolu.tiw; Hesolution and the levying of the aasessment fro . ~ now THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND IT IS HEREBY ORDERED.BW "". , .. . THE CITY C OUNC 11 0]' THE CITY OF BOZE1r1Jlli, STA TE -.. - - --- ..-.... -..----.----- That said Counc:il Resolntion No. ally paEised and adopted En:ld the Special Assessment of and exp'ense of making the improvements as there inset forth, are hereby levied and assessed as therein provided~, Fi:qp,lly passed and finally adopted by the City O.o11no11 of the Oity of BczGman, at a regular session the'roof ,held thj.s 6th day of :March, 1919. Ap11roved lJY the Mayor this 6th day of :March, :J, 919. L. W. Truitt Attest: Mayor C. . A. S~:i.eth _.,' Oi Y Clerk state of Montana '.AFFlJ)AYIT OF PUBHICATION ) )8S. . 0 County of Hallatin) Henry F.'f3enrs, being first duly sworn deposes 811'1 SUYS I: that he is Manager of the WEEIUJY COURIER, a newspaper published at Boz- eman, in Gallatin Cbunty, state of Montana, that the notice, Cot111cil Resol1.1- tion No. D13 of which a copy is hereto attache G, was firf3t pl1.b1isheil in said newspaper in its is;ue dated the 26th day of February, 1919, 811,1 was puhlislled , on\; e . Henry F. Sear'S ",~:' , ."': "" Subscrihed ant'! sworn to. before me th'is 27th day qi'f FebruDry, A.' ll~ 1'919. B.' ]'. stanton' (SE~L) Notary Publiq for the State of MO r:.t, an a. , Residing 8.t Bozor:nn, lJIontarJa.}.~y CiIJ1l1'11l-- . i' . . J 11'; 19zt" mlSS on eXpl.TeS, a.n. 0, ........ ....., -. state of Montana ) ) SS. County ef Gallatin) I, C. A. Spieth, the dUly appointed, (11.18.1 i fi ed and ac t ing . , Cj.tyClerlcof the City of Bozeman, County of Gallatin, state of Mopt,ana, ilo 0 hereby certify tlui,t I did on th,e (26th day of Febrnary, A. JJ.,19l9ca1;1,-se to be published Notice Hearing Final Adoption Resolution No. 913 Levying Assessment Constructing Sanitary Sewer in the alley between Ihnth and Tenth Avenues fI'om the east and west alley betw:e:e.n Babcoclr and Olive streets to Col1ege Street. Improve'11ont Distd.ct No. 165. copy of I'lhich notice is herf!to attached awl me.de a nort hereof, in the Weekly Conder, a weekly newspaper printed cnd 'published in said City, CO'EtDty anill\. Sta.t IN WITNEf3S WliE1REOF, I hereunto set my hand and affix of the City of Bo:oema.n, this 27th day of Febrr:uwy, A. D., 1919. C. J?roof road and C01'1'8cter1 \~ '-1\\ .. " ,'\: -- -- ----