HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 913: Levying taxes in SID No. 165 -913- 1- COUNCIL RESOLUTION 1m.. 913. A COUNCIL RESOLUTION LEVYING .AND .ASSESSDTG 11 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT OF T~1ES UPON ALL THE PROPERTY IN SPECIAL IMPROVE- MENT DISTRICT NO. 165 IN THE CITY OF BOZEMAN. COUNTY OF GAT.- LATIN. STATE OF MONTANA, TO DEFRAY TFJECO$T OF OONSTRUCTIJ:m AND I\'n~i,ING THE IMPROVEMKNTS WITHIN SAID SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 165. WHEREAS. the Oity Oonncil of the City of Bozeman did on the 6th dny of May, 1918, duly ana. regnlarly pass Council Resolution No. 863 d~larihg it to be the intention of the said City Council to create Spe-D1al Improvement District No. 165 for the purpose of constructing a 8ani tary sewer in the alley between Ninth and Tenth Avenues from the east and west alley between Babcock and Olive streets to Collego Street in the 'City of Bozeman, State of Montana., and thereafter, after due and legal proceeJi.ngs had, the said City Council did on the 6th c1ay of :June, 1~n8, duly pass Council TIefJolution No~ 864 creating said S:@ecia,l Improvement, Jhstrict :No. 165 of the snid City of Bozeman, State of Montana, for the purpose of constructing the improvements as herein set forth, which Coun- and No .864 passed as aforesaid are hereby re- made a part of this ResoJ.ution for further particulars of said District, the character of the im- therein, the estimateaqost of &'1.1d im:prove~ method of ~ssessingthe cost ag~inst the property within AND WHEREAS. said improvements as contemplated in saj.d Resolutions)io. 863 and No~ 864 have been constructed and com- and oonditions of Council Resolutions ~ .. ' ~. No. 863 and No. 864 and the total cost of said im})rovements 80 construct- Thol1sa~d Seven Hundred Twimtt'i7",three andq?/~OO ($4, '723.66). , Now therefore, pnrf~uant to the provisions of eJhapter LawB of Montana. 13th Sesfdon 1913, as amended by Cha:E~,er :r42, Laws . ""'., I:;:}; ;. Montana,' 14th 3es8ion,1915 BE IT RESDLVED, MID IT IS HERENY ORDERED BY TIlE CITY "" COUNO:11 OF .S~HECITY OF BOZEM:AN, STATE Ol!' MONTANA; , SBctiol1 1. That toue fray the co 8t 811d e:icpens e of CO!i: str'Q-nting and making the saidlmprb-vements in said Special Improvement Dist:r:tc.tNo .165 there be, and there is hereby, levied and assessed ,a tax amonnting to the sum of Four Thousand SeVen Hundred Twenty-three and 56 /100 Dollars ($4,723.56), upon all the property insai d Sp(t.t;}:1al Impreve .s ... -.. \~;:';';";"\.' -C),!,;", :-1 '.0". ment District No. 165; that a particular description of eacTh lot 1111[1 parcel of land wi th'the name of theOViIJ.1er and the 81ml assosf1ed aga:inst :p.im or it ' - for- snch irnprOOVOlTIQnts and the amount of each parti al payment to be made and the day when the same ,8hal1 become Delinquent is ~;et forth in det.c:lil in the assesf,ment list herotaa ttached ;markeil Schodule I'A" and made a part hereof; ; that the several snms sot opposite the names of the oVI1'),ers f.!.nd tho described " lots Iilld parcels of land, 1)e, and the same are hereby tespectively levied and. assessed Upon and agl_'i:nst sai d IJoscrJ.1Jod lots anc1 pa.rcels of IDnd to de fray the cost emf! expense of cOllstructing:cand making sHid improvements within said' D-j s tric t ; that the several sums so aSSBssedbe coo,lectec1 frot'] the r8r::IJectivo owner~::o:E' mdd 10t'3 12nl1 parcels of land l\escribed in saia assessme.nt list, , Scheilule "A", as required by law; t11a t the lJo'yment of said ,mli18 s11811 be made in five ( 5) installen,enh3 and the ]Js'yment of said instaJ.lements shall " . extend over a periDd o~ Five ( 5) years; thtlt the pa:'lment of the reS]Jective almnal inst,:Cl1ments s11a11be made between the 1st Monday in October and the '. 30th day of November of each ;Te8.r until payn1entof all the installment'i':, to- . gether with the interest tl1ereon, shall have been made; ".that. said sums I;hall . be paid and the a 011ections thereof shall be made in:the manner a11C[ in accorii- , 8nce with the law governing the collection of Special ImprovenEnt Taxes; that fajlure to pay snch assessments when the S8mo shall become ane ana payable shall makG 8nch }JerElO"eJ.;, il]]Q said lots 2nd parcel s of land liable to tb e peh- alties provider} by law relative to Clelil1quent taxes; Section 2. That the regular ~3er:J8i on 0 f the C i i'Y C oune 11 of the --- Cit:y of Bozeman to be held in the 00\111c11 Chamber ill the City Eall of said Ci ty on the 6th day of Idarc1i, 1919 at 7:30,0'0100k, P. M. be, 1'1;][1 the scme is here1)y designated as the) time anl1 place, at v;hieh object-Lems to the ::'1nal r, , , ! I adoption of this ReEloll1tion \'1ill"be heard by the s.siclCit;;r Council; I . , Section 3. That the C1 ty Clerk of the City otBo:;eman, be, ana. ho is hereb;;r ordered and directeii to pu1)Hsh in the Weekly OO\lrier ~ a weekly newspaper printef1 an(\ publishel' '. , in the said Oit;ycof Bozeman, a notice signed by the Oi ty Clerk Emil stating that a Hesolution levYing a special assessment of taxes to ,de:fraythe cost and expense of constructinc: (!,lJ.D.:making the improve- mentsin the said Speoial Improvement District No. ]1;65, is on file in th~ offiee of the City Clerk sl,lbj.ect to 1nspe.ction for a period of five (5) days; that said notice shall state ;the time and place at which 01)jecti.onswrtl1be heard ---. --.--. - '- byth0 CJity COUllCil to tho final Bdoption of this Resolution; that it shall be published at least five (5) days befpce the date set by the City Council for the hearing of objections B:!1Llthefinal adoption of this Resolution. Passed an(i adopted by the Ctty Cotulci1of the City Of Boz- . eman, 'at a regular session thereof, hole\. this 6th day of Febln.1.8~y,19l9. Approved by the Mayor this 6th day,qt'<:!)'ebTp.ar;v:, 1919. , L. ( SEA:I;/'J " :'",,"( ::.""": Aite~t: ";',1 .)..:1 <C. i}A.Spie th .' . . i,'" , City Gel e rk ~"""I . . ASSESSMENT LIST AG ~rnST SPEC IAL HPROVE':W.T ])I STRIC T NO. 165 for the c~nstruction of a.Sanatar1 Sewer in ~he Alley between a:verues Tram Trunk Sewer l.n the a Ie b'etween01- '" Bn. 1st 2na 3rd 4th Add. 6,0 interest for RatBaf~ssessmBnt on prncina1 ~0.OO8109 peI' sq. ft. Payment PATIcillTTS BECOI::E I'''':T,!!T"- on~ year on all def- n h" n Interest 0~OO0569 tt n It Delin't Int. to QUEITT NOVmIB:'R 30th erred payments remai Nov. Jan. "1rg UllI'aid from t!ate 30 1 ~ when last T'a~rment wa Total 19197<-a.jgfi _f?1t~i921 'due. Name Lots Block Addition Area Tax 19.22 11923 ~ J~. I". Gilbert 13-14-15 5 West Park 12810 104.36 20.88 7.32 20.87 20.87 20.87 20.87 M:r$. J. A.Tedford 16-17-18 5 ,.. " 12B'70 104.36 20.88 7.32 20.87 20.8'7 20.87 20.87 E .R~Po or 23 &: 24 5 ,.. " 8580 60.57 13.93 4.88 13.91 13.91 13.91 13.91 Hayes Smith Estate Ht- 20- 21- 22 5 " " 17790 139.14 27.86 9~76 27.82 27.82 27 . 82 27 .82 Damon Gabriel Estate 1-2- 2- 4- 5- 6 8 " " 21342~75 173.06 34.62 12.14 34.61 34.61 34.61 34.61 Tho s H. Vilicen t 7- 8- 9-10-11-12 8 .. n 21450 173.94 34.78 12.20 34.79 34.79 34.79 3~.79 Walter W~ Feagins 13-14""15-16-17-" 18 8 tt .. 21450 173.94 34~78 12.20 34.79 34.7.9 34 .79 34.79 W. H. Lawrence 19- 20- 21- 22- 23-24 8 " .. 21348.47 173.11 34.63 12.14 34.62 34~62 34.62 34.62 Horace A LaRue 1- 2- 3-4 21 " n 14300 115.96 23.20 8.13 23.19 23.19 23.19 23 .19 Mrs. ]h<:mcis Stirn 5-6-7 21 It .. 10725 86.97 17.37 6.10 17.40 17.40 17.40 17.40 Emma Hoell 8 & 9 21 .. n 7150 57.98 11.58 4.06 11.60 11.60 11.60 11.60 Mr~. ~. E. Jeffers H)-1J,-12 21 .. tt 10725 86.97 -17.37 6.10 17.40 17.40 17.40 17.40 HenryN eison wt 0 f 13 to 18 21 .. " 10725 86.97 17.37 6.10 17 .40 17.40 17.40 17.40 B. Brady .Et of 13 to 18 21 _n ". 10725 86.97 17.37 6.10 17.40 17-..'.40 17 ;40 17.40 . Covey E-90 ft o~ 19 to' 24 21 It .. 13500 109.47 21.87 7.68 21. 9021}90 21.90 21.90.; Sheri dnn W53 :ft of 19 to 24 21 .. " 7950 64.46 12.90 4.52 12.89 12.89 12.89 12.89 .. 1 & 2 24 " " 7150 57.98 11.58 4.06 11. 60 11:90 11..60 .ll~60 3 &: 4 24 n " 7150 67.98 11.58 ~.06 1~.60 11.60 11.60 11.60 6 - -. 24 "- " 7150 57~98 11.58 4.06 11.60 11.60 11.60 11.60 8 24 " " 7150 57.98 11.58 4~m; 11.60 11.60 11.60 11.60 .. ~ L:~] r~l~ --~,-:;~~:-;-~ "i;:- \ I A2SESSh~T LIST COrTINUED , ~ ~ ~ ~9";1.2d ;'?I,;~4 14300 115 . 96 23..~; "J;r~ "' """ 13 to 16 ";,1'24 I!' .. . :IA3QO 115.96 23 .20 B.23 23.19 1m. 19 23(1.9 2i?,~J. 9 '<:'-:1~:_ 17 to 20 '.24 .. .. 1<1300 115.96 23.20 8.13' 23.1'S" 23~I:9, 23 .'i:9, 2~'9 21 to 24 .24 ft .. 14300 115.96 23.20 8.13 23.:19 23~~' ~.t'9 2i~~ c,-,I:;, . 1 & 2 35 ft " '7150 I?7.98 11.~8 4-.06 11.60 11.60 11.60-'11..60 Nov. 8;,1918 3 to 12 ;35 . .. .. 35750 289.89 _ 57.97 20.2,3 57.98 67,98 57.98 5 '7,~'9S Jhereby certify at t:he J.ffiprovements in[; clal .. ft 69.57 Imnrdvem entDist tNo. E. Herrett 13 to 24 35 42900 347.87 69.59 24.40 69.57 69.57 '69~;57 165 have been co ~led 38 - .. n 115.96 23 . 20 8.13 23 .19 ~ 23.19 23'.19 in accordance ,vi the w. Eately 1 to 4 14300 23.19 r~solution()reat. ~i:t~d, 5-6-7 38 .. .. 10725 86.97 1'7.37 6.10 17.40 17.40 1'1 .~O 1'7.40 Distric tand wit !le-,))~a,: Nora Ford andspecificatio ,~ot~rn . said work; That 8'e~ & Katherine Eichman 8- 9-19 38 .. .. 10725 86.97 17.37 6.10 1'7;.. 413 17..!I:()'17.40 17.40 costbf said imp emertt Daisy B. Miller 11 & 12 38 'It .. 7150 57.98 11. 58 4.06 11.60 il.60 11.60 11.60 as constructijd w' IB,-J.ncJ pi.pe, was $4918. that, 13 to 16 38 ii .. 14300 ' 115.96 23.20 8.13 23.19 23-.19 '23.19 23.19 if the same had b I const: ed with 6, illohp' the C1 17 & 18 38 .. It 7150 57.98 11 .5e 4..mq 11 . 60 11.130 'U.60 11.60 would have been $ 4.76'11 or $4723~56. ,\Vb-Io amOlJ.nt 19 to 24 38 If .. 21450 173.94 34.78 12.20 34.'79 34.79 34.79 34~,',19 has been assessed gainst tb,€p1"operty,with 'said 1 & 2 51 .. n 7J.1;.9 57.98 11.58 4.06 11.60 11.60 :11"99' .J,.l,~60 Dist:r-iyt,andt" the,fo] g~.i.llgisa fUll, ue.~pd Widener a & 4 51 .. f! 7150 57.98 11.58 4.06 11-.60 co:rr~ctlisto:f:' -':P:toDeJ: within sa.ld Distr ]!~~~~;~~ 6- to 8 51 " n 14300 115.96 23.20 8.13 23.19 . tosnecial assess aeCollnt oJE.saidi: ~ -. - .- - MVemli:r i 9 & 10 51 .. .. 57.98 11.58 4.06 11.60 11.69.11.'60 I1f60 , 11 & 12 51 " .. ~ 6!l.98 11. 58 4.06 11.60 "11.6011.6.0 11'.~ 60 13& 14 51 .. .. 8215..;.315;'T66.6-2 13.04__ 4.67 13~32 13.32 13.-32 l.3 .32 i 15 to 20 51 It .. 22523.93182.65 36~53 12.81 36 .53 36.53 " 36~53 36-.53 51 It .. 28600 231.92 46.38 4$.38 46.38 5825!n~54722j .56 !