HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 912A: Passing Resolution 912 -.,.- COUNCIL RESOLUTIOlJ no. 912 A.. COUI-ICIL RESOLUTION E'nTAIJLY P.A~-:SING AND ADOPTING COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 912 ,ENUTLED,I! A COUN- ~ CILHESOLUTION LEVYING A1!.TIJ ASSESSING A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT OF TAXES UPON ALT,.. THEJ::ROl'ERTY IN SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DI:SDIC~NO.158IN THE CITy OF BOZEMAN COUNTY EJF GALLATINfJTATE OF < MO]~rTA.Ni, TO DEFRAY THE C019'51 OF CONSTRUCTING .AND MAKING THE niPROVEMENTS WITHIN SAID SPEC lAIJ IMPROVEMEN'r DISTRICT NO. 158." . WllEHEAS, The CityConncil of the City of Bozeman, did on the 6th day of ]'ebru,er y, 1919, at a regular 8e8<110n thereof, duly pass Council Resolution NQ. 912, entitled, "A CoU.~cil Hesolution levyinf\ I1Ild assesf3inS' a spec- ialm:sessment of taxes upon all the property in Specjal Improvemend District Ho. 158 in the Cit;<r, of J30zeman County of Galla tin state of Montana to defray he cost of eonstruehng and malring the improvements within saia Special Improvement lJis- trict No. 15811, AND, . <mid C6imcil nes~lution No,. 'J1f" was duly :;;igned by the lVlayor Dnd the City Clerk of saiaCi ty ana was :filed in the office of the City Clerk of said City on the 6th day of J!~ebruar;<1, 1919 ana. ever , since has been on file in said office subject to and .foJi" the inspection :, ior'a:ll persons interested; , -, AND, Thursday, the 6th day of March, 1919, at 7:,30 0',c1ock :F. :M., at a regular session of sail] City Council, to be held at the ,-,T'o'd\)jdl Chamber, City :8:al1. said City, wasdesigmted.i:rJ,saidResoJ.ution as the time and place of hearing op;jections to t he final passage and adoption of safiL Resolution; lIND, The City Clerk has given n~tice of the filing of said "Rer-301ution and the final passage and adoction there of by publishing' notiqe there of in. the Weekly Courier:,j a, weekly neyvspaper pUblishe d in ~ ' , , ~ said 0.ity, at least five (5) days~,efore ithe day set for hearing any ",. ' and all objectioxis"tothe f,inal passage and adoptton of mc1id ResolutlhonJ AND, T.he matter of said final passage and adoption of said Resolution coming pn regUladY to be heard, pu:csuant tosaia. Ree- (')1~tiori'anaAo;ibi;c'e.this'6th iiay>',ofMarch. 1919, at a r~gula:r session ofsai8: GityCOllJ1C,il, Q.u.$ 'proof being made of the pl.1.blication of s1!:dd n , notioeas,reguired..by,law and:as ordered by said Resolution. and no ob- jections having been made or filed tothe.E.a.lpassageandadoptionof "",,', ", ':, " . , . . saiflResollltion and the levying of the asa,$s's!nent as therein provided: NOW TBERE]'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND IT. IS HEREBY ORDERED BY ~:rrE CXTY CQUNCIL OF THE C1 TY OF BOZEMAN,STATE OF. N[O~.KJiTA Tha t said Cotmcil Resolution No .912, be"and the same , s _..,- -- is hereby, finally passed and adopted arid the SpE;!c:i&;lAssessment of taxes to de fray the cost and expense of 00 king the improve1!1en.t3as therein set be, and the same are hereby leviea and assessed as therein provided. Finally passed and fina11yaaopte~.bythe City CO'l1.llcil of the City of Bozeman at a reg'l1.1ar session thereofJhelathis 6th day of March, 1919. Approved by the Ii~ayor th is 6th day 0 f MarCh, 1919. L. W. Truitt , , IYIayor , Attes"t: i C. A. Sp1e th City Clerk ~ AFFI:D1WIT OF PUBLICA'l;ION " "', \ ',I, State of Monta11Ej. ) )88. Comity pf Ga1D..atin) Henry F. Sears, being first duly sworn deposes and says that he is Manager of THE WEEKLY COURIER, a newspaper pUblished at, Bozeman, in Gallatin Cou.nty, State of Montana, that ;the .Notice ,00u1:).cil Res~,lut,i"n No . 912_ofWh:\,ch a copy is hereto attached , we.s fj;rst publishedinsaiunews- i paper in its issue date d thtJ ~26th day of February, 1919, and was p1.fblishe d ~ ~ ^' once a weekJ in said l1l'ews]'Ja:per f9r _ cOYl~ecuHve weeks, the full :pe:r:Loa of _days, the last pul11ication thereof beiDg in the i:,!suedated the 26th day of Febn,uRpy , 1919.. Henry F. Sears , Snbscrib,E'H'i and sworn to before me this 27th day of Febru.ary, A.I). 1919. B. F., stanton 0 WotaryPtlbliC for the State of Montana, ':1 residil1ga t Bo ze111$. n, Montana ,', ," My commission expi.1:'0S Jan. 15. '1921. ; ( Seal) state of Montana ) )8S. COlwty of Gallatin) I, C. A. Spieth, the duly appointed, qualified an!l acting City Clerk of the Oity of Bozeman, Connty of GaJ.Jatin state of Montana , , , ,', , '.,.' b.y certify tpatI did on the 26th day of :E'e'brnary, lished, Notice lIearing Final,Adoption Res olutionNo. 912 Levying Assessment Constnucting Sani.tary Sewer; on Morth Eighth Avenue from Beall to Mendenhall streets. Improvement District No. 158, copy of which notice is Ji1ereto attache!] ,) Courier, a weekly nei7spaper printed imu published in soia unty and State." IN WITNESS YnIEREO:E', I hereunto set City of Bozmman, this 27th day of February, A. , (SEAL) "