HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 912: Levying of Taxes in SID No. 10 - - COUNCIL RESillLUTION NO.. 912. 11 COUNCIL HESOLUTION IJEVYH1G AND ASSESSING.. A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT OF TAXES UPON ALL THE PROPERTY IN SPECIAL IMPmOVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 158 I. nJ THE CPrYOF J3 0 ZEMAN , COUNTY OF GALJ-IATIN, STATE OF MONTANA, TO DEFR4Y THE COST OF COJ!TSTlmCTING AND l'v1AKING TIlE IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN SAID SPEC:':: IAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 158. WHERE.AS, the City Cou11cil of the City of Boz8man did on the 21st de,y of March,1918. duly and regularly PaSS Council Resol*tion No. S61 declaring it to be the intention of said 01 tyOouncil to Create Specj,a1 Jmprovemsnt District No. 158 for Sewer on North Eighth Avenue l)roceedings had, the said City Council did on the 6th day of 19113, duly pass Council Resolution No. 867 creating said Specia~ District No. 158 of said City of Bozeman, state of Montana the imJ!rover~1f.mts as here'in set forth, 861 and No. 867 passed as aforesaid are made a part of this Resolution for further to the boundaries of said district, the character to be constructed improvements, and the method of as .. Therefore, pUrs!1.ant to the provisions of Chapter ... , ~?nta.na, 13th Session, 1913, as amended by Chapter Se[1s10n 1915. BE IT RESOLVED AND IT IS H.EREBY ORDERED ,BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, STATE OF MONTANA: Section 1. {rhat to defray the oost and expenso of' constructing Special Improvement ahd there is hereby, levied and aSSessed a Ten Hundrod Sixty and 69/100 Dollars, (\~1060. 69) upon all of .. sum assessed ag~inst him or payment .. shall become del in'quent i~ s et,forth in detail j"l1 the attached I marked Schedule "All and made a se't OP1)oSi te tho names of the a.mers and land. be, anf Vh~ some are hereby.respeetivaly leviod and ass~~sed upon and against said t\eaeriDed'lots and plJ.l'cels of land to defray the cost and ex- p&nse of oonstructing and making said improvements the several sums SQ. lots and parcels of . _ . :, r, required by law; that the payment of said sums shall be made in four sfallments an'd the payment of said installments' shall extend ove; a period of Four (4) years; that the payment of the re'spective annual installments shall be made between the 1st Monday in October and the 3bth day of November ~ - -, of each year un'tn payment of all the installments. together with the interest thereon. shall have been made; that said sums shall be paid ?nd the eollect.ion thereof shall be made in the manner and in accordance with the law,governing the collection of special Improvement Taxes; that the failure to pay such as- sessments when the same shall become due and payable shall make snch pe~sons and said lots and parcels of land liable to the penalties provided by law relative to delinquent taxes; Section 2. That the regular session of the Oity Council of the City of :Bozeman to be held in the Conncil Chamber in the Oi ty Hall of sa:Ul City on the 6th day of Marc,p., 1919. at '7:30 o'clock :Po M. be,' and the same is . ~ I, a.$ignated as the time and place. at which objections o{ this Resolutinn will be heard by the said City Connci1: Section 3. That the City Clerk hereby oruered ana directed to publish in the Weekly Courier. a paper printed and published in the said Oity the City Clerk and stating, that a Hesolutiol1 of taxes to defray tne cost, and ments in the sai a ,SP~cial Improvement -District No. . fieeof, the Oi ty Clerl~ snb,ject to inspection for a that said notice shall state heard by ,the City Council to shall be published ,at le~st five ci1 for -- .--- - -- ---: -0~ ,,__ --r_p __" -.- _- , . ~A!M.E:N'I!LIST AGATN$e,SJ;JECUAL mPRO Rate of asse~sment per front~t ff n tf - ~t _" '___-~-'~"- " . - ,,~~tlt . for on "F. x. '1...~~ 1c;!.88 ' ;5.{)p,;;~'. 19.89 ttj~~'~;:da~~' Nellie G'afuhle 4-5".6 " 75 79.S'S 'l~.~i, , 5~~~~ >3t~J3?" 19.89 ;J.9;tJ'9_1i~'Temal' . t1ig"ttil~ta) H~~.Nasb, Bo~ 2e, 7 to 12 ." " 15.0 1-59.10 3$.19 11.~p :;9'~71 :39.77 39.'17 f':tomda\e ! 41hambta; Mpnt. when l'8;st fl,. E. Harmon 13 .& 14 B " 60 53.04 13.26 :3, 't,~ 13.26 13.26 " 13.26 installriltlnt - ....... wa s due . ,'li.. 'E. Harmon 15 to 18 8 n 100 106.07 26.51 '7.5 26.52 26.52 26<52 Msq C . Emmel or 19f1; 20 €I .. 50 55.04 13.26 3.""1 13.26 13.26 13.26 ErmnelEstate" tt " " 2'1 to $4 S " 100 106.07 20.51 7.5'3 26~a2 26.52 26.52 " ~J:"8n c H!t.'6i sMorgan 9 to 1). 9 " '15 '19.55 19 ~'A8 5.,611 ' 19~89 19.89 19.89 John Morris, Sr. 12 to 16 9 It. 125 132.58 35.16 9.4:}. 33~14 33.1.4 3S~14 Peter Bokema 1 &:2 10 It fi.o 53.04 13.26 3. 'ni 15.26 13.26 13 .26 Geol!:. Cass 3 toB 10 " 150' 159.10 .:S9.'" ",J.j,,50 ..39.7'1 39.77 39.77 1000 In~p~6'9'" 2~5 .18 "', .3~ 'lfi,P.l? IroV.12. 1918. # thereby c artU"y ,. tha t the impro yemen t s l.nS:peed.al Im,p ro'Veman t Distric t No. 158 have 'baeneOttlple teq,1n ac C 0 rdane ewith the resolutIon creattngsaid district and with thepl~ns and spec1:fications governing the same. and tb:e.tthe snne.has cost $lO.O.6~ , .... '.' .;... ..... .. . '. ....'... . . '.- . 8.11d tha;the foregoing isa full. tI'Jle and correct list afall propertywitbin said distriet su.'bjectWspecia.1 ,assessment on account of'SsidiI!1provements. C.. C. 'Widerner '~'...". City:Eiiglneer > ,,".,--"