HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 911: Waiving terms and conditions reserve in District No. 155 . .-..--,-..-------,- -..,.,.- . " 1 ! 0 - .. -.. ...., COU~Wlr. R~SO~UTIO!j Xw. 911 HESOLU\l)IO~f WAIV;tJ~,(,ti:,~Er,ll'[~) ANDCOl~DITI0U$, RES11\VE OlP,','"TEN ,J;EH CENT Q~1 rrJ:!ETq~~:tAUOI.mTOF COl{~B,AGT,,/J?AJi(.AGRAJ;lH 29~ , GE~~El\i~L ~)PECIl'~le4T;I:ONS .CO;N(j)iRACTW.AJ1~" 'dCJN~[PRUC:DIOU' aO~ANX ", WI TH T1:!:I):'CI,':"t:OF':BQZW1.'1]J'OR ];)AVI:W,~:DI&TRIC'2NO.166. , , "", ' , w:ritten WHEREA,S ,the Ci.tyot' ~ozem~nh:,la;s he;r~j;ofo1i'e e~tered :l.ntoa ,coptrHClt w~~'ii"theW$rreXJ.Collatr'\J.ot1Qn CompanY :fortes cons:trtlct1on of paving, 19XCf\va- i I t1o:l').,constx'uctill>n ofcllrba and walks andc'ltlYert VIIi thend~,~1I,"lni)Jg walls I In iruprovement district.No.. 15fi, f.\l1d WH1!~J:l\!)AB. the gen~raJ,.8pecif'lcations fOr the Mnstruction of saifl work attached ,to, and Blada 4iI part of the ccmt:rjiot for theperfol'manoe thereof s,mong other things contains the following: "f'ld. ':::~i: -- RE3;1IDWES. Aroaerve of: ten pel' \3~hi ~!\t,q%)\ofth!'l tot.&l .a- mount of the contract willb.e wi thheld from the amounto:f the:'t;inal estimate fora period. of ninety dnysf:J:'dm the dute ofaa;i'd. final estimate and the sameQ.:r as mUCJ1th'61'eof as is needed wiJ'.l be used by the city to make allne.ded r~pairs, provided the cou:t;bactQr shall fa.il tomako the. same within fiVe days after the mailing of the notice of the need of repairs to him, his agent or attorney. ", ' Al~D WJI'P~:}<i~8,'\.ihe'Wft:rr6n Construction Company has req.uested. th/;l C1~Y C\)llJ:lcrli:J. qf the~:~)t;/.w"ofnQ'z:eman to wBive the foregoirigprov1'aion in S{:ll(1"q~t\.,. _ t1"act and g'ener~J. .apecifipat;ionsand the matter W&Sdulyre:fe.rred to tM S:~:~~:ei; Committee of eaid \QC)~ncil 8n,dthe said 8tit,'eet CQtnI'!l;1ttee has after due inves't- igatii)D, and consideration madee re!porttd sai\lP:j..tY,PctQ.:rl).c;,ilrecOrrllne!1ding,tl1a~ , " "I in itso,piniOn i'J; would be proper to waive t,heterms ar+d,.o:o.nclitionsof'said " , ?!):ragrl,:1:ph 29. ~+oWX~~n@FORE;, be it resolved, and it isherEibyorder'edthat tl'leC;lJt;y do'and,tY'{i~{l't'S he-re by order en.ddi;r'~9~ .',,' '"'::-,:,"',, 'J?ri~ag':l'~:p~:.2,~of the . general s-P~o:l.fiba:ii on~, I4ttaphe'titotA\!.! .,', '. '" , , ,'. .', '"",i,;~, th~ constructiq;\ of~b;1Q. work in satdipiprovElmentd'lf,!'ti':!.qtl:'lQ. l5j arid: nOW existing. petweenthe Wa:r:r,en COn(ilt~:t*~;CqrnJ\1i4;r'an.c!I. tAe City. ofBo~€!qI~ , 'I" 1>e, and the' Sf,Htle is l~l!!rit'by we i:V"ed and: it 1s f't1:rt.l).!1I<~,:"pz:!4,~(~.d that upon. th,ecQrn... P'letlo.n o:Ca,ai!dwo:rk 8 GP.c;):r.din81to said Qontrae,.t,~~we.en t4~'$~idWqr:q.l/ln.\Con... stru'Q t ionOt1Ij\p an;Y',,!\) t,iQ.' 'P6.1d, :,!~..,,~'tJ.,J, 'amOiQ.~1;'iio;fJ' ....th~ .qO:r.+tra ~'tP~ 1q'~L,VV+M,h~~t;( E\:~iY:.,:r:EI.seiHat~:Qn.Qeing, :!tad, .Qrrnade "'ofsai:d. o'it:V:ei'1;;.Q'l'i' tal,aP1Q"\lntQ::f".:(>1:~.~. o.()ntra(jtaap!'.ov'ided~n. aafd'~.a~~;"ii~~;'1",~;~J;):, ...... "/"""':',;', "':,':';:' ;,' ,,' ..,..',:, ::' '":",,." :"':':',> "'.. ~:t;1a.\t'~' ..~s.. .'. fu:r~he~...orde r~. d t b,$tt}J,~i~~~~'\h'9J;~~~:I",~#.~:',(i(,q;01i~ITeAW#'~~i4:!~~::P .:",,' :""" '," ,..,,' .."".:,:",,'" ,,' "",/,,"':, ''',', '," , " " ," " " , " , , " ,": " , ,',".. ' ~'" , ' , ,,' , '" ".. ' " : 'bel and. .1!G'Y: ... are:o.el'H'Jb~ di.1'e otedt .0 . a 0 t wi.t:p.:i;e:(.'e'fe#c;;eV'9'lilaXd.()<;>Il1i~a'G1<!:!IiI: h,ej;1ein" ordeJ;'ed. . .I1ated .thiSl\lth.' db yo f;'Sep.t~r,nip'~r; .~~ ': ',', ,,', ,',' " ,,': ,:>,,::": :"':.:::':, :-,1,,:,:,",:,:' ",: '..":::.,::',:' i}:~",' ':" ,:>::.: ': , ' : Passed and adQ1?t'!\'Id3e:p~... 19'c,':,,:1.Jne. , ., ~.' . i :, I'., "'.' : ':, . . . .. . . ..'., .. .': '.. .' T., ..~i""m..." ~''''t. ......).' '.,.' . ::~"I>~"'.,, ""',:""'''''\;'';:i\A.,: ,~~::,,:.'.. "j:-"',',I\'.' ".::" ' .. :"", ,',',:'::, .' < \ /K !},)$",~"\\~i'!"; 1"'\; ""1!I!i\ril'o~ 'i", ~!\f{ J'" ':;' , " ":"" /",1, ,". " ,I' " .", ','." ':.: .,': ',;::'iff/;,' "" ,:':1" ," I:~'\.: I,', '\ (. ScE,ll.;:) ... A t~lIts1; ~ l ; ,(i)...,. ".....A...,......'....'s....~. .,itll.........'.Ja.. '.... .... .. '1".. .......... .......0 ~'Cl!'J'rk K! ~ . '. ""',.,-~, ,W 1,1 : " 'I' ~.., .'.....':.'..........;"... ;:..; :,' '~: P:r',p,o;f! to ed, a~d .', .. Corrected; C(~ .~~ .'."."'.'.......;,~.........., ... . ,..... . . . ':2..1'.'" ,