HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 909: Levying a Special Assessment of Taxes to Defray 75% of costs in District No. 162 ... ... , , COUNCIL.REBOLUTION lIO. 909 ,. 4 c01iU1oiJ! Relito~UUon.;LevYin8' a Special 'assessment of t~j,xe's to defray . . seventy...tiveper O~I,ltof the cost end eX!penseof $pri~k1ing in Sf;;rut $'Pr1nk.. . "' ",. I lin~ Distriot No. 162 of tpe City of Bozeman, for the Year 1918. WmmE.AS, the CitJl Oon;nc11 of tLe City of Bozem8ij, .Mont~.nal diq. on the 21st day of Maroh una, finally adopt Council ResOl1,1,t1on l~o~ ore~ tEld and de:fined tl1e boundaries of Sprink:J.ing Dis1irhtl'JOfl.Q2 of and provided for the assessment of the cost andl);j!;'pens,e ofsprin:l;:U:q,S- fi~e per cent of whioh~ or the ~ortion along Or the total number of on 11.fi\J:*:t.e., to tho IEJ.ame"penalties prOVided ' ~ \ .' , .' - -90q~' 8nd ;plao,e the REI sol;t.l<ti on. ,,- City-of Bozeman, to-wit: The Daily Chroniole, a no~lce Cl\3rk stating that a Res~luti6n levying u special assessment to defray the cOBt and i expense of idio!!lng "the \3nrinklini! fYt aaidSp1Jinkling District I~0.lG2 is on :f;'ile 51;1. his, office subject. to inspectfonfQr t'1 va daye;; that said nQ,tice sh&n state D PtHi,s>(iI,dand Bdopted tUs [)th day of Sentem'i;Jer 1918. i:; :i Approved by the ~a,ypr this 6th day, of ,S;epibambe:r 1\11B. (SEAL) L.. ,W .~rllit't). . '"h . -':' .. Ma'Mo:r Attest: aigned o:t:the S~~:t';elm'beJi', :Un8. a:r+d has ever since been c.n.file, in said office. s,JJ.b-ject. to in,. s'Pect:l:q.2land the s'tidd City. Olerk having goi ven notice of the passEl-ge and flUng of said ReSolution ;:.b.y publishing said notice.in the DailY. Chron1cle.. a newe- I papa)', pu.bJ.j,shed in saidPit,y."at, le8st five days before the p.,ay"ee$1',or he8:rini~ all objections to th.8. fi.:p.sl adoption of ssid.Resoh~tion as hereir~il@.iao:tned. and 0 the tlhol,,-tirna"o.a'Q fixed for heBr:l.n~ objectionst 0 ,the final. f\doption of Baid B-eaolut1ou /)ndll~.he1"irf!~ 130 'fixed hi:IW':W1,1I: already passed and expired . and no owner:. of, property.I;':W.:I!;lihin sl:\id St~\!I',/f'ti Sp;rin;k.:lingo District No, 162 or other person appe.8ring tOiob,}e.ct or objeGU ,R to the adoption of s~id resolution c>rthe assesements 01" sa:idCtt~iY'1 iQunqil that the &ssessments sho~:J.J..fJ,I'b.emade:as>in ~Jj,Ii;:.REla?J,"\.1.,tioIl.' provided; the same for M"; -Atteav: " Assmsm.fEITT LIS"'AGAnrS'l' S"PRnrKLXNG DISTRICT no. :162. BABCOCK>>$l'.~&FIJilTRAVE. ,--,- -' Tax C' Rate of dssessment-- $0.012 per 'front foot. including d" 6p accrued interest to Hov. 30, 1918 -:oJ ' '" ,. . - --~.,.,.- ~--~~-- . __-h. ------ . -~~ --" ~ -"-- - ~ . -"---~---.~ --~ --~,,~ .>~ .. <=---~ - ~-~~.."- - ~~ --. Gal. Laundry Co. (The S .30I't of all tracts IT b~ Bab'c:d6k 'St.) -,-> ~ , 11&"},12 & Surplus S. B Orig. Town '{;O~ $..72 Geo R. ,lHcllols 13 to\15 & S 90ft of 17 to SO B " .. 240 2.88 D.E. Patters a,," 12-13-14 &" Surd;ls S. " A '" IT 90 1~O8' Geo R. U icho1s 15 '. & 16& SUTDius S A .. tt 60 .7-2 Mendenhall & Smi th 17. & Surplus S of sam e It Tf .. 'An .36 '{...'-I"j United states of America 19 to 22 sf of 0 & Surplus S ~,: A " " 151 1.82 J.8 to 22 A story's Ches Vi. Hoffman & 1 &,',poTtion of II AE Ald'ns 150 1.80 17 A Story's E. J. Owenhouse & ~'}orti{)n 0 f n AE Ald'ns 30 .36 12 to 16 A. Stor;rTs Chas B. AndeTsoT: & portion of tr AE Ald'ns 135 1.62 16 to 18 B Story's F. L. Benepe &, portion of tt! AE Ald'ns 90 1.08 12 to 15 B story's Uelson Story. Sr. & portions of III & IV AE Ald'ns 120 1.4 4 10& 11 B Story's Heirs of Kay Est 4/5) Jas. Ray, Incomp.l/5)& }}ortion of IV AE Ald'ns 60 .72 - 17. & 18 C Stor;)r's Helson story, Jr &: portion of V. AE Ald'ns 60 .72 15 & 16 C Story's Ella M. Edsall & portion of V AE Ald'ns 60 .72 10 to 14 C Story's QatbolicSchool & Cburcb 8i portion of V & all of vt AE Ald'ns 150 L80 Gal Co., HigbSahool:-.' E 9~f,of 29& 30 to 38 D Story's 279.5 3.36 Nelson Story, Sr. 19 to 28 & W 20.5 of 29 D story's 566.5 6.81 R.i~. West All of 1 E Story's '.130 1.56 1lar'shall T.Nelson All of 44 , ~ story:~s 130 1.56 J.E.Bush (The H. 30ft of the following tracts ) ,E 10ft of ,12 Rbuse:!;s 2ird. 10.5 L13. H.D.Ballantine 13'&.'14 It !! 100 1.20 .Mrs . Francis Purdy Tract 50 X 157.5 " It 50 . .60 Assessment List contInued on Page 284 i _-;-C'_c_~~~""~_' .-'""-"".c---", h-.~_-____._ _ '- ---~-- ,~~,.-- -.-~~~-~_._--' -' L:] Tax . (Je r fro.nt footi -- --il1~l ualng Rate of Assessment -- ~O.O12 6%. accrued interesr to Nov. 30, 1918 Lots ;.,......Bloek . .' Addition _,_~:~~;;_"f>j-G,.;-;__,.;-j ;'~,-=:::X-:;~__~T__~ ' ,--- - - . - - -. . -.'.(nenn Knodle Tract 50 X 157.5 R011.se's'3rd 60 1!$..rris. Kirk n 50 X 157~5 " " 50 ._.Ga..Co. High School " 140 X 157.5 n n 140 . Sehoo1C! Disct. 1'[0 7 Lot 1 C Aldlns & n 30ft of "School iBk" in Rouse's 5rd. o.s-.'" 506 6.08 Grand Ave. Christiari CJmrch 20 .r B Aldlns 130 1.56 .!J...M. Mazeiner 1 B " 140 1.68 1st.. l':resbyter ian' Church 20 Ii. " . 170 2~O4 Y. 111. C .A. 1 f A " 140 1.68 Gal ~" LOi'ige#18 AF&AM N 30ft. of 2, 3 & W19ft of 4 n Black's 60 .72 1i:rs . Emma . Cu110den .. " " 5 & E 11ft of 4 A " 41 ~50 p~ & P. G.Dodso~ " , It ,. 6 to 10 A " 150 LBO Emil Felenzer . " .. It 11& 12 A " 60 172 B.P. o. E. LodRe 463 " " " Tract 70 X 151.5 in B " 20 .84 ,M'TS. Augusta Rose ." " )t " 50 X 151.5',in B )t 50 .60 1. D. .DUke " .. " .. 61 X 151.5 in B " 61 .74 ;... ~ary E. Lyon ,.~ .. " " 50 X 151.5 in B n 50 ;60 ''0 ~ ' -, . & n .. .. " 29 X 151.5 in B n ~ ' n " n Frac'l Lot 3 .Guy's 66 180 4686.5 $56.30 Aug. 24, 1918- I hereby certif;V";.tha t the cost of -sprinkling in StreetSpr:nkli'g District No. 162, fortne season of 1918, is $75.07; tha. t 75% of that amount, or f56,,?'(), is as se sse a against th e abu ttinc- prop erty, of wh ich the forego ing is A full, true 8..11d correct list. , C. C. Wi dener 'City Enr<ineer Proof read and I corrected: ~.df ~1)21/18 -. . \