HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 908: Levying a Special Assessment of Taxes to Defray 75% of cost in District No. 161 CO,WWI;L E$SOLUTIOlJ NO, 908 spa aia,l 11i~~~e~en:t of ta4es to defray ,of the ooat an4 expense of aprj"nkling in street Sprink- of the City. of Boz.m~n, for ,t~e year 1~18. di d Of, the '2~a:n d,a;v of March 19:1';/;), ;fj,:q.a1'1y adopt Counc,ilHeaoJ.,uHon lJ0, 857 whioL c~e~lted and: def1nEl'd the bo\mda,:wiQS of Spr,:Lnkli:n8" DiatrictNo,. 161 of so Hi 01 tyand pro- yided fo:r t~~,'~'~~,~"asm~nt of the 00'1'1;" fu~C!i~:xpep8e ofii!prinkli:qp;' the same.; and w1th~n 'the~~id district dw!;'~n8' tb,e Gq~t, ande~pensel Qf$97.~~, seventy:~ '. focitto t~le1)rbp,E!rty in front of and alonr' whiuh 8pl"in~ling has1)e(::n do:q.f:I on atly street Or avenue wi thiilaaid (HstriC1i; that the total n1tmber ofJ,.:L!1!i1ar feet bordering on Church Avenue in said dist:r:J,ct is 40aO.05. THEH~]10RE BE IT RbSOLVED EY Tlijj;,II,ITY QOQ~JOlr. C]' TILE IJUY Ol!' BOZ1!;MAH, 14Ql~TAljA: Section 1. That :\;0. d.~t:P~y seyenty-t'ive pero.ent of pe~l;ae of ap:ri,p,1tlingin Sprink1i118' pistri~ft No.. 16J., Qta~~d 19J;~" tAue pe Lind there h heveb,;v leYied lil.nd Msess49q. a e1:l1;y in front of or along wh:J:oheaid,aPlr:~J:+tUIlg ha~ p,een nfill11e 'of . of land is as ts '"I'." ';'~0G", .. Seot:1:on 2, !J:hat the Oity Oounoil ~~a6:iOlt intlte plf4PG, the 'Q~t:~,'CoiAAci:U wUl retiJolutio;q.. ( Seq:tt,'01n:t,.(E~,tt:ht! C~ty Clerk of, :FJozem~n 1:\e. lJ.4d ,he h~~$b~' is a~thOr~l?ed ~ , &1',\d (l:.i+'e.Q~ed >t~G1.]n.lb,\L:i.d~l;It :aozern~:n,yo-Wit":\L'be,'Da,ily ChroI.\.101e I ,6 notj.oe ,sif'med ;Qytl+e'O~~yCJ.~rk; r.rtat.tng:tihHti a Eeaolnt:!,or). ,ley;y:!.:qlr. 1:\ speo:i./kl e:::;~t;!ssment to Q,~;f:rElY ,the Goat anq. eJl:pens~ .Q:! do:j..:q.p:the .sprinkHnp; in !3aU SPr:i.~;q,ngp1,i:!:t:tn:*q.,1r$o. Ip:!,. i13 on file ~n Me .of:t'ioe subjEl9t to .insPeo,t:l,on for:t:'i va ,lia,;)1::1jl ;"th.a~seid .4Qtio~,shIiLLl p.:L~qe ,at whicf1"i.!1\bJ,6Q1(1Qne. wPl ~ thi\j ,Rei3Qlution;; th,8 t seJd ~o.t1oes:gl)lf' b~o pUblished " J' ! at.'leaat I fivi.7 q,a;vs "before the date set by the City OQ;u,:n,o;l.J.. :for the he a ll:l-ng C\t', Q1:lj,eojdona,at~d,th~,,:Unaleqj.Q'lIHqp. .of tl1is R~splutiQ~h Pa~sed Bnd ad~Jted,th1s 6th day of September lila~ Ap:pJ:'oved<,bythEi!' Ma"lort1;1.1s9th day, of September 1\:118<,. (S~L) W~:aAiS,. the a QOV$ :,entitladRe~Gl1i1;t.j;'cm ,;,S.i<:rnedby the 1AAy;:or aud Cit:v .said ClEi!~~ pfs,~d Ci~y on On file ,in 0 " < " ,', ': Chro;qicle I anewspa::pflr, pU:Qli:;:;he,d in ,ae. herei.ndea~ribed.,Q,i~;/,i,. the H<~:ty Op'lJ,n,cil having ');Jean ~naef:!;;I~9111~:n:r<<ru.?nt to and ,at the :t~P1a so fhed for Council that the assessments Tl'~R~~DR~ ~E, JT RESOLVED, that the above tha same her'eby is, ,f:l.nal1~adopted 'the C;i;)j:lY Counoil ,th1 e ----.... ---------. ---... Assessment list a9:ainst Sprinkling District no. -161 1I0.Church Ave.. j.rain. to Peach. 'lax ~ i;Jcluding Rate of Assessment -- $0.0179 D~r front foot. 6:'D accrled interest to Nov. 30 r D" , Oopeland LU~yer Co. 14 &, 15 1st 300 $ 5.43 Frank Bonn T , It 150 2;71 J. T. Powell " 28 " " 150 2.71 SChool Dist. lIo. 7 14 ~ 15 Vacated alley n 320 5.79 Mrs. Susan Huffman 1 " .. 150 2.71 Frank C . Downing 28 " " 150 2~'71 TIrs. Susan .Rnff~an 1 & 2 Babcock & Dav. 56 1.01 Chester newman 3 & 4 2 " " 56 1.CI Eva Oberle 5 & 6 2 .. " r::~ 1.CI uO John A. Nordquist 7 & 8 2 .. " 56 1.01 Loui sa A. Busch '9'-10-1l-12 2 .. n ,g6.75 1.75 M:. E. Church, South 102.xl05 in S end of I 1 " 't 102 1.84 E. G. B. Hill 60 x IC5 in 1 1 .. " 60 1.08 W. A. Shelton 60 x 105 in 1 1 " " 6,r, 1.G8 Chas E. Hay 70 x 105 in 1 l. " " 70 1.26 Mathilde L~ Greene 11 30ftorl, all .of 2 1 u' t! 75 1.35 F. E. Herrett BIIOft of 3 1 " ., 110 1.99 Mrs. A. C. Russell 27 x 105 in Z 1 n " 27 .49 Hans Gunderson 49 x 105 in 3 1 " 49 ~88 Marie Orton N 43ft of 3 1 ". " 43 .78 Susan A. James S 60ft of 4 1 n " 60 1.08 UarieOrton 60.5 x 105 in 4 1 " " 60.5 1.09 P. & P. G. Bodson 60.5 x 165 in 4 1 ~, .. 6C.5 1.09 F. Vi. Ham 70 x 106 in 4 1 " " 70 1.26. Ci ty of Bozeman 131.9 x 105 in 4 1 .. " 131..9 2.38 Wal te r Lehrkind If 12ft of 4 &, 850ft of 5 1 " " 62 L12 Josephine Me Donald 50 x 105 in 5 1 n .. 50 .90 Ijarie Orton 50 x 105 in 5 1 " " 50 .9C John A. Luce, Estate. 60 x 105 in 5 1 " " 60 1.08 Carrie Johnson 60 x 105 in 5 1 .. " 60 1.08 John A.i.Lnc'e Estate 1'I 10ft -of 5 , all of 6 1 " " 178 3.22 Henry R03S Vacated tract IJ of 6 1 " " 30 .54 JamesJI.JVo 00. S 60ft of 1 5 .. " 60 1.08 Vi~.E':J3l3-rJrer 3 & H 10ft of 2 5 " " 60 1.08 P:.J. lJa::Vies, Agt. 5 5 " " 50 .90 Jlfary ..S.'I, illk~r 7 5 rr " 50 .90 Maggie Patter~lOn 9 5 " " 50 .90 .is s es sment listcont1imued on Page 280. .--,.- ...-----~-~,..-:..- --~~ .- ~""-~_.~---~-~ . . - ~..- .-_. ~_~_'-:_',",,~~--o-"~_~ __ .._ Continued from Page 279 tJ Cd Assess ent list a , .^ , Rate of Assess~ent -- $0.0179 par front,; fa ot. Name Lots Block, Addition Frontage Lara' Cecil Gillen 11 5 Bab. & Dav. 50 $.90 Katie E. Hasking 13 5 . tI " 60 :1.08 J. . W. Labertew 1 6 .. tt 50 .: 90 E~ N. & H. C. Mof'fett 3 ~ 5 6 .. tf 100 L81 P~J. Crliichshank 7 5 n n 50 ;90 JOhll S. Foree 166 x 194 in 6 .. " 166' 3:00 Mrs. L.A. Belshaw 55.33 x 194 6 tf tt 55.33 1.00 , Haris Gunderson 55.34 x 194 in 6 n .. 55.34 1.00 Amos Clausen 55.33 x 194 in 6 n tt 55.33 1.00 E. R. KJnaler 117 x 19<1 in 6 tf " 117 2.13 4038. 6E. $72.92 AU.g. 24, 1918. I hereby certify that the cost of sprinkling on Street Sprinkling :Dis trict No. 161, for the season of 1918. is $97.23; th,9:t 75% Of that amount. or $72.92. is assessed against ti,e abl1ttinzproperty. 0 f which the foregoing is a fuJl. true and correct list. C. C. Widener City Engineer I i ! Proof read and Corrected. ~f/f 7tj( , 11/21/18 i I!