HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 921A: Passing of resolution no. 921 -.-..- "'- COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 921 A. ,'" ' " A COUNOIL RESOLUTION LEVyiNG lIND ASSESSING A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT OF T.AXES UPON ALL TBE PROPERTYWITEIN SPECIAL INr... PROVEME]NT LIGHTING DI5TIUCT NO, 100 OF THE. CITY OF BOZEMAN C OLTNTY OF GALLA!J!IN, ~~.ATE OF MONTANA.,,mS ,"J)JF~~'J!.!~QS',TE A'1flJ EXPENSE, OF WN!.MINING .TRE IMPROVEM1mTS. INSTAL' D.AND STABLISH ED. AND"THE SUPPLYING 011' ELECTRICAL CURRENT .AND THE 'MAINTENANCE OF ELEOTRIC ,m(HiT,S WITHIN SAID DI$TRICT FOR ~HE YEARh1918. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF COUNCIL RESOLUTIONS ,NOS. 641 D 647 , CREATING SAID DISTRlt..CT. WHEREAS, the Ctty Council of tse City of ~ozeman, did on day of June,1915 dUly and reSilJ,ili!t,rly pase Council Reso;J;utiPJi1;: declaring it to be the intention of t:b.e CityCounc,i';!.'w:t;, .~he Ci,ty ..'!'.fBozeman, Sta.c'!i.e of Montana" to oreate ~ special improvement d is- . :t;',:i,ct;, to,,; be knOVIl'l and designated as Special Improvement Distr;iot ;No. 100 -- of,s~U. City for the purpose of installing and maintaining electrio the East line expense for electrioal due and legal prooeedings 41 d em the 20th day 0. f July, 1915, du~y p,~as ereating !!laid Speoaal Improvement JJtghting :;g;j.@r~l:fO::t: No.. 100 of said C,ity of ]ozem~, state of Montana, for the p11r- P;98.$' 0.1'. ins "!;all ing' and ma iutaining'fleetric lights as af:ltl~esaid, and pr9:vid::\.ng the method of the assessment of the annual cost \!If supp1yi:cg el'eot~tpal current _,jl the maintaining of the lights in said District, ,. t ." w~i~h Counoil Resolutions Nos. 641 and 64'7 as ~fore8aid are hereby re.. " fe$:zrep.: to. and made a part of this Resolution for f~ther partl1Loulars in ,. .' ..te~:p",~itto the beundaries of said District, the character of the improve- , me:p,t!ilc,"lic be c onstructeq. and installed therein, the supplying of .the elec- tri(\)1?:+ current and the maintaining ef the lights in said District, the i.V , ,~ ., of said improvements, the cost of supplying said eleetrical our rent and the maintaining of said lights therein, and the method of cost of supplying said electrical current and the mainte- lights against the property in said Distriot, and WHEREAS, electrical current has been the within said District have been maihtained fer the year 1918, as ~ 641 and' 64'7 in acoordanoe Resolutions fires. 641 and maint.. !lIor the year H18 is the u ThousDnd, Three Hundred Three and 95/100 ($3,303.95)~ J _n. _99.1 4- -- . Now therefore, pursuant to the provis'i~~_Q,f,:(}I~a.:pte.r li:t.3... La.ws of Montana, 14th session, 19],5, and said Council Resolutions Nos. 041 and 64'7 as aforesaid, BE ITRES'OLVEIJ -AN]) IT IS HEREBY ORDEREDB:l TBE .OITY' C OUNOn OF THFJ.C ITY OF BOZEMAN. STATE OF MONTAj'jfA~ Seotion 1... That to defray the oost and expense of supplying elect.. , rical current and maintenance of said lights. in said Special Improvement ,Light- ing Dist,i'ict No. 100 for the year 1918 there be, s.nd there is hereby, levied and' assessed a tax upon all the proper;ty in Special .Improvement ];;ightmgDia- I :tria t No .100, against the Oi ty of BCizeman and the Ga.llat:lI1 Valleif-Ry.- Oomyany a.mou:a,ti:t1g 'totheaumof Three' Thousand "Three Hundre d Thr.ee and 95/100 , ($3.3-GZ.96); that a. partioulardescription of each lot and paroe];'iofl~d, with the name oJ!! the owner and the sum assessed against him or it fer suoh mainte- 1 nanee for the year 1918, i$ set forth iIi detail in the assessment list hereto '''''.1 attaohed I').nd me.rked "Schedule "A" and mae apart hereof:; that the severa.l sums'setoP1?osi te the names of the owners of the described lots and parcels of land" 'be. aniithe ea.:me are here by respectively levied and assessed'ltPon~d againstsf!-id described lots and parcels of land. ag-e.inst the City of Bozenan azrdi.a.gainatthe ~al1atil1. Valley Ry~ OOIl1pany to defray the oostano.'expense of : ' ' , ,!. S1.tppl~:tng'sa:ta electi'1e'cu.:rren;t and.Inainta'ining the said lightBwi't'hi~i"sa'~d Distriotufor theyea.r 1918; that the sever~l sums so a.ssessedbecoiiected from the'respsctiveowner$ of the said lots and parcels,. of land,theCity"of')3ozeman aDd-,-.theGallatinValley By. Cpmpany as described in said a.ssessment iigf Schedule!"AII as required by law; that the payment of said sumssha.ll''b'e - matts betwGl!Il1 the first Monday in October, 1919 a.na. the 30th day of November, 1919; that saidSnmsshall 'be paid and the colleotion thereof shall "be made'fn/the manner aIldi:m:acQordance with the'lawgQve:mingthe'eqlleetionof'Js~eeiB.l 1m... 'l ;,' , ,:' ; '\.~_".J< , pro V6ID9nt Taxes; that failure to pay such as s.assments, when the same shall beoome due and payable shall make such persons and sdl1 lots and parcels'Pf ( :.f:. laJ1d, the Oi ty of Bozeman and the Gallatin Va.lley By. Company lia.ble to the penalties provided hylaw relative to delinquent taxes; , Section z... That the regnla.r session of the C:i.t;rCo"\lIlcilof the City of Bozeman, to be hel t1 in the Council Ohmnber of the City Hall Build- t " '\'f.C~' ",' ., . ing?said City, on May 1st, 1919 at 7:30 o'clock, :P. M., b€l~ and the Sl;)~e: U hereby dlifsignated' as the time and place, at which objeotions toth~ fi!1~:L . 1- adoption of this Resolution will be heard "by the said CityCC~1C:i.l; Section 3- That the City Clerk of the City of BO:<l8m,!'tn.1 ~le and < ( he is hereby, ordered and directed to publish in the Weekly Courier. a we~kly newl3pa.per "printeB and published in the City of Bozeman, a notice: signed by the