HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 920: Levying of taxes in Street Sprinkling District No. 1 "A COUNCIL RESOLUTION LEVYING AND ASSESS- ING A SPECIALA,SSESStl'!ENT OF TAXES upon ALL THE PROPERTY IN STREET SPRINKLING DISTRICT JSHU. 1 OF THE CITY OF BOZElllANE CoUN>TYOFGALLATIN, STATE OF MONT1~NA, TO IJ FRJ,Y SEVENTY"'FIVE PER CENT OF THE COST liND EXPENSE OFS:]?RINKLING THE ,STREETS WITHIN SAID STREET SPRINIfI,ING DIST:":ICT NO, 1 OF THE ITY IF BOZEMAN, FOE ~'HE YE.:\R, 1918", AND, said Council Resolution No. 920.A was duly signG(1 , Mayor and t1?-e Ctty Clerk of said City ana was filed in the office Cit,y Clerk of said City on:\ihE'1 '17th day-cof AppE, 1919 ana ever smcehas been on fiLle:i1ril, said oinee su.bject to and :for the inspect,ion pers ons, inter~sted; MD, Thursday, the 1st ,de.yofMay, 19J..9atseven-thirty o'clock, P. lVI. , at, a regu.,lar session of said 01 ty C011no n, to lJe held t at the Counoil Chamber; City Hall; said City, WQS designated iXl,isaid , ResoJ.u.tion as the ttme and place of hesring objections to the final passage and adoption of said H.escl;utioh; . AND, The Oi t~ CJ;erJs: has given notice of the filing of said Resolution and the f1nalpasaa'ge ana adoption thereof by pulJlishing notice thereof in the Weekly Courier, a weekly newspaper;, pn'fulished..::1n ?alid City, at least ii ve (5) days before the day set for hearing ~y and a.llQib~ectionsto the fina.lpassage and adoption of said Resollltion; AND. the matter of said final passage and adoption of said Resolution coming on'regularly to be hearil, pursuant to sai ilRes- elution and nc,tice, this 1st day oi May, 1~19, at a regule,rss$sionof said City COtmcil, due proof being made oitha :p1.lblicationof:eaid:no- tics as req11ired"by law and as ordered by said Resolution, and noob- jElctions having been made or filed to the:finalp~s~Meaniladoptionof said Resol1itionnndthe levying oftbeassessmenta.s thereinpro'v::l.ded; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AJiD IT IS HEREEY ORDERED EY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE .cITY OF BOZEMAN, STATE OF. MONTANA .That said Council Resolution No. 920 A, be, and $'he sa'rnE1'is hereby finally passed and adt!ptea ana the Special Assessment of taxes to defray the cost and expense of making the imp.tove1l1ents as therein set forth; be, and the Same are hereby levied and assesserl\\,. as therein provided; Finally passed and ffnally adopt~d by the City Counci 1 of the City of Bozeman. ata regular session thereof, held this 1st !fay f!)f May, 1919. Approved 'by the Mayor this 1st ds.y,;qiWay, 1919. (Seal) L~W, Trtti tt Way or Attest: CA. Spieth L![ ty Clerk "