HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 919: Creating a SID No. 170 -- _________ _ n____. ..._...__._._n.. ...----. - -------.- -919- ~ COUNCIL RESOIJUTIOl'1 HO. 919. '" I , A COUNCIL RESOLUTION ORE1,TING A ~)PECI1IL n:PROVEi,l}i:.\\IT DIsrrIUCT 0]' THE 0ITY OJ!: BOZEIvJl.N lvIOm:.iHU\ ?OR 'Hili l'l~TIPOSE 0]' ConS~rTIUCTING 11 SIX-INCH S.ANITi,RY SWI'lEH, ONE!.IIAL:B' IJLOC ,T SOUTH OF TlLAIN STREET AN]) P.8.RALLEL,~:EEHETO FROM l'HE CENTER 0]' IHN~:II AVENUE 'to THK CENTER OF TENTH AVENUE Vf1~rIUN SAID CITY OF BOZ.8N,.AN, S'-ri\.C::E 0]' EON'.J:ANA, TO ORDER SUCH' 1:re.n;:K, TO BE DONE TH]EJ.EnT, .ANI) PHOVIDE FOH 'ERE FUJRIDR~l ASf:JESsnTG 0]]' T lIE. EIFL'IRE COST AND EX[i'ENSE OF M.i\KING SllID IMPROVEIJEl:T~L'S AGlIIHST THE PROPEH-' TY IN BAlD DISTRICT. " WFD3:REAS , at ,,'t. rognlar session of the City Conneil of the City of Bozeman, State of Montana, held on the 1st day of August, 19~8, the said Oit"y ponncil f.!n1y paf3sed Council Besolntion No.878. declaring tt to be tho intention of tbe so,if.! City Con11cil to cre2te s, speca.il im- >ro'181'1811.t f'cictriot to ,be ]cnOVil1 r,n(1 desigml to,u U.s Special Improverront Dis- trict l~o. 1'70, for the j}rrL'lo DO of 00 118tr1'ot ing 8, six-inch zuni 17 co: ry sewer .1." o a-half :Block South of 1;1ain Stre0"l~ ana. '()arallel thereto, from Ninth n .. Avenne to Tenth Avenne, in 3&i(1 City, and to ;e;peciaJ:ly aS8erJS the an- ti 1'0 co st ant} expense of making S!c it1 improvements EGa:'Lnr:t t]:JO property ,within'saia. District; .-ghj.ch saitl Conncil Heso1ntion No. 878 is hore"by reforre'd to and made a lXJ...:~t hereof, for further particnlars in rOf:peot to tl'o "boundaries of s:::i,l District, the e~timatod east of said impro~e- mentel and tIle method of asses::dnc the some ep;ainst the }!1"02?ert;y ,vi thin s2i[~ f':i.strict; and WHEItEAS, notice of tIle Jf!sse.ge of said Con:acil Resolution Ho. 878 was ilnly pnblHJh.0r", in one i;Js\~o of the VVeek1y Courier, a weeldy j10wslx:J.,}")8-r -printeu mla J)uolishe6 in [3::d,(1 C it Y of Bozem::m, to-wit : in the issrw of August 7th. 1018 ana. by mai 1 ing t).. .cOpy 0 f ,m.c h no tice to each 1)e1' co Y.:., firm or cor~')orGtion, 0:<' 2:CJ;!)nt of ~~UCt: J")ol',,;on, firm or corporation having :J.)ro])erty wi thin s~;.ai propos ell d istric t at hi": last knoviTI. sJ1Qres8 ____. u_ ._u___._ __.n _...__._ :/'y:;>:/><::',' .",:.: -91q- NOW TIIE:IIEJ1'ORE, BE IT RESOIJYED BY THE CITY COUNOIL OF o F:B:Oz;m,1A.N, LiO NT AN.A }, . Seotion 1. Thct sale) S:pecial IY!111l'overr:ent Dist:dot same ltereoy 1s, ." ,.~ : ' City of Boseman, Sta" e o:f. 1.10ntill18., [)e, Q.uu the oreatec1 for the ])\1q~ose 01' 1: 11 Ci im)l',~.,ve'nentG therein as hereinC1fter 1)1'ov1(le,J; I Section 2. That s11ch SPOOiC11 im:p1'ovementsbe ;)J.1tl the same are hereby , ordered to be maLle in saiCl Sl)eoial 1mprovemol1t Distriot Hio. 170, as follows: ,Theconstrnction of a six-inoh 82n1 tary sew~r, inclnMng tho necessary manholes, fnlf3htanks, wye 1)ronch08, pipe and trenohiilE:ohe half blook son th 0:[ Main Stree t, and parallel thereto, from {:he center of :Uinth Ave. to the oenter of ~~ehth Avo. Seotion 3. ~:hat the entire. 08t. gnu e;::penB6 inOU1'1'eo 'dm lliL'lking -.-----.. before the time snch bids will be opelled, vih j.ch shall ]::'0 at tho neeti:rlG of the City Council 1.1'1ich shB.llbe held on Thursday, the 3r a C\ay of .ArJri I, " 1919. I'aGsed 2na s.ooptor1 1;y the City Council of the City of Bos8E1,:n, at a regular session tl:eroof, Dela this 6tll r.1a;)T of i\lareb, 1919. A})p'oveu by the ivla;Ybr, this Gtt BrW of IvTarch, 1919. L. W. ~:ruitt Mayor (SEAL) Attest: C. A. S'pi eth Cit~r Clerk.