HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 918: Levying of taxes in SID No. 171 - ,,_u, ,.,__._,., . ,_____ _._,___,., _.'m' .__._ _(HR_ COlmCIL RESOLUTION NO. 918 A COUNOIL RESOLUTIO:N LEVYIJlTG AND ASSESSING A "SPEOI.f1L ASSES8rEENT OF TAXES UPON .ALL THE PROPERTY IN SPECIAL" ni!P~1OYEMEI:Fr: DISTRlIJOT NO. 171 IN THE CITY";F BOZEMAN COUNTY OJ!' GAUA'rnI, STll~'E OF MONTA,NA, '~~O DEFRAY U,'HE' COST OF CONSTHUCTING .fUTI) IvIAKING THE mMPIWVEM,JillJTS WITHIN SAID SPECIilLEIPROYElvT!nl-JT :EJISTRIOT NO. 171. WHEREAS' " the City Connei 1 of the Oi ty of BozomDn fl ir1 on the 1st day pf Allgnst, 19J.8, dnJ.y a:ml re,s"ularly pas8 Cop~ncil ne~JOJ.utioD No. 8Dl Clcclar- (I jng it to be the intention of said Oity Conncil to create SpecL::,l Inrproverrent ]he,triet No. 172 fore the lilJ,J:'}")ose of constructing: storm 8011101'8, gradipg u,nt1 1'81'- ingthit J")o1'tion of Tracy Aventle Soutp 1Jetwoen the South line of JVlain street and the South line of Coll egE-J Street in the Oity of BO:l,ome.n, Stete of Montana, and thereafter, after dne nnd legal proceedings had, the saiaCit~ C~nncil aid on tho 6th doy of Spe"ombar, 1918 [\nJ.y :ra,cs Conncil ResoliJtion No. g OE c rea;'ciDg n :J I:, ' ::~ saiu S:I!eoil~l In1)!rovenent District No. 171 of 8i'il1 Cit;y of DOZ8Y:QU, StDte of Mon- L tnna, for the 'p17rpo,co of com1trncting the improvemer.ts as heroin <Jet fO,:I:'th, which Council Resolution No. 881 emu Ho. 905 passed ac aforesaid Bre hereby rwforred to and made a part b~this Re~olntion for fnrther particnlars in ros~ IJ8ct to the l)Olmilcq,'ies of SE\it1 JJistrict, the chl:1r'c:wter of the im::Jrovements to 1)8 constructed there in, the estimatel~ COf,t of saj.d imrH'oveJ:;ents ani" t110 rnethod of ak1Sessine; the cost against the l")roperty within sail! District; 11J:m WHEREAS, S ::, i r1 im::crovel:;en t8 IV" no n:i:01C1pl11 toil iI' se:1.l} ;Con,Ttc:i1 -- - que,nt ie1 set forth ,in detail ill the asuessment list hereto attache a , rnarl:ed "8ch01'1_11,10 "A", and moue a part her of; th$.t tres.everal SUDS seta ?pposi te the names of the ovmers and th~ described lots ,ana:pllrcels of lanu, b 0, )111U tJ10 Si:,mo are 1181' 0 by .res])octi vely lEivieu and a'Jsesseo upon :\ "t '(1 1 "1:1 t tDldparcellJ of land to Ilefray t9-e cost ant agL-jJlfJ' sal' (OfC:Cl'J,I")O( .,0 S ,mil C):J{"tJon::.::e of C0l1St1'1WtjJl[:: and making said iT'"'IJ):'ovements withJnsmt'o. " '"\..,, Di"trio t; ; thct the ,several sum:,) so ~,s8essed be colleoted frotJ1<the 1.'08- I)Oc;tive o'l1ners of 8::,1a lots ana paroles o~ land described in said asseas- tJ"tJ't i3che 11 nl.OJ "A", as re quire d l)y 11;1'1'1; that the payment of rnejl'-, ".lC" ~.1.iT-,,, said 8lml13 Hha11 l)e mEtlle in twnety-one (21 ) in8tallements emu the p0,;)'- ment of 8[1il'1 "1nst811111ent8 shall Gxtenll over a. porioll oftwenty-(20) ;rears; th8 t the })~lJmeJ~tof: the respe oti '18 811111181 installments shall 1)0 ma(le l:Jetween the 1st Monday in Octo1)81' ~ll1Q the 30th (13:'l of November of each ~Tear until payment of all the inst::'11ments" togetber "dth tho in- terest thcJreom, shall have been made; that [-:1ai(} ::;nun:3 fJhoJ.l 1")8 paiu and the collection thereof shall be m~~l1e j,.11 tlle mar,ner and in accol'l1anoe with the law governing the col18ntion of Speoial Improve:~,ent Taxec; t11'_,t fail11:r.8 to pay s11ch assessm(mtr:J when the some s11all l)eeome (lne Ccnd pay- able shall 28ke snoh persons and said lots end parcels of 1anO liable to tile pen81ties :prov~i'}er1 'by lnw relat1ve i;c dGli,nc[nent h,xes; Section 2,' That the regnlaY' session of the City Connoi_l of the 0;t;7 of J30Z8c;an to lje hela in the Ocuncil DhamlJer 1n.1:h8 Oi ty Hall Qf sai(l Oity on the :20th Qay of l\f1arch, 1919 at '7130 b' clock, r.M. be, ana the name is herel)y ,'e:31gn8ted as the time ana place, at which01J- jections to the final auolJtion of this Resolution will be hearl1by tee said Oity Council; Section 3. '1'11(:',1' t]18 Oi ty 01 rk of the Oi ty of Bozeman [>0, and he is her8by ordered 2.110 ([irected to publish in the Vl0ekly Conder, a weekly nOVlBl)aper, pr:intel1 and ImblifJhelJ in the said 0 Hy of BoZeman, a not.i,oe sig-iled 11Y the Oi ty Clerk a11(1 stating thst a Resoibntion lev;y- ing .8. special assessment of taxes to defray the cost a'-:d expense, of oon- str11cting an(} makigg theimpl'Ovemel1ts i:6: the said Special Impl'oveml:Jni: DisLridtNo. 1'71, is on file ij' the office of the Oity Clerksubjeot to inspeotion for a period of five ( 5) ilays ; that said nctice shall shlte the ti_me and plaoe 2,t wh ioh objeotions v!illlJe heGrd by the City-Council t- ' -9).8- -. PSS[1er1 ~:illd adopted by the OityCol1l1cil uf the City of Bozeman,ata.,!,)iGJg- sesi3ion thereof, held on this 6th day of M,crch, 1919. ApproveD by the Mayor, this 6th (1 ay of March, 1919. L. W. ,T:!."u'f::tt (SEAL) IJIDyor Attest: C. A. S1~eth C ity C. e'Y'E '- 0 ~~ .! ~ I" 11:-:,,;' {>:L~J t ..... ..1 r7~ '~_.~ SPECLH n~ROV?~-~J'I' DISTRICT NO. .L71 ",OR "DAVnW TRACY AV;;:rrUE FRO~.f l~Hl:r S'E'REET TO tota], Tax Block Addition A ,--::- story's 103 ft. ,0 . 11 n .39 2: 25.98 Ib:78 7~03 - 21 & 22 A .. 8 46.35 2.1 35 1.44 2.20 " 1f. Alde'tson's 141 817.02 39.02 25.44 38.90 A It 120 695.34 33.14 21 . 64 33.n A " 180 1043.03 49.83 32.47 49.66 F .. 90 ,521.60 24.90 16 . 23 24.83 F .. 90 521. 50 24.90 16.-23 24.83 F .. 60 347.67 16.67 10.82 . 16.55 F n 60 3?!7.67 16.67 10.82 16.55 G .. 60 , I G 7& Ni of 8 6 Fairvi f!W 76 434 ~ 5~ 20.78 13.53 20.69 C.H. Isabell 9-10 & at oJ: 8 6 " 75 434.58 20.78 13.53 JIl.69 HarryH. H1n'8fi'd 1 & 2 7 " 60 347.67 '16.67 10.82 16.55 , Ml'trtin J. Settle 3 & 4 ? It 60 347.67 16.67 10.82 16.55 . . Roby 6 &6 ~ n 60 347.67 16.67 10.82 16.55 o. Holm 7& litdf e ? . 45 260 .75 12.55 8.12 12.41 I 9 &: &i of 8 7 It 45 260.75 j..?~55 8,12 12.41 10 to 14 S16ft of 15 & Nelson Story Jr. 16.;f;622& Lot 1 7 " 418.2 2423.24 115.44 75.43 115.39 11 Ala. ~.mat. Nelson story Jr~ N t of Surplus lot called no" A Orig. Town 140. 811.22 38.82 25. 25 28.62 U. S .(Not collectable) S t of Lot "()n & Sllr'Jlus A " " 162 938.70 44.70 29.22 44.70 Gal Lodge No . 18 2& 3& 9ft W of 2 A Black I s 140 811.22 38.82 25 '.25 . 28.62 ~ . "k G. F. Saunders G Black's 56 324.49 10.10 15.45 Sarah A. Lipsy 11 81N. 14ft of 10 G n 42 243.37 11.77 7.58 11.58 I t~ry E. Metheney 9 & S l~ft of 10 G " 42 243.37 11.77 7.58 11. 58 21ft overlap on F Ho ffman 1 s A. Bigelow & 19 & S lot of 20 F " ~2 243.37 11.77 7.58 11.58 Ada E11~s 17. 18 &N19ft of Hi F n 69 399.82 19.22 12.45 19.03 Ida M.Ke11ey 14. .15 & S6ftof 16 F .. 56 324.49 15.49 10..10 15 . 45 Henrietta Rose 11. 12.. ."&:.113 F .. 75 434.58 20.78 13.53 20.69 Justin M. Smith 33'&.04 E " 59 289.72 13.92, 9,~D2 13.79 , Frank G. Wills on E n 75 434.58 20.78 .13..53 20.79 School Disct. no. 7 E n 325 1883.20 89.80 58.62 89.67 . Claak-Mon ta~a Ref! l1;y Co. 18 to 34 G n 427 2474.22 113.22 77.03 113.05 5010.2 $Z90ID. .40 $1387.80 $903.70$1382.18 Jan. 15. 1919. I hereby eerti:t;yt1i~~the impTovement s iin Spec ial Imprvement Distrie t II o. 171 have been e ompl ete d in ace ordnce wit h the reso lut ion Crf';!a;tihg saiddistTi otand1>hCit thes amehave cost $29031. 401't he total front ar:e is 5010.2 fe et. and the forego ing is a full and eomplete l.ist of 811t1J."dpe:rty ~e,g.t to special assessment on aecountofsiad impro-vements. .-. NOT ICE Heuring Final Adopt ion I Resolution No. 9l~ Levying Assescment Pavil'J;? Tracy AVe111H:1 South Improvement District No. 17l. lWnCE IS HEIiE:DY GIVEN, That at a 1'ogn18r session of t heCi ty Council. of the Oi ty of Boz, om 811 , held on Thursday, tho 6th day of March, 19J,.9, Conncil IiofJ'Olution-fmo.9l8 wac) 'July paf:;sed am! a aopted; that said Council Res- olution leviec: enr1 aSGe:::)fJe~:I eSpecial Assescmont of t'a:wS l),(pon all the IJrOp- erty in Sreci:ll InJ:p!'ov8;-"ent District NO.17l, in said City, to :),efray the cost and expense of constrnotinc; an,;maJdnr; tho 1mlJTOVementi:1 vij.thii'l seld Dif31:1"i('t; to-wit: cOl1strnctingstoTIf'i SeWel"S, graGing and :i,)D.vine; t112+,;1'otian o.J' Tl'gcy /ivenue 80.\1th, between the South line, of main Stl'eet El,nd the Sa17th line af CDl- lege street; J:HAT, 82i a Connc il Rec'io.luti en ]\10. 012 is nwn en :f:'i.,10 in the ~ ~ o'fice of the City Clerk, City of ]3':zerr:c1D, sub;ject to ",innpect{an :f'oY.'.8, perj,OC1 o.f five (:5) days by any IJer::;on jl1tere~)toG ;,1~h:ct Thnl^sday, the 2Gth r1a3T aflVLQ;,r~0h 1919 at 7:30 o'clock, P.M. at a _Tegular GesLdon af the City COl1l1cj,,1 at the I i';~1 Couhcil Ch:lmoer, City HaP, in the C'ity of }JOS'8!"2.11, bas been aeSig'~lol,ted a5:'+he time i,mt']. plecGwnen ani) where -i he sail) Ctty Council will hear 1::111)')21,,8 ul')on any and all Q,,'j~ctions that mrL;i be m[v}e to. the finnl pas:,:age anl1 aila'ption af saiil l\e801ution c1nil t11e levying o.f snj (1 a;Jc:e:3smeDi:, 2m) t},Slt sain noscnltian wiJ.1 1)0 finalJ.)jT p8Dseil smCl. aDopted at ::;nill :cogl1]B:t seLwion. All ;Jer80n(3 intereDtO(} are reforJ:eCl 1: 0 001mcil ;~cf10 J.11tiql1 Eo. (", 88J., Declaring H to. 11e the intenticn of tho City Cor:ncil to cre,~t8 81ic)ofal Imnro"""""'o,]"t. D-J."'t"']'o". ;.To 171 "1,0 00.1']0('11 T'bc'oJ""'!'l'-rl 'wo 901':) C. """'''i'''; ]'] ,.,. , C~""'J'I" '".,;. v X:.. J. \ ,~...Ll .1.:..1 .,.L. \..' .1..\1 " .l~ .,".,. L..-. ill ,.~"l -'-...,~ ~~\:;;I..~ ,.._~_~.' ".1.:.... r,. '_1.,1::"_1, .J_," (:J ~,c.'\",,'...l Sl)eCial IffiProveJTrEJlIyf -Distr'Lot Ho. 171, for ocnf~:trllctjn!?: i:Jm1 muking the inl'[);cove- mrm ts ther0in. ~' . '" . . 'c' .' ' . . ''1 __ ;,_,. ,1; .. it> D,~tea Un,:) Gtb. CI'~3T of ..._,_c,' 1919. " C. A. S])joth _ C1 t;7 Clerk \ COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 918 A. COUNCIL RESOLUTIC):T J,'J:N.AIT,Y T)iI:~:CING.;N]) LDOP'r'nm COUNO II, RE80UJ~'ION NO. 918, ENr~I'rJ~E';D. n A COUNCIL :R:E:SOLUTION LI~JVYnlG llND ASSESSING .j',. Sl'EOIMJ 1\5SESS~!IJi;}\'r.\' OF T,::Q!:ES . UPON j,LL ~~Im J?HOPERTY IN S2FCl\g nn?ROVE!:vlENTDISTRIC T'FO 171 HI T::1:E ern 01' DOZI%i.LIN, C rJUln:Y OJ:<' Gi\I"LATINSTA~PEO:D' I.iOH'r.AJ'JA, TO DEFRi,Y THE CCS T OF CNt: T'RUGTING 1\ nDM1UU~TG'< TIlE n;j:'I.10VE;hIENT;:5 WI'HIIlJ 31, ID Sl'EC IA LDI1.PT-1.0VEl(&;NTDI s;f; . THICT NO. l?L 11 VlUillREAS, ~:heCHy Council of the City of iJ.[ty of liiarch, 1919,at a reg1J..l8.r ::;e88i011. thereof, dnly No. 018, entitled, " .A Council Resolution levyi::tp; coma af3sem::ing a 8:1?Gcial afJf3ei3f'!ce'~t of: tf'zes urOD ("II the )rO]?8J:ty in 2:1~ocial Im:rovement D'Istrict No. 1711iInthe Cttyof 13ozenJDn, CountJ'of Gall", afin, iJtate of 1.10ntana, to defrqv the c.o~st of construe tiny ana m;:;.king t Jle improveYrlenf ,7ithinsco\id Spei3.ial Imliro veme nt D18t1'ic t No. 17111, AND, saia Counoil Resolution No. newas duly sig"ned h~r the ~vI2yoran(1 the City Cler]r of sda. ()jty a11u W\T8$ fileB in the office of tho City Clerk of saia City on tJ1e 6th (lay of March, ].919anC\ evor ~;inco }JaB bor;n or, file in sniiJ,:F.fice 8nbject to and for the inspection of all , pe1'!30nB int01'este6 i AND ,. TJmre (lilY, the 20 th d ay 0 f 1\1a1'oh, 1919, at 7: 300 I clock P. M. at a regular f-Jessionof snid Cit;y ConneD., to beheld at t1-'e Coun- oil Chamber, City Hall, soid Cit;'l, vms designDted in saiClRe801ution ;, ~ as the time end 1)1a00 of hoecring' objection::: to the final l?o'sfoage and . , aaopt1.<::n of sain Rea-plutioIJ.i. AND, The City Clerk hets: e;iv,,:Ql1otioe of the filing of said . Resolhtion and )t::hefinal passage ana ado}Jtion there of by :!)ul,l ishing no- tice thereof in the Week1yConrier, a weekly newspaper publiGhed in seia City, 8,t leaf1t fj_ve (5 ) flays Defor e the d.ay set for hearing o'ny aIJ:d :nt11 oo,iectionstiD t'"ofi11l:\1 passage and adoption of s::lid HesolutH:mi. .,\ND, The matter of said final p/;"\ssage and al10pti.on .ofsni?