HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 916: Levying of taxes in SID No. 155 ...--.--------- ______u_____u _ -916- COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 916. A COUNCIL RI!:SOWTION LEVYING AND ASSESSnm A SPEC- IAL ASSESSMENT OF TAXES UPON ALL TIm PROPERTY IN' SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DIST~ICT NO. 155 IN THE CITY OF BOZF~MAN, COUIlfTY OF Gj\L':,ATIN, WrN.i'E OF MONTANA TO DEFRAY THE COST OF CONSTRUCTING AND MAKING THE IMI'ROVEMBNTS WnHIN SAID SPECIAL IMPROVE~1ENTDIS:" TRIOT NO. 155. ,WHEREAS, Tbe C;i. ty Council of the City of Boz eman did on the 7th day of l!'ebruary ,1918, duly and regularly paBs Council Resolution No. 851, declaring it to" be the intention of the sej. d Oi ty Connoil to " create a sp ectal d.mprOVEJ''l0nt di st'rio t, to be known and desi gnateu as spec- ~, ial Improvement District No. 155 of said City, for the purpos e of con- strue Hug a oone:l.'ete, bril1ge on East Main Street ana the construction of : 'of concrete:wan:s and curl')s, BHuli thie pavement ana the grading and seed ing of 1)arkings on East Matn, Street and BiJ.ttonwQoil street.;. from the end I of the ,present pavement on East j'11ain street at :Broadway to the Cemetery gate on Buttonwood street in the City of Bozeman, state of Montana, and thereafter, after due and legal pro cae dings haa, the 88ia City Council did on the 8th day of Maroh, 1918, duly pass Council Resolution No. 855 cre,ating said SpGci(;,l Improvement District No. 155 of said City of Boz- eman, state of Montna, for the purpoS e of cons tr,: cting the im:p,1'ov eme nt s as herein set forth, V'kJich OOl:.noil Hesol1:tions No. SE,l anl} No. 855 passed as aforesaid Hre hereby referral} to an,l, made a 1)81't of tbi.r Resolution for further p8rti011'1ar8 in respect to the boundaries of said Dis t1'1ct, the chGrBcter of the imp'rovements to be c cnstructed therGin, the estima- ted cost of said improvements awl th8 method of assessing the cost agains- the ~roperty within said District, AND WBER,EitS, saia improvements as contemplate,} in 8111.,1 Coun oil Resolutions No .851 and No. 855 have be-en constructed ana completed in accordance w11:hthe terms end (1on(11.tions of Cbnncil Resolutions No. 851 and lIro. 855 and the total c,ost of f33i.r! im:Dl' ov BY);e nt 8 ciO cOllstr1J.ctE\d ~---- -~n 6- - ,~ amounb,ne; to the snm of: llJineteen Tb~)ISand Two HUJ:1(lred Eighty-tV10 Dollars, I I ($19, 282.00). upon all the property in 8,",id 3pecial Improvement District No.. lS5; that eo particular description of each lot and' :parcel of :j.nnd wi th the name I of the oWJ1er a,111 thesnmaSfJeSsed against him .'T it 1:or such improvement sand i the amount of eaOh partial payment to be madS and 'The day when the sume shall i . '.'r , become r1elinqu,ent is set forth in detail in the assessment list hereto attach- I ! ed, mar};:ed Schedule "A" anD ma(le a part hereof; that the several sum set oppo- I ! site the names of the ovm.ers arid the descrir)00 lots ana parcels of la:Dd, 1)8, i I and 't'he SRme are hereby respectivelylevied and assessed npon and agt'dnst saia .',-' described lots and parcelS of land, t6 d efrjy the cost and expense of construc t,;,. iug and making said improvements wHhsaid District; that the several sums 8.0 aS8essedbe collected from the respeotive ovmers of saia lots andparQels of.. r-J land"desctibed in said aE~SeSSmel1t list, Schou111o nAn, DEJ required. by la~v;, that. i ! I : the payment of saiC\shms shall be made in Twent;y--ono (21) l___'! installmentsanfl the paynients of saiil instd11ments shall extend over a period of Tvmcty (20) years; that the payment oft-he 'res]Jecti ve annual insteJ.lementr:: shall be made between the lisrt Monday in October and the 30th day of November of each year tmtil payment of all the instalIemrmts, together with the interestthereonfshall have heen made; that said S)lmS shall be paid and the collections ther8o~shal1.1 be mails in tIle manner ~.na' in acoordancewi th the law go'v8i"ningtheoblIcction of Special );rIlprovement Taxes; that fail1:1.re to pay [Jueh 'assessments vThen the some sh8.11 become due anLl payable shall make such persons and s~iJ lots aria parcels, of land liable to the penalties provided 'by law rel"i,tive to delinq1;1,ent taxes; Section 2. That tl1e regu1s.r session of the Oity GOtlJ1.o.il of the City qf Bozeman to 1Je held in the Connen C'hD,mber in the City Ran ~~ !~~_~J , - --~~ -::~+:':'::i ASSESSJiEIFt' LI21' AGA-rrST S '0'5C TU IIEPRQVg}'f:"TT IJIS'"1RifC'l' 1:JO.155""'OR CC~~CRE'l'E,{;m;!("J5RTS<;>CONCRr,;?E: WATK Ary, FA-ValENT ON DEL-.,'i,i:~ EASTHJt TIrSTREET L'1IJ"JJ BUTTONWOOD AVE:. FROM BROADWAY TO ':'HE CTJ;]'I"J':'---RY.- . '~1 .-~ 1 Ist_ 6, .... ..,,.a..2J,.s Ipaymeritsi:rl.jJ~jJAYr'{ENTS Ro te 0 f OM e e s ce n t on "riDe ipe 1 '0.077659 , ... .' ~ey.m.en~{>e e rue ~'!!ft!\!~ffT NeV. 30 OF ~~A~~~~ 1t It" n Interest 0.006163 , c. :". DetTqt;.I:l1.~.iAW'IT$ON 6%,nrT. . t ~ ~ . ~T"'WAS<'Dri! - 30 -. /ll! ! L ts Blodk 1919 19?O 1920..193:9 inc. All that portion~6f the "AyleswQrth ~~;~ mract" lying betWā‚¬eri the pr&perty of the Pure Oil Compnay and the west line of Buttonwood St. as recently Opened and improved and within 140 :fe~tof the south line of Hain Street. Ci ty of Bozemrn. Ala:oa:n th9.t por~ion of the "Alles- 225820 17536.98 835.18 1391. 7 2 835.09 worth, Tract" and' locks 11. 12. and 21 and the{~a'eatea streets and alleys therein. ly'Ing v:ithin 140 of wither side of Buttonwood st. as recently o,P- , ened and improveo.exccpting the south 83.4 feet 0:1: Lots 14 to 18 in Block 12, all inN. .N. Addi'fiiion . The east'28 feet of the north 140 feet oftha tract owned by the said 'Pure Oil QO~.Ythe same being a pairtion of the 3920 304.43 14.43 24.15 14.50 ffAYl~sWorth Tract"- in Northern Paciā‚¬ic . Addition. Lot 12 30 N.P. 2765 214.73 10.33 -916- NO TI C E HeariDg' Final Adoption R0801ution No. 916 Levying J1sseSSIDent Constructing concrete bridge on East Ma.in street and grading anu paving East Main -street and Bllttonwood Streets from end of Main street at Broadway to the Cemetery Gate on Buttonwood Street. Improvement District No. 155. NOTICE IS HEHEBY GIVEN, That at a regular sefJsioYl at' the City Cou.ncil of the City of Bozeman,held On ~rh1Jrsuay, the 6th day of ]'ebrt1l1r;r, 'l91~ Council Her:JOlution No.. 916 VhW (July pa~:so(1 8]1(1 adopter1; that said CQwwil.'Res- I olution leviesanc1 a,;G.esses a g-,:ooia1. ltssessmen t (1 f ta:;n,1G upon ::-11 th( propertJT i:f1'Special ImFrovemmJ,t District Ho. 155, inscd d Ci t~T, to ae:l'rfW the co st arid e~_ pense of constructing and 11181\':1,n2: the imprc:,-vements wi thl,n [:;i"id IJiotrict, to"'witj constructing a concrete bridge on East Main Street and the cCIl1strlwtio;nof walks and c'l'lrbs, J3itnlithic 9:wement ill10 the grauing and seeding of parkings :on lJ 'I , ") East Main street and Buttonwood Stroet, from the end of the present :qaNE;rrnrnt6n; v'i""',. ',)",.," East Me.in Street at Broadway to the Cemeteqr Gate on Buttonwood S1:renfj TlU~T, Said Connei 1 Res olution Ho. Sl6 is now on fi le ill the fice of the Oi ty Clerk, Oity of Dozo man, sn1J je ct to .inspocti,on for five (5) days b;\I any person interested; th8t Thursday, 'the 6th d;.a,y o:EMarch. :l'9T9 at 7:30 O'clock, P.Tlll. at a regular session o:f the City Councll!at the i Counci 1 Chamber, City Hall, in the City 0:1' BOZ01'ran, has been designateu $8 the --- iJ:'fJ~};:jt":,~,::.>.;,<:"" ~ I ,.,' I ;:: ; , ~ ", : ~':' ,->,.:, ' , \ ' : ~ ;:>\\1:':/': .1 ,.,.".", 918 . WHEREAS, the Oity Cbuncil of the Oity of Bozemon, [Jid on the 6th day of:Febrnary, 1919, at a regular session thereof, r1uly paCe' Coun- cil Resolution No. 916, 8nti tle d , ITA Oou.ncil Resolution levying and assessing a special assessment of tnx8S 111)on all the property in Special i Improvemon t District Ho. 155 in the Oi ty of }30zemon, Oonnty of Gallatin, state of Montana, to defray the 1 cost of cons.tructing' and maltiIJg the iTJll)1'OVements within ~3aid Special ImJ?rovement District No. 155", A:tID , said Council Resolution Ho. 916 was duly ELignel1 -by the Mayor 13.nl1 the City Clerk of saidOityand wmJ filed in the office of the Oi ty ClerJr of [mid 01 ty 011 the 6th day o:r: Rebr11ary, 1919 and e'7e1' sij1ce has been on file in saie1 office suhject to amI for the iD~Deotion of all "- intevestetl; A:NlJ, Thurse1ay, the 6th day of J'ilareh, 1919 at 7:30 o'clock, 1'. M., at a regular session of s~,\il1 City Council, to oe heH[ at the Council , Chamber, Oity Hall, 3D.id City.; was de<c3ignated in said l1esolntion as the ,