HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 928: Fixing scale of wages -.----.-..... ~I ....=.5lZ1l. . I - -' '~".~ "~~.,-"-~,~ - -.--'''q7"'''=f/----u -.... ~~.-;- COUNCIL RBJSOI.DTION NO. 928 COUNCIL J\ESQLUTION PIXING SCALE OF . WAGES OF THE EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY I OF BOZmlJAN ,B'OR THE YEAR, 19H1. I BE IT RE.SOI.VEDAND IT IS! HEm~BY ORJ)}mJ~D, by the City I Cbunci1 . of theClt.'t of BdZer:illii, th6 t the follow] nr bo, Dnd the semeis, horo b;V I ! i I fixed 'er3 the Soule of Wup:os of the :r~mployeefo .of t.he Oit:! of Bozemnn. fqr ',. he I i I year, 1919. I AND IT IS ORDE~mD, That the heads of the cevoral dorert- menta of the City of Bozeman be governed ~cDordinp:ly: Common IJuborers, ~ 4.25 Team and Man ',I 13.50 Eight hours to cnstitute a day's VJork. Straight time for overti~c IT If, FURTHER OIWERED, TtlJt Council Hosolution Ho. 'J84 '~l heretofore ]}l'Jssed by the said City Conncil of tho Oity of Bozenml1, on the 1st dOY of May. IV19. fixing the Scale of Wugea of the Employees of the City of Bo;;eman for the year, 1919, be find the StHne iu.)hore by repc()led 8ml is delL):toc1 to be of no force Dnd effect. AND IT IS FUR'l'HEII ORDER 1m , that the 8c~le of WUffbs fixed herein, shall be in full force, ond effect from E]nd /;lfter the 1st d~j;Y of M8Y. 1919.