HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 926: Create SID No. 176 - -.m_~ i GaUNG IL RESOLUTION NO. 926 i i .A aOUNC ILRESOLUTION i DEOLARING IT TO:BE THE INTENTION OF Tim CU"Y OOUNCIL OF. THE CITY OF BOZEWN, STATE OF MONTANA, TO CREATE A SPECIAL 1M" fROVE!\IJENT DISTRICT TeO.BE KNOWN llND DESIG1~ATED AS "SPECIAL I:Ml'HOVEMEE:rfJ!T DISTRIC'1' NO. 176" OF SLID CITY, FOR THE l'UHl'OSE OF CONSTRUCTIID STORl\1 SEWERS, CONCRETE C'URES AND PAVING AnD GRADINGTBAT :PORTION OF CENTRJ,L AVENUENORTB BETWEW THE NORTH MITE OF MAIN STREET lIND TEE SOUTH CURE LINE OF VILL4.RD STREET IN mE CITY OF BOZETiLAN,8TATE OF MONT/JN4-, AND TO SPE{)I.ALLUA.SSESS THE' ENTIRE CO ST ANl)EXPENSE OF MAlCIN'G S.AID IMI.'ROVEMENTS WITIf[IN SAID DISTRICT UNDER MW BY VIRTUE ' OF TEE :PROVISIONS OF CHA:PTER 'B9! L1WS OF MoirTANA 1 13TH SESSION, 191~, :AS .AMENDED BY C RA:PTER, 14., LAWS OF MONTAN, 14TH SESSION, 1915 BE IT RESOLVED BY'THE CITY COUNCIL m' ~'HE CIQ:Y OF BOZEMAN. STATE OFMNNTANA: Section l-That it is hereby declared to be the in... tention of the City Council of the 01 ty of BozemlEJ., in the, state, o! M.ont$l1a, to create a special improvement, di,strict to be known and designated as "Spec.,.. ;La], IJ:\ipr.o'Vement.Dist.r10tNO. 1'1i6'\ pf saidOity, for the 'purpose of maldng ,,' ..:',...", the imp'rovetp$htsin saia special improvement district hereinafter described; Seotion 2- That the boundaries of sai d Spe e i.alIm" provement District No.. 176 are hereby defin&d and desoribed as follows: All that portion of the City of Bozeman included within the following\11etes and bounds. to"wit: Beginning ~t a point in the north Ur,e of Ivlain Street, saidpoil1t being 140 feet, west of the west line ar .Central Avenue, Thence 'north parallel with and 140 feet west' of said west line of Central Avenue to the center line of Beall Street; Thence -east along th~ centerline of said Beall stree~ to the east line of the alley between Oentral and Grand Avenues. 'sai d alley line 'being 122.5 feet west o.f the west line of' said Central kvenue~ Thence north along the east line of sai d' alley between Central and Grand Aven- ues to the south curb line of Villard street, said cU.rb line being 14feet north of the south boundary line of said Villard Street; Thenoe east al ong the said south curb line C!>f sa.id Villard Street to a point 122.5 feet east of the east line of said Central Avenue; Thenoe south parallel wit1!D.and :1.22.5 feet east of the' said east line of Oentral Avenue to the center lin~-8tf Beall street} Thence east along the eenter line of sdd EeallStreet toa point 140 feet east of the said east line of Central Avenue; Thence south paralelwi th and 140 feet east of the said east line of Central' Avenue' to the north line of Matn Street; Thence west along the north line of Main Syreet to the place of beginning. , .Sec-t1en 3- That the charaoter 0 f the improvementswh~ch are to be made within the seid Spscial Improvement District No. 176 are !ae... scribed as follows: !-"l !' i _9 2/i - The Constructior1 of concrete curbs, the construction of a atormcsewer, the grading of the street and the paving ot the same with S;t:artd'ard Bitulithic pa'Vementon a crushed rock base, from the north line to the south curb line of Villard street; That the said IJa'Ving will be one of the following types of,p8'Vemen, to-wit; St~ndardBitu1ithic pavement on a rock base with or, without concrete gU,tters;Standard Bitulithicpavement pn a cement oon- crete bAse.. or, aemhailt macadam of a stap.dard grade :Qf asphalt; Bids will be.receive!l on all of the foregoing types .of pavement, and a seleotion ..- will, be made therefrom; Section~.... TJ!n.a.tthe approxima,te estimate of theca st ana expa,'I'li;!le of doi:t;J.gall said work.andID,a.'ltingthe improvements in said spec,jl.$~ Improye:rn6J:J,t District ]1'0.'1'76, as above described is Eighteen Thousap,d" Nine Hundr~ll Si:d,Y"':nine/':!.!ld 50/100 Dollars, ($18, 969,50), whi,Qa,Q;I1cludes the cost of cons,tructio,n of sterm sewers, gp;1,ding ann pavi~11g"engineering" ins]:Bction and inoidentals; too t the total area of pro!};.li!1r~f within sai d distric,t,. exc1usi ve of streets. avenuest alleys api1tpJ1.plic placee,to be asses,sed for the proposed ,improvements is 285"i:2~g;, square.fee:t;liU1.d that the apprpximare estims. te 0 f;the co st o'"f('..~ft:iQ.,impr.ovement;EJ to, the property within said, District to be assessed therefor, 18$0,066508 per Square ;foot; Sectio1;l 5":,, That the entire cost and expense of maJt:img tht;l:.~~,cial imprOveme1;lts her('in set forth in 831d Special Improvement I' ".:,:i,: , D isJ:ri ct. No. 1'76,' shall be Jlaid b;y- Special~mproveme!It D.istriot Uounpon ;' . Bon~Ii!.< of,t~e denomination of ,One NundredDollars, ( or fration thereof, W1J.~!e necessarYh to be drmvn a.gainsl't a fund to be known ana designated . . a.s1'speciS.l Improvement District 101176 Fund" . and which bonds shall at t1:16,op"t:tonof the City at any t:1me ,that there are funds of said Specia.l Improvement District No. ,176 for the red- .) and shall draw simple 'interest at the rate of six per and suchintu,est from:thedate of theregiatration of payment of the first installment wi.l1be co:Uected by the , that thefeJiltil"ecost ande:xp~1;ts.e 'of the said improvements within $; ai a. Distdct r~,."~ ~ ..:' ":':",, ,''': ' , '" ' ,. \ " '" ; ," ",," . '" " :.. "" ' ,,: ," """ ' ' 'i. "",' ,," , "" ': ",''' , ~,," "., ": s)1SJIILbie,',defr ay edby ..(3..s p ec ia.l a sseSC1me ntag~ ~ns'1; t 11,e,eIrti'retl is hi c t eachJ':lot;'orparcelof land wi thinsaiddistriot, tobe'asS&:Jssed for that pO)rt':ten' o:f' the whO,lecost which its area'"bea:bs to the 'area ... ~ntire dmtrict.each lot or parc.el of land vvithin said C\istrictt ;';' i - -q~h- - --....' 11:19 be assessetl :for thai; portion of the whole cost which its area bears to the area of the entire a istrict. exclusi va of streets. nvenues., alleys Hna public places; and that the ~ount assessed agaills:t each lot Orpax"cel of land, shall be paid in: e'qua1 annual installments extending over a period of twen'ti:f ( 20) years. Seotion 6- That thereg'iilar session of the City pounc,n:of the City ,of Bozeman,to be held in the Conncr1 Chamber, City Hall BUilding,of said r' C1ity'on theffith da:.v of Jtme. 1919, at seven-thirty o'cl'Ock, 1'. M'.. the same beiDg the next regular session of the said City Council, after the expiration of time within which protests may be made, be and' the same is hereby aesig'" nated as the time and place, when and where the" said Council will hear :and', paSS upon all protests that may oe made or filed according to the law agci net the proposed work or the extent or cireation of said di:atrict or both. , , Section "'1- ~at the Oi ty Olerk, be, and he is heNI'Oytlirected to give n0tdlee. as required bylaw, of tha passage of this resolution, by pub... l:l1shing the S~lme in one i'ssue of the Bozeman. Courier,. a weekly neiWspaper printed and published, in the City of J3ozema~ and by mailing a copy of such notice to each persc'n, firm or corporation. or the agent of such peraoJi,firm or cpJ:"poration, having property with:ilJ: said District at his last known address, upon the same nay' :tha.t aMch notice is fj.rst published; that said notice shall be substantially in tha folIowing :form: NOT ICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that at a regu:J.ar ses.(:J:1on' of the City Council of theCtty of Bo zeman, Btateof:Mpnta:na:, held on Thursday, May l5tb" 1919~ a CounciL nesoilutionw~s duly passed and adopted by said i ty Oouncil, declaring .~ts , intention to create a special improvement dish iet to, 'be known and designated as "Special Improvement Distri.ctNo~ 176" of the saidCi ty for the purpose of ciD'nstructing storm sewers, concrete curbs and paving, and grading that portion of Central Avenue North :tJetwe,en the north line of 1~in street and the s!11uth curb line, of VilIard street in the City of Bo zeman~stateof ],lontans.. and declaring it to be the intention of theity COMcil to specnt.ally assess the entirecott and e~penseo f Rls:king such improvemen ts agaim t the property within sai a. Di:stric t,each lot, and parcel of lan(l within said Distrie t.to be assessed for th,t portion of, thewholecolS';t which its area bears to the area of the entirediz,trict, exclus in ofstreetst avenues,; alleys andpub;Lic place:e; That the esirnate of the to:talco$!t and expense of making the said improvements is Eigh teen Thou.sQnd ,Nine H'Ctndred Si:xty..,.nine ond50jl00 (~n..e.,969.50) DoLLars. that he t tal area