HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 925: Create SID No. 175 ('-.......""\ I _<:JP'fj_ ~~~i ,~ qOUNC ~L RESOLUTION NO, 925 A COUNCIL RESOLUTION DECLARING IT TO BE THE u;rTENTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF T1IE CITY OF BOZEMAN, STATE OF MONTANA. TO CRUTE,A SPECIALrMPROVEM""NT DISTRICT lIO BE KNOWN AND DESfGNATEDAS SPEClIAL,IMPROVEMENT DIS.., TRIOT NO. L7~ OF SAID CITY: FOR THE PURPOSE QH1 CONSTRUOTING PAVING AND C " S AND GRADING THAT PORTION OF COLLEGE STREET -,- BETWEEN THE, .-aT 'Lr:fm,-;;{JIF EIGHTH AVE:mJE Am) THE CEl'TTER LINE DE ELEVENTHAVENUE IN THE CITY OF BOZEMANfpSTATE OF MONTANA! AE'DTO SI'ECIAf.,LYASs;msSTHl!:ENTIRE COST mtD,J1) DSE O,F MAKINGS ID;rM- PROVEMENTS WITHIN SAID DISTRICT t UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OFCH,APTER 89, LAWS OF MONTANA. 13TH SESSION! 1913~ AS AMENDED BY CUJ:TJ!1i, 142, LAWS OF MONTANA. 14TH SESSlO . 191 BE IT RESOLVED BYTRE CITY COUNCIL OF'TRE CITY OF BOZEMAN, I - STATE OF MONTANA,: , ;S,eotion 1-~.1);~'t is is hereby declared to 'be the inti.;lntion of the City OOUllcll, of the City of Bozeman. in the state of Montana. to create . ~ ~ a special impro vemenT. Distriot to be kno,wn and 'designated ~s IISpecial Imp:rove- ment District No. 17511 of said Ci.ty, for the purpose of'making the improvements in said special improvement district hereinafter described; , Seotion2- That theboulidaries of said Specia1~'P1:PF,ovement ~' ~ " ,:: ,!;,.:,' '." :' <., I..i _" Distriot No,. 175 ,are hereby defined a~d described as follows: All that portion of the City of Bozeman included within ,the following metes aJ:ld bounds. to,,"wit: ')3eginning at a point in the west line 0 f Eighth\.A,'Venue- 165 feet south of the south line of College Street: Thence west pa'ra1:1~:['with and I. 165 feet s(!)uth of the said south line of College Street '!D- theo.eJ:!;:v.e.r'j.;J.!in~ of ~, ,~ , , , ., " ," Eleventh Avenue ( now vacated south of College streed: Thence nOJl1th along the center l}ne of said Eleventh Avenue to a point 165 feet north of the 1?:orth line of said College Street east of Eleventh Avenue: Thenoe east para1lelwith !Iti$" north line of saidl,OoI-lege Street to the west line of Eighth Avenue;. Thence north a1o:ag tke wast line: of said Eighth Avenue to the plaveof beginning. Section 3- That the charaoter of the improvements whioh are to be1nEi4e within said Speoial Improvement Distri ct No. 1'115 are desornecl as fo HOWB : The oonstruction of c onorete curbs along both sides of the sali d College Street and the grading and paving cd:' said COll'eg, street from the west line of Eighth Avenue to the center line of sa:! d Eleventh Avenue, wi thin --.,.-.--,-.---.. ,.-- . __n__,___.,. DiatrietNo. 175, as above descr1lJed""is Eleven Thousand, f!l!iWelve and 30/100 Dollars, ('$11,012.Z0I, Whioh inol udes the cost of con.. andourb&, grading, en~ineerihg, inS}?eotion and in- ',01 dentals; that the total area otlf prope.r:ty wi thin sai d Di strict, ex01u- , 's:t'Weof.'s"t,reets, avenues I alleysandpuqlic places, to be ass,essed for J ,the proposediriIpro'Vements is 289,337.75 B'quare feet; andtbatthe approx- ima.te estimate of the cost:-,;0"fsaid improvements to the property within , ' said District to be assessed therefor:, is $0,03798 pers'qanr6"fbot; Section 5- 'l:hat the entire cast ana espense of making the special improvements herein set forth in sa.id Special Improvement paid by Special Improvement DistUct Coupon I I. of'One Hundred Dollars , ( or f'raction thereof dramv against adund to be known and designated District N- ,175' Fund" I and which bonds shall 0" at'theoptipnof the City a.t apy time that there are funas of said Sp~ca.il Improvement District No. 175 for the re- shall draw simple interest at the rate of siz per ~r.Bistrat1on of the 'b0nds uu"j:::CLthe payment of the first installment will be collected ........" , , ':::' ',_ " ~ t ( ", r.: by, the,.Q~:tY,~re~eu:rera:t. the time" ofc ollElot:tng;;JuQhfirst installment; ,,:,"':.. """ . that. 1ih:e.~entire CO$tandexpf,:jnse of thesa.idi1:llprovemen'bs wi thin said 11 ~ . " """ ,::": :',:::':>:" '" ,', " " Distt!t'i~t sha1.l 'be ;aafr~ea. bye. specifl,1. a.sse,ssmentta~l"instthe entire lot or parcelofj!Jandrithin aaia d"istrict, to. be ass- esse,a fer that portionolltt'he whole cost w.h 1011:1:.t8 area bears to the area of the eBtire district,exclusive of streets, avenues, alleys and pUblic places, and tha.tthe amount assessed against each lot or parcel of lana, shall he pa;i.din equalromual installments extenai11g over a peridld of twenty (20 I. years. " Section 6- That the regular session of the Ctty j' Council of the Pity'ofBozemau, to be held in the COl.lno11 Chamber, City Hall BUilding. of said City on the 5th day af Jupe, 19~9, at seven-thirty 0' olock, p. M., the same being the next regular session of said City Council, after the expiration of time within which protests may be made, \" be and the same is hereby designated as the ;time and place, when and where the said Cpu.ncil will hear and pass upon all protest.s that may be mah. prfiled accorat:p:g to the law, againSt the proposed wot~or the. extent or oreation of saiddistr1ct or both. ~ 9211 ..' -,( Seotion 7- That the City Cler ,be, ~d he is hereby direoted to gi'venotice, as required by ls,w,qf tJte p!fssage ,of this resolution bYPu.blishing the same in. one issuE'1 of the WeeklY Courier" a weekly newspa:qer printed .an a published, in the City of Bozeman, and by mailing a copy of such: not:i:oeto each person, firm or C,C1>rporat ion, or the agent o,f suoh pe,rsoD,firm of cor- .J)oration, having property wi thin sai,d D:i.striot at his last knownad.dress, upon the same day th~t such notioe is first published; the. t sRid notltce shan- be substantially in. the followng form; NOT IC E NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEEi , that at a regular session of the City Connoil of the City of Bozeman, sta,te of Montana! held o:ij Thnrs.day, May 15th, H19 a Council Resolution was au y passedap.dadopted by.fJaiilCi ty Counoil,. deolaring.i t~inten'" tion to oreate a speoial improvement district. to be 'OID! I;tnd ,aesignAteds.s>n~peeia.1Impro'V'ement District II. .:L75H'; of't,nesaid City for the purpose ofconatructing paving$!a curbs.. m:td graa... ing thatport(1.on of Ool;LegeStreet bll1tweentheWer;l'\:i'l~e If Eighth Avenue and the oeJtlter line of Eleventh Ave.nus :In the Oity of BozemsJl, State of Montana ,.' and aeolarmg' ittOJ.HH1the intention o.f the City Council to speo'Liall;p: a,ssess the entire cost and expense of mal!: ing such improvememts agains'ti the pr~P erty wi thin said Di strict, each lot or paroel of land within saidDistrict,tobe assessed for that por-pionof"'thl;l';w}J).'(!le cost, wh ioh its arl;l~ bl;larsto the area of the entire dis.ttiot, exclusive of streets , avenues, alleys and pupliopla.QIjISl'~ That the e,stimate of the totaleO's$andexpense of. making said imirovementS:l;-:aEleven Thousarul,Twelve l!IJ:iil 3~~lOO Dollars, ( 11012.30); that the to.talarea9:e p~oP... , ez,ywi thins~dd"District.e:x:cluSive ofstreets,aven'l1s'S,',,", a,lleysana pu~lio. places is 289,227.75 square feet that. the eostper square foot to the property wi thins:aidDtstriotis $9.Q3'7~a;thatThu;rsday, the 5th day of Jtmle, 1919 at seven... 'j thirtY'Q'clock,I'. M.,'a.ttheCouneil Chamber, City iHa;l!]!i": B''^.U~:tng. Elai a Ctty has been designate a as th e t imeand pla.c e wJs'11anii wbere the City Council will hear and pass, Wpon,aiLl I protests that may be made against thl!J proposed work OJ;' against the extent or creation of sa~d district to beasseseredr.0r' both; thatiatanytime within fifteen (15) days after the dat~ o.f the first publicationo;!:' tMs notice any owner o;f'.:prop- erty Habel to be aSfJ8ssedfo r said work, may make a written protestaga:iJ:1atia.id work, or against the extentorcre.a\t:t()r1 ofsaid:Oistrict tobe assessed{ or both. Stwh protests must 'bein.writingand,bedeli vered . 0 the Clerk ofthe~aid City Cou.nc:iiJ; within :fi:rte,'ij;)n (15) days aftert"he date of the first publication of this notice; -;' .... That for a description of the bonndaries of said proposeaSpecial Improvement D-is trict No. 1'76,' referenoe is hereby made to said Conneil Resolution, which is on file in the office of tbeCity Clerke for inspection. I A.,D. 19;19.