HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 923A: Passing of 923 I '-9 P.3 I~: I I C0u.NOIL I RESOLUTION NO. 923 A. I A. OOUNOTLRESOLUTION.. - I I DECLARING IT TO BE TEE INTENT!Q]\LOF'THE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE ! iCITY OF BOZEMAN . STATE OF MONTAWtt TO CREATE ASPIDU] IM- PROVEMEJNTDISTRIOT, TOBEmOW1i D DESKGNATEJlAS ....SPECIAL 1MPROYEME:NT'DISTRIOTNO. ,174'1.0FSAID CljIrFOR!OO:rE I'URPOSE OF OONSTRUCTTtIG A SAN:tT.ARYSEWERON E.A5T' . ME". FROM WALLACE c , ,.~:Vf!ID[~l:J$'::TOIDA AYENUEWITRIN SAID DISTRIC'T'AND'TOJ3J?ECIALLY I ASSESS, THE mTIRE COST ANDEX:!?ENSE OF MAKING SAID IMPROVEMENTS dD CONSTRUCTING &AID $ANIill-.ARY SEWER AGAINST TEE PRO'PERJRY I WITHIN SAID DISTRICT, UNDER AND BY VIRTUE, OF THE PROVISIONS I OF CHAPTER 89.,LA.WS OF MONTANA 1. 13TH SESSION,'1913SAS AM:ENDED BY CHAPTER 14~, LAWS OF Mo.&TAN. 14TH ~ESSION. 191 , i BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNC IL OF TEE CITY - OF BOZEMAN. STATE OF MONTANA: i I Seotion 1- That it is herebydeo1area .to be' the intention I - e-iftlieCity COluJ.cil of the Oi ty of J30Zeman. State of Montana , tb create I s,',spee:l.al improvement district, to be known and designa:ted as Speei:al -' Imprbve:mentDis,;t;rictNo. 174 of said Oi ty, for the purpose of making " th.;im:provements, within saidSpeoia;L ;rmvrovement Distriot hereinafter i,' , desoribed; sanitary sewer w:i,ll con:q.ect with the main sewer at Wallace Avenue; Seotion 5-That the approximate estimate of the cost and expense of doing ~aaid work and the making o:t sUIl improveme,ntl3 in ea:M Special Improve... . " manholes ment District :No.' 174, ,as abovedese:r;ibed, ,1ncl uding pipe, wye branchEl....:f, ~trench- ing ,. pipe laying, backfilling, engineeriIlgi, inspeotion and inoidenta1s, is One I Thousand Forty...eigb,'and 64/100 Dollars, ($1,048.64); that thet01;alfrontage of property' in s,aidD:!:,striet to be a,ssessed therefor", exc1usi ve of streets, ( -',' avenues, alleys and publio plaoes. 'is 896 linear feet; that the approximate est1aa;te estimate of' the cost pfsaid improvements to the property to be ass- essed therefor is $1.17 per linear front foot; - Seotion 6-T~ttheentire cost and expense ofmakingth6 spec- ial impr,ovements h~reinbefore set forth ip said Speoial IrtlprovementDistr;i ct BO. 174shs.1l be paid by Specd,al Impravenlent Dis;triot JlO101.pon Bands" o$:,\11e den- onuhnatiattofOne Hundred 'Dollars, ( or fraction thereef., where nec'Elssary) to. be draWIl against a fund to oe known aB,::"Special Improvement' Dili3tr1ct N,o. 1'74 Ftmd!l;that such bonds shall oe redeemable at the o.ption of said C1ty at any time that there are fUnils to the credit of said Special Improvement Dis" trict No. 174 for the redemption thereof. and shall draw simple interest at the rate af six per cent per annum, and such interest from theda"j;e),af the registration af the bondauntil the payment af the fis:bst installment will be callected at the time of collEloting such first installment; that the entire cost and expense of said impranments wi thin said District shall bedElfrayed by a specialaesessment against the entire District, eaoh lot or par,cel, of land within said Distrdct, bordering or abhtting on both sides of East Lamme street, from Walla,oe Avenue to 'Ida Avenu.e wi thin s:dd district, wherean or wherein the imprevement has beenmade, to. be assessed in preportiontothe, l.inear feet abutting or bordering the}i!'sme; that the amo.untassessed against" each lot 0.1" paroel o.f land shall bepalll in equal annual installments, extending ove!' a perio.d o.f three years; . Section 7- That the regular sessien o.f the City Council of the City o.f Bozeman. to be held in the Counoil Chamber, City Hall Building. af sai d C1 ty on the 15th day of May, 1919 "at 7:30 a'clopk. 1? M., the same being the next regualr session o.f &laid Cj,ty Cou:ncil, after the expirat1~Jl of"tiE,le wi t1iti which pr.o'teatsmaybems.de, be'~,thesame is hereby designa.ted a, the t:1.me aI+d plaoe,wnenand where theseid Council will hear andpass,llpon all protests that..may be made or filed according to the law, against..>thEl i>ro- posed work or the ezt.ellt or creation of said district, or bo.th; n ., L,j , Section 8- That the City Clerk, be ,and he is hereby dir- eoted to givenotioe, as required by law, of the pass8:ge of this resolution by publishing a notice in one issue of the Weekly Courier, a weekly news- pap~~" ~r:inted and;pi:1.blished in the 01 tyo:f Bozema:n-, and 'by mailing a nopy of eai d notice to each person, firm or corporation, or the agent of , suq); person, firm or oorpora t1on, having property within sf!,id Distri ct at his last know.n address, upon the same day that suoh notioe is first , , published; that said notice shall be substantially in the following; form, to-wit: NOT ICE NOTICE IS HEREEYGIVEM,Dhat at a regular ,session Of. the City Council of the. City of. Boze~nf state. of Montana, held on Thursday, the 17th day oiApril, 919 a COUD...,. atl Resolution~sd ulyp&,sse4.and adopted by said C1 twCotule'il ,,,.:~f.I,o.1Iil.r:1:!:l$;itsi:J,r1ib,ent.:!;on.~oreatea spe 0 ialimpro'V6men t dis- < '~7*c.tt.tqbakllOWD:anda,~s:J,~i;ed as "special Improvement Dia- ~~"t'r:J:ct <..0., I'741T .... ofaaidC~tYtfoJ' the purpose of constructing "ssandtaryaewer s.long~ast Lamme street, from WaHace Avenue in aaidOity, and deolariJOig it to be the intention 0 f the City Counoilto spee'Jlte.llyassesa the entire ooot and expense of making suoh improvements and constructing said sanitary sewer against the <mtire diatrictt each lot or paroel of land within saiddistrtt:etb,ordering or abutting on both sides of East Lemme street from W/3.1laceAvenue toUa Avenue, whereon or where in the improvement.bhas. beenma.de t to be assessed in proportion to the linear feet abutting or bordering the Same; That the estimate oftha total cO$t and expense ~fthe:"m~il~g of such improvements sn:d the c anstr'Ctetinn of said ani tary sewer is One Thousand Forty-e ight and 64/100 D.olla;u~, ($J, ,04$.641 ;tbatthe total frontage.of propert;~r within saia., District is 896 linear feet'; t-hat: the estimated ooot PeP fro~t. foot. to thepm.operty within said distriotto beassessel1 thereforis< $1.17 per linear foot i that Thu.rSday, the 16th day of May, 1919, at 7:30 C!'elook, :P.M~. at the Council Chamber Ci ty Hall Building, of said 01 tyhas been designa.ted as the hme ",'.,\ snd p.1aee when a;lldwhere the Oity Qounoi;t will henr and pass upon 'all protests that may be made against the proposed work or aga inst the extent or creation. of said di(trtot to be assessed or both; that at any time wi thin fifteen If) days, af'terthe date oftha first pu~lieation of this notice, any owner o~ prop. arty liab1e to, be assessed for said. work may make awri tten protewt ag13.1nst proposed work, or against the exten..tcor creation '0t'aaiddist;J;iet, to be assessed, or both. Such protests must be in w,ritinganQ.U'bfJ delivered to the Clerk of the said City Coun- cil within fifteen (15) days after the date of the first pUbli- oation of thisnpticel... . ....'... . That for a desaription-ofi;Re bound..,. aries of saitlproposed Special ImOro'Vemnnt Distriot No. 174 reference is her,eby made to said .... ouneil Reso,lution,whieh!s on file in the office of the City Clerk for inspection. , . Dated at Bozeman, M.ontana, this 17th day of April, A. D.. 1919. . ....... ....... '.' .... . .... . ,. .CO..A.S,1tr~h.' ." ity C ..er . ,