HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 922A: Passing of 922 '" C OUNC 11 RESOLUTION NO. 922 A. A OOUNCILRB;SQLUTION , DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TRE'C;rn OF :BOZEMAN . STATE OF MONT.AN'A , TO CREATE A$Bp,Ua.'Il\fi'ROVEMWQI/6i DISTRIC:!E. TO BE KNOWli A1\J'DDESIGNATED AS::~CJ:l], Im:EfiOVDElITDIS... ~R1IICT NO. 173'OF>SALDCITY.FOR TRJi1 PURPOSE OF CONST:RUCTING STORM SEWER~ PA'VJ:NG Al1IDCUf1BS,GRADING THAT POR!rION aFKOCHSTREET BETWE 'THEWESTLIQQFTHIRD AVE;NUE ANJ),':VHE EAST J;.INEOF SIXTH AVOU,S (EXCEPTTRE FIFTH. AVEN"(JE INTERSECTION) JNTHEOITY OF BOZ- '~':"E~S'T!km:E 'QFMONtrJtlil':A:AIDlTO SF EPI.MiLY<!t:~S:m~S ... TRmENTIRE COSIj:.' .AND ExPEN,8E O:rr.:~NGTRE SAID IMl'ItOVJ5MFJiTSWITRIN SAID DISTRIOt1!Jf UNDER MiDBYYlItTWiL, OF.....GJR,A\J?!ER 89 t. LAW~='OFMONTANA i 13TH S]:SSION i 191$, AS ~~ BY CHAPTER 142, " AWS OF ~O.NT.ANA . 4TH SESSION, 915 BE;(T RESOLVED BY TEE CITY COUNCI, OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN!, ,.STA.WE.....OF,JIlI,ON!P.ANA:., . < ' . Seotion J.,,:;That it is hereby Aealared toj;te the inten- City CouncUofthe 'tJlity of Bozeman, in the State of Montana, specis'1ii:np!'ovemen,tdistrict to be known and,designa.t~d as r: 1!iS'P:e;od:sl Improvement District No. :173"" of said C~ity, for the purpose of - improvements in said speciaJ. improvem8ntdistd.ct hereinafter Seotion 2-That the vbou,ndaries of said Special Im- . 'iprovement Dis:tri~!:t No~ 173 are hereby defined and descri 'bed as follows: :.A.ll':t;hat ;portion of the City of Bozeman included wi thin the following I .met.e~ 'andb ounde, to-;Wi t; Beginning at spoint in the center lineD! Third Avenue i8< intersected 'by a line mi€lwayb$~e'$,21$ochSi1re.et and Thenoe west along said line midway between Kooh street end :Street to the center l,ins of Sixth Avenue; The:noe soutr. al€i),ngthe !B:eD:tj~:r11neof said Sixth ,.Avenue to a p,oint midwa.y between said ~oah Street,;and story Street; Thenoeeast along said line midway between said ~ J,toab:jStreet and story Street to the centerline of $aid Third Avenue; sai d center l1neof Third Avenue to the plaoe of: Seotion 3~' ~hat th e aharaoterof the improvements whioh made within the said S;pecial Improvanent Districj;<No.173 are de,solribea as follpws: The constrnc tion of sto nn sewers. wheren'EJoessarY, and the construction of c.o.norete curbs. and gradingj8Ji]ldpaving saia Koch street :betw~en:theWe.stHn!3 of Third Avenue and East line of Sixth Avenue (ex- ,o$:p,t',i;h8'FifthAve;nu~ int arsect ion 1'; I .......,'..,,! I I That the said paving will be one of the followin~ types , I of pavement, tp-Wit: Standard BitllltithU.pavement on a rock base wi tb or without conorete,<gutters; Standard Bi tuli thic pavement on a cement ooncrete base. or - .AsphaltMQuamofa standard grDde off!asp];uUy. Bids 'Will ..be received on all of _'. '! I, the foregoing types of pavement, and a.seleetion Willoe made therefrom; . . , ". " Section''''!' That the approximate est1t4at~. ,of the CCLf!t and '. exPense cfdoi:ng, all sai d wor~. s;ad :making the improiTemc;ntsin,liJaid SpeCial' Impr'ovement Distriot No. 173, as ab'ove described is Ten Thonsa'nd, Three Hundred Twenty-three and 1B5/100.Dollars, ($10,:523.85), which indludas the cost of con- s-tnuction of storm sewers ,grading and .pav1ng-, engineering, inspection and in- ,oti!,enta.ls; that the total area of property wi thin said District , exclnsi va of streets, avenues, alleys ~d public places . to be assessed for the proposed ._---, im:#>rovement-sie '226 ,PM, ~5.sqne.re:feet;.a.na that: the approximate estimate of t:b.e coato! sMd improvemeuts to' the'property within said District to-IDEr assess.. ad therefor, is $0.0456778 per square foot; Section 5- That the entire cost and expense of making the speo.ial improvements herein set forth in said SpeCa.;L1 Improvement District No. ,173,s11all be paid by Special Improvement District ~JO'upon Bonds, of the-denom- ination of One Hundred Dollars, (or fraction there ot whe.re necessary),ite be .dra.wn against a fund to the known and' designated as "Special Improvement Pis- trictNO.l'7&-Jt1nnd",andiWh\ch' bonda' shall be redeemable at the opti(!)nof the Oityatany time that thsre are funds to the credit of said" Special..'. J::inPNvement District No. 173 for the-redemption thereof, and shall-draw simpleihte:rest a1l the rateof'$i:XLperoent per annum, and such interest from theltate 1iIi':f'tm.e regiatrationofthe bonds until the payment of the first instal3.~;):will' be oolleoted by the City Treasnrerat the time of oollectingstrohifirs:tiXlstall- men t;tb,8i'l;the entire iCG!!!!t E>llde x:pEInseof thee ai d impr-OiT.eme:p;tswi t1t':bt,sai d Distriot shall be defra.yed by aspeoial aseessment against the .entdr'e:(::,~'ii;strict each lot orpa:'oelof'landWithinsaiddistriot, -to be assessed for thatpor- tiLo]]/;ofthe wh'leoost whi(il~itsarea be~ra to the area oftheb't:L,redistrict, exclusive of streets, avenues. alleys and publio places, and that.',the,)amount assessed "ga111li3t each lot .or parcel of land, shall be paid in equal SIJ:lnual in- eta1ldlJll'tJiL",extendingover:-a perio,d of twenty (20) years. Seotion 6- That the regular session of theCi tyCotino i1 of the Oi ty of Bozeman, tobe held in the Cotmoil ChambeI', C1 tyHa,ll',Builtli:ng, of said City on the 15th day of May, 1919, at 7:30 o'clock, P. ,M. the same I being the next regular session of said City Council. after the expiration of time wi thin which protests may bo made. be and the seme :1 S hereby designated as the -time and place. when and where the said Council will hear and pags upon 0 L_. - ... all protests that maybe made or filed according to the law t against the proposed work or the extent or creation of said district, or both, Section 7- Tha.t the City Clerk, be and he is hereby dir.... >eoted to give notice, RS requireiJ by l~w, of the pal3sage of this resol- ution. by publishing ,the same 1:1:1 one issue of the Weekly i00urler, a - weekly newspaper printedandpublishea, in the City of Bozeman, and~.y maixiIig.'s 'C0p~ of sU,chnotice to each person,firmor corppra,ti.on, 0:>:- the .agen t,pf suc~ person, firm 0r corporation,he:ving' l1roparty wi thin I said District at his lastJtnown add,ress,upon.the l3ameo.aythsitsuch notice is first published; that said notioe shall be substantially in , the fOllowing form; N OT I C, 111 iOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that at a regular session of the City Co~oi1 of the Cityo:f;' Bozeman, state of Montana, held on Thursday, April 17th, 1919, a Council Hesolution was dulypassep and adopte4 by said City Cotmcil, deolaring its intention to create a special im~rovement district, to be known and designated as "Special mprovement Djst~'ict NO,,;17311, oi".thl'lsgid City nfor the purpose of constrm:ting strQ,m<'s'ew.e~s, paVingandCUrnSi and grading that portion of Koch street between the Wee.t ins of Third A-V0nue and the East 1 ineofSixth 1.ven He, (exce]Jt the Fifth Aven e in ter- section) in the City of Bozeman, state of ~ol1tana, and declaring it to bA the intention of the City COU1lcilto I specialfU .asses,s 15hefhn.tire cost and axpen:' e of making such improyementsags.inttthe p;roperty;wi t.rtinsa:i:d Di str 1c t each lot and parcel of land within snid District to be assessed for that portion of the whole cost which its area bears to'the area of the entire district, exclusive of streets, avenues, alleys and pnblie places; That the estimate of the total c9st anaexpenJlle of - makingtheiiirovementsis Ten Th9usand, Three Hundred Twnety.... three ana 85 100 D0l1a:rs~($10,:323.86) ;that the total area of 'prppe:rty within said istrict, eptQlusive of stre~ts, avenues alleys Eind public plaees, is 226,066.25 . square' feet, that the cpstpepsquar.!,! foot tothaiprpP~:rtyvg.:thinsflid District is ~PO.0456778; tl(atThnrsday; the 15th day of May, 1919 at 7:30 o'elOC1!:tJ? J)JI, at the Cotmc i1 Ohamber City Hall Building, said City, has been aesigru3.ted as the~ime and place when .a.ii.dwhere the Oity Council will hear ana pass upon all pro- tests that may be roode against the proposed work or aga1nst , thee::x:tentQr creation of <said distril1t to b.~ assessedtor both; that at any time within fifteen (16) days after. ,he date of the first ;piblica tion of this notj.ce any owner of property liaole to be assessed for said work may :make a