HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 921B: Passing of resolution 921A -921 B- !.....~ ~ - - f.,; \o,.w~ " COUNCILRESOLUTl.ON NO. 921 B. I OQU1IICIL RESOLUT:(ON F+N.AL~Y PASSING AND .A.J)OPTING COUN.,. i CIL BESOLUTIqNNO.'2;J.i~." ENTITIED ..... AOO'(JNC:U RES- I OLUTION LEVYINGJ.lWASSESSING A SPECIAL ASSESSMENIr I i OF TADE U;!?ON ALL THE PRQ~TY WITHm SPECIAL IMPROVE- I ME NT 14+GHTIID1G DISTRICT NO. 100 OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN COUNTY OF GALL.ATnl, STATE OF MOHT.ANA,TODEFRAY THE ' I cmT .ABD EXPE-NSEOF M.A::j:NTAININGTHEIMJ?ROVE:MEE"TS, IN... i STAJ.jLE:DAN] ESTlIBLISHED, AND THE SUPPLYING OFELEC... I iRICAL CURRENTm ,THE MAINTImAJi.C\E~ OF ELECTRIC LIGHTS WITIUN SAID DIS TRI OT FOR THE'JXElAR, 1918'.'. , , WHEREAS, the City Cormo il of the City of Bozeman did on the . . -, ' 17th day of April, :f919, at a regular session thereof, duly pass Counoil Res... ~1u,t:10n~o. 921 A, e11titled. .- ",.#..COUNC;rL~SOLUTION ;LEVYING Al'lDASSESSING A SPECIAL }.S$ESS~,UT OF: mADSIJPON'.4LLTHE PRO~TY' WITlII:&'SPEeI.. I-4L...J:Ml?:a,Q~g~~~a)ISTRIC TWO, 1M '. OF" THE: G!TY.<0F'B03E~l..coUnYOF':GA~LATI~' STATE OF ..MONTANA, TODEFR.AYTJIE C aT .AND EX;I?ENSE OF'nlTAINING THE 1M- P:r-i0VEWJ!n:~TS;:'[DS!t\AL LED A])lDE~T.A:B'LISR1!:D ANDTHEMA;tB!L!E~ NANCEQD ELECTRIC LIGHTS WITHIN SAID ~J:'mTRICT FOR THE ~ 1918,,; . ; .' ,." . . . AND. said' Comcil Resolut10n No. 921, .A. was dilly signed by the Mayorahd;;he CityOlerk ,<Dfsaid Oi tyand,: waS' t:tlj3'a in the office of the Oi tyClerkO:f said O:i tyonthe 17th. day of April. 1919 amd ever sinoehas beenp11 !file in said OffioE!- sub jee,t to ahd f or the inspep ti011 0 :f. all perso na , interested; , AND, Thursday, the 1st day of May, 1919 at s6ve11...thirty o'clock, P. M., ata regular eessionof ssid Oi ty Council, to be held at the Oounc i1 ChambeI!. City Hall, saiaCity, was designated in smd Resolution as tb., time - abd place of hearing objeotions to the final passage an,d adoption, of's.aid Res"" olution; AND, the 'City Clerk .nasgi'VElu notiCe o;f the filing of said . Resolution'andthe:finalpa.ssage' aJldadOJ?t'io~ thereofbypu,blis~:!,p.gflQ"tiee '-'-', .thereof1n the Weekly Courier,. a weekly newspa.per published 111 sa.1iJ,City, at leasttive (5)days before. the day set tor hear1ng any and all Qbje,etiE1>ns to -the final passage and adoption 0:fsa1d Resolution; 3D, the matter ofSaidfi:oa.l '!I!!~seage and adoption.o.f said Res... olut1i;1nooming onreguJ.e.rlY t,obehElf;rd, pursuant to ea:i.d Resolu.tion and nc- tiCetthislstaaYQ:fi,~,1919,at a regular session of said Oi ty Counc,il, dne proof 'bei~ madeof,the".puJ:>:tica.tionof sa id noHce as requ.ired by La,w and aBorderetl by said Resolut:ton,a.ndno objections having been made or :fil$d te the fine.lpassage and adoption ofsai a Resolu.tion aZLd the levying of thei, assess ment as therein;pr1b'V'1de:d; 0 ---. ------. ----- ----------.-.- ~.:..."..<:""'",....,..~....-~.__. - ~-- - NOW THEREFORE ,BE IT RESOLVED lIND IT IS HEREBY ORDERED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, STATE OF MONTANA: Tl:!.a:b said Council Resolut:1on No. 921 A, be, and the same 1s hereby finally passe.d and adopted and the Special Assessment of taxes to defray the cost and Elxpense of making the improvements as therein set fot-th, be, and the same are hereby levied and assessed as therein prov- ided. Finally passed and finally adopted by the Oity Coune il of the Oi ty of Bozeman, at a regular session thereof, held this 1st day of May, 1919. Approved by the Mayor this lst day of May, 1919. L. W. Truitt ( SEAL) Mayor Attest: C. A,S[ieth - City C ark ' AFFIDAVTT OF PUBLICATION state of Montana ) : ss County of Gallatin . Henry F. Sears, being ,first duly sworn deposes and says that he is Manager 0f the Weekly Courier, a newspaper published at 1303- ema:m.. in Gallatin C~.'I.1ntYt state of Mohtana, that the Notice, Couna i1 Resolution No. 921 A of which a copy is hereullto attached, WaS first pub- li~hed in said newspaper in it, issue dated the 23rd day of Ap~ilt 1919, and was published onee a we eli' in said newspaper. Henry F.' Sears Sub.seri'bed and sworn to before me this 24:t:hdayof April, A. D.,. 1.'19. E. F.Bunker. Nota.ry?ublic for the st~te of Montana, eesiding 'at Bozeman, Montana..NIy 0 am- mission expires, Nov. a2. 1919. .