HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 937: Creating SID No. 179 ,,~ "," COUNCIL RESOLUTION,NO. 937 A COUNon RESOLUTION CREATING SPECIAL IMPIWVEMENT DISTRICT nO'.. 179;""0]1 THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, STATE 0]' MONTANA, POR TEE PURPOSE OJ!' CONSTRUCTING; A SANITARY' SilWER ALONGTHE ALLEY BETWEEN' EIGHTH AVENUE AND :"',1 \ :' ',',\ ' ,:,:,,', NINTH AVENU.E, FROM THE EAST AND WEST ALLEY BETWEEN BABCOCK i":' STREET AND()LIVESTREBT TO THE CENT~1R' OF STORTi STREET, WITHIN SAID CITY OF BOZEMAN, STA':'EOF M01ITANi" ORDBRING SUCH WORK TO BE DONE THEREIN AND FROVIDING FOR THE ASSESSMENT'. OF THE 'EHTIRE COST AND EXPENSE OF MAKING SAID IMPROVBMI:,NTSlIHD CONSTRUCTING SA ID SANITARY SEWER AGA 1W3T THE PROPBRTY WITHIN SA ID DISTRI0T, UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE PROVISIONS OJ( CHAPTER 89 ' ]jAWS OF , ' , , ::-' , , : : ' , " " , ; : ' , .", \ ," ~ I MONTANA, 13TH SESSION t 1913, AS AMENDED BY CHAPTER 142, Ll.WiS, OF' MONTANA ,i4TH SESSIOlI, 1919 " , W1mR&S. at an adjourned regular session of the City , Council of the City of Bozeman, state of Montana, held on the 20th day of May, 1919, the said City Council duly passed Coun- , , , oil Resolution No. 933. declurin~ it to be the intention of the <: '; said C,ity.Conncil to create a sp~cie1 improv~ment ic.}is1;rict ,to be,k:nOWn andd,es ign~ted .a a;Speolat.lmp'rov$JIlentD~~triot No. I,':,"', ' ., , ". "\.",; , ""'J'::' for,the purpose of constru,.oting a ,sl:lnitarY"~ewer along ''',,' ><~~) :'; f:<> , '<;',<,::' ,\~' ::",0'+: ;>,:;\' t "," ~ ,':'::,:/.' t,,"':';::;:-:' ~", ~ <'"I" ':"'::"::;"'. ,:~ \ !)l),e;v h~:t,w,eefl E;tghth Av;e,nueaIld NiIl:tl1,~'Ve,nu~(trom the east ~.,~,~ L"W:,:1";:',,,,: "";,';, ~ :,cI ,,' .' \ ..,".. 'r"',' ,.. "'"", west~lley bet'iVeen Babc,ock ,S1ireet, ?ndiOli;veS.yreetto the oenter o,f~i?ri1' 31;.:.eet, wi t~~n said Oi ty. and to ,~p~cial1y assess ,\ the entire oost, ,aIld, expense of mfJ~d!lg the s~dd impFovements ',.I , , and thecons1;ru91;iop of said sanitary !;Jewer, alw~ns,1; the property i ~', L ~ within said Distr~ct, l~der,and by virtue or the P~9visions of " 1913"" qhapte~ 89 ,~aws()f M.ontal'l8, 13t11Ses8 i oE:4"aEI~!!le!1:9;fI,d by Chapter 2 n ",. "...,:., -2- a weekly newspaper printed and pnblished in the said' C'1ty of Bozeman. to-wit: in the issue of May 21st. 1919, and by mailing a copy of such notice to each person~ ~irm or oorporation, or the ap,ent of such person. firm or corl')orat- ion, having property withi~.said District at his last known address upon the same day that such notio,ewas pub- ..... '. ..... . , ~lshed, and due proof being made of the publication of and mailing of said notices as aforesaid; and WHEREAS, within the time provided by law and said notice.. no protests, were delivered to or presented to the City qlerk, or to the City Council~ either in writing or otherwise. agains~ the proposed work and the creation of said District, or the extent thereof, and the said City Council being in regular session, on Thursday, the 5th day of JunE!, 1919, at seven-thirty 0 I clock ,Po 'M. at the Council Chamber in 's'~'id City, the sa~e being the 'time and place desiganted for hearing protests ,if any, 'again~t the proposed work . the Qreation of aaid District, 0'; the extent thereof, and the said City Council having adjourned the said regular session and the consideration of said Resolution until MQnday, the 9th day of June, 1919. at seven-thirty o'clock'P. M.. at the ':'1. : ",':,:,::::",'" ':".:, ", .", ';:. ::' ,,',. COUn~il Chamoer, said City, atwh:ich time and plaa.e, it '"0,:,;:",),, ,J:', ;', :., ,.,,:":'. " "",:" '" ',' ,":' ,', '\ appearing that' no protests inviri ting or otherwise, had been : ') "," :' ',.,'>" ,", "",,,' :,' , ",:" ", " ,,' made orfil'ad 8S provided by law or at all to the proposed work. and the creation of said District, or the extent there. of, and it further appearing that all the prooeedings for the creathm of said distriot had "been ,complied with; NOW THER1~F6RE, BE IT RES6LVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF 'l'HE CITY OF '30Z1~MAIJ. STATE 9]1 MONTANA : Se.etion 1- Thatsflid Special Improvement])istrict No. 17,9 of the City. of)3.ozema n, .g tate of'Mon t ana ,be, and the same ir;>he;re,by,,, .,cr.eate(J" for'the purpose of maki:lJJI' the im": provementsthereinashereinaf'ter described; Seotion2. That th,e 'said ..improvements be, and the same are, hereby orderE)d to bemfJde in seidS:Recial1mprove- ment District No. 179. as follows: ,The construction of asun.i,1;e:ry sewer, including 0........... I . .,: ..-.---- .,--------- .,...... -3",:, ' ' ". - the necessary wye branches and menholes alon~ the alley between Eighth Avenue and Ninth Avenue from the east and west alley between Babcock Street and . Olive street to the center of story str~et; Section 3- That the entire cost and expenas of making the special improvemeD;tshereinbeforeset ..-' i forth in said Speoial Improvement Distriot No. 179 ! shall be paid by special improvement district coupon Bonds of the denomination of One Hundred Dollars, (or fraction thereof, whereneoessary) to be drawn against a fund toM known snd designated as "Special Improvement Distrlct No. 179 Fund"; that such bonds C~ty at any the credit of'said Special I~prove~entDistrio;t No. 179 for the redemption thereof, :,,',;' ,.,'J and shall draw simple inte~estat the rate of six per , oent per Dnnum, and such interest from the,daj;e of the registration of the bondsuntll the payment of the first , , installment will be collected by the City ,Treasurer at . ' the ,time pf collectings1.lch first installment; that . ": ' ", ::' ':' :', ,': ~," " , , ,<>, ... : ,', " ' ' , ' ,', " , :.'" ':: ,!': ' :' ' , " ,,~ th~entlre:eOs't'and,expense of said lmpr\6v~mentswithin said District shall be defrayed by aspEfoiiJl assessment against the entir-e.District,eaohloterparoel of land within said Di8tri~t, bordering or abutting en beth sides of the alley between Eighth Avenue and Ninth Ave- nue from the east and west alley between Babceck Street and Olive Street to Story street, within said District I wherein theimprovemerithas beenlIlade, to be assessed in prop07tion to the linear feet abutting or .bordering the same; that the ameunt assessed against each lot or parcel of land within said .District, shall be paid in _ equal annual installments extending over a period of three (3) years; , ...-----.-- I :7lJ r - -- - ----L~ I I -4- I Section 4- That the 01 ty Engineer be, and he is I I hereby direoted to prepare pHl1lffiij!1and speoifications for the I I doing of (seid work and the making of said improvments. I I Section 5- That the City Clerk be, and he is I ! hereby directed to publish a notioe inviting proposals I for the furnishing of materials, the doing of the work, and the making of the improvements in said Special Im- provement District No. 179, and referring to the plans. and speoifications on file by publishing the same in two issues of the Bozeman Daily Chroniole, the time fixed for opening of bids to be not less than ten (10) days from the time of the first publication of said notice, which :sholl be at the session of the City Counoil, which shall be held on the 23rdday of June, 1919. i'l Passed and adopted by the City Counoil of the City Bozeman, etanadJourned rep.'ular session thereof, held on this 9th day of June, i919. Aporoved by the l,Isyor, this 9th day of June, 1919. (SEAL) 11.. J. O'Connell ,.it,cting, Miayor Attest; C. A.S'(Jieth Ci1;yClerk ('--'-, rn I . I,,,) --