HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 935: Create SID No. 177 .. ---... --..- __.__.__...,._n_.._.._..__ - COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 935. A COUHCJI;L RESOLUTION WBCLARIHG IT TO BE THE INTENTION O~/THECITY COUNCIL 01" THE CITY OF BOZEMAIJ, STATE OFMOI~TANA ,TO CREATE A SPECIAr. IMPROVEMUIT ,DISTRICT , TO BE KNOWN AND DESIGN! TED AS "SPECIAL.IHPROVEMlDNT DISTRICT NO. L77" OF Sl!ID CITY FOR THE PURPOSE OF ConSTRUCTINOPAn;J.IEN!It'A.I3> GRADING THAT PORTION OF SEVl<;NTH A VENUE BETWEEN THESUUTH LINE OF :CJDtERSON"i"STREET AND THE OOUTHLINE OF COLLEGE STREET,' IN THE CITY OF B0ZEMAN ,STATE OF MON~ANA, AND TO. SPECIALLY ASSESS THE ENTIRE COST AND EXPENSE OF MAKING SAID IMPROVE1lliNTS AGAINST THE SA 11) DISTRICT. UNDER A.ND BY VIRTUE OF THE PROVISIONS OF CRAFTER 89, LAWN 0]' MONTA.tU;. J,3TH SESSION. 1913. AS AMEnDED BY CHAPTER 142, LAWS OF MONT. ANA , 14TH SESSION. 1915. . BE IT RESOLVED BY THE :CI~Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY 0;&' BO~N. STATE OF MOlEL'AJ.jA: Seotion 1- Thl~titis her'eoy lteclared to the the intention of the City Council of the City of Bozeman, in the state of Monts-na, to create a speoial improvement distriot, to be known and designated as "S:peo- ial ImproveT)1ent Districtlio. 177" of said City, fu:t lbhe purpose of mak- ing thEi"dmprovemElnts in ssid special improvement distriot hereinafter Seotion 2-That t:qe boundsI'ies of said Special Improvement Distriot .Ho. 177 ar.eherebydefined and desoribedasfollows: All that por- tion of the City of Boze,man. inoluded within the following metes and boundS, j:Oc-wit: Beginning at a point in the south line of Diekerson street, said po~nt.being 110 feet east of the east line of Seventh Avenue; s:'hence south parallel with and 110 feet east of the said east line of Seventh Avenue to the south line of Alderson Street; Thence east along the south line of sstd Alderson Street ~ediBtsnoe of 30 feet to s point 80 feet ea.st of the said '''IIa''lit line of Seventh Avenue; Thence south parallel with and 80 feet east of the san .east line of Seventh Avenue to tb,e south line of College Street; Thenoe we8~ along the said south lineo! College S~reet to a pOint 80 feet west of the west line ofsfJid Seventh Avenue; ':'hence north parallel withsnd 80 feet west of the said west line of Seventh Avenue to. the south line of Alderson Street; ThenQe west along theseid south line of Alderson Street a distanoeof30feet to epoint 110 feet' west of the said west line of Seventh Avenue to 'the so uthline of'.Dic1t~:r:Boh' street; Thence east along the said south line of Dickerson Street to the place of beginning. \ sec:t:1.on 3- That the cheracterof the improvement!;} wh~Qh .,;,/. ! @re to be made within the Baid Special Improvement District NO~ 177 a:te, deseribed as follows: n 'J i ,.'. G_ - - The cO!'1.struction of' pave~ent and grading thatpor- Seventh Avenue between the south line of Dickerson Street and the south line of College street. I ',\ ..~ i' .". That t~e petition for the creation of said D1s- ~;:~o1i and the oonstruotion of sal dpavemsT,lt. reques.ts t.at th~ pave- Sh~dacd :a.i tul fth*oon.a o;rUishhedrookbase; That.thEtP8vflment w1l1be'one,ofthe fQllowing ,'.1.. " 'L", A ,~D,~f'~ O,f ,pav.,ment. to-wit: S;t.andar;dEi tUlithic ons.orJl'fl;U.a. rook bJ3",e';,.$tsndardBituli thio on .'~ooncrete base, or Aaphalt Macadam o,!.",.standerd grade of AsPhalt. Bids will .bEl received on a &1. of the types of pavement ,and a seleot:Lon will barnade the;tie'from; That the estimates herein are based upon the Q.R~t<'.9i!\ tbilQcw-structJ.;cui of Standard Bituli thic p$vement on a 1:,:.:,'.,\1,\. ',iJ" ::'"'''' ",,:. ',-' , ".' , ,,' '::" " . qtuaheq.rock base. "'''.1.1 }',.\ 1 ,,' . Section 4- That the approximate estimate of the .expe;nseofdoing all the said work and making the improve" sald Speoiallmprovement District No. 177, as above desorib- .~d ,'A~Ten11.hop.aand,;.Fo:urHu ndred, Sixty..sevenand 16/100, DOllars :",i./;~p,~,67.1()lw}1ich estimate is b~sed UPOn the oost of Standax'd 83iJ~'}:~t,tJ:hioR~'Veme~l't Qn acruBhed rook baBe. and inoludes grading, '( ;\I~,~,:y'~W~., s~reet railway paving,engine~J;ing,. illspect10Il andinoidentalst 9f,~~h~s, e~~ima1;e~ oost" "Seven T:hous., Thrtije H1UldredSixty...two ",",1 ;',',."", ;"," !=}nd501100Dollars, t$7,362.50) is theestimste of theprobaple cost wh.+g~.Wi11 beassesse,dagainst, the propertYvvithin said District, " ,,~h... ~:, ,,' ',,' , ~ . . "', ': a~I3,:~hl"ee Thousand. O:neHundred Four and 66/100 Dollars, ($3,104.66) t,.::",I", I~>t~.e estimateofth.e probable cost of the pavement whi eh will be ~ I, '011: '"'~,, .j .\> ' , " '. " ' ; ","'" !" "" , . i : ~[~~l"SBed'ag!;1inst.i1ndpaid by. the Gallatin Yalley Railway COmpany; :r:~lh~Jtt4e tot{al f,lre,a of propertywithir:.salid District, e~clusiYe of [',~i~}f\~}e1~,a'VI;I')J.ues.,alJ.eys and publ;1.cplsces to be as Sf:!.s se.,q. for t.M :!i~rr9:ppsed irnproveme)J.ts. is 122,,688/3.qus,re.feE/t; that.theap.p:r;o;!\:ima;te e,~:t,,~\Uf\~e of the. cost of said improvernpn1;sto, ;the Pi".oP:Ett:t;'ywi't,hin ,:./ "., !""~ ':"d '. ,. I , sa,id District to besssessed th9refor, exclusive of th.e.a~eessment ... r}\ga:~p~~ the Gallatin Yalley RallwayCompany is $0.06 per square foot; - .._n__....._...._ .._._____.__.__..__ '.^.'.'.":..'.'."""J":""" u.... ,~,t:/,\:,:",:,,\, ' , ; .>.,,' .... I~ 'I -935- i ' ~9 Section 5- That the enti~e cost ~nd expesee of making the . q-. I , I . I speoi~l improvements herein set forth in said Special lmprovement District i No. ~ 77, ahall be paid by Sped: isl Impr.ovement District Coupon Bonds, of the I den omination .of One Hundred Dollars, ( or fretion there.of, where nec- assary1, to'be drawn against sfund to' beknovm Dnd designated as IISpee,.. I I ial Improvement))istriot No.l77 ,'Fund", and which bonds shall b~' redeemable ! at the option of theCi tyat anyt'imethatthere are funds to the e:red:] t i of said Special Il1lprovementDistrict No.1?? for the redemption thereof, I ..... I and shall draw simple interest ,at the rate of six per oent per annum, and ' . , such intereat from tha data of the ragJletration of thabonda u~ti1'tl1apaY- ' ment of the fil'J,t installment will be collected by the Oi t;y Tret.1surer' at the I I time of colleoting such""first installment. that the entire costan<r'expense I of theaaidj(mprovementsi4IV:![thl1.nJssidDistriot Bhall be defrayed by a epec- I '" " ',' ,,'. , ' "" "',,".,' ".".".,::." '" ".", '''::>:'~" '.', I ialassessmant ',againsttne entire d.1Urfct, eaoh lot orp'srcei o'r Itnd within said District, to be assessed for that portion of the whole cost whfdH its areab,ears t.oths area <of the entire dia trj,ct , exclusive of streets, avenues, alley-sand public plaoes, provided that the Gallatin Valley RailwsYConrpany, I I .... . . . I acorpe>ration, whiChPocupiea and uBessaid portion of Seventh Avenue within said Pi.strict, und€"ra,iifranchise for street railway purposes, shall'be '< aS8assell' andptlY the costa.ndexpenae of making such iml\r ovementSib.~,tw'een the ra.;t1s'S'Ild,for Ifootoneacn stde thereof, thatthe'D1Ilounta~s~:s~e'da'ainst :, :", '::,'" ,::~, :: eaohlot or parcel of land and against the Gallatin Valley Railway COfupany, shall oepaid in eQual annual installments extending over a period of twenty (20.) years; Section 6- ~hat the regu18i: session of the City Council of~he Cip-yo. of Bozeman, to be held in the Council Chf.lmber, e:!ty'Eall ~ufrciing, . I:.:.,,; of said Ci.ty, ,on the 5th.} day of June, 1919, at seven-thirty o'olock, P. M....., the same being the nex.t re'gulari:session of the slid 'ijitycounoii','aft~r' the expiration of the tfmewfthinwhich Protestsll1aybe made, be, sndthe"'same ia here/klydeslgnatedas the time and plane when and where the a8 id. 'C()JXe::tl will hear and pass upon all protests that maybe made or filed lddO'r'iifIigj. ~ ''': ;.','" ,~. "~,,:' " . to the law ,ag8in6t~he proposed. work or the extent or creation oJigs'{d \"1 district,orboth~ Sectt.on 7~ That the City Clerk, be, and he is hereby dir,- ected to give notioe, a~ reo.uiredby law, of tlle passage of this resolution, by publishing the Bame inone iS1iuef of the .tIozeman Courier, a weekly newsp,aper prh,ted and published in the Oi ty of Bozeman, and by mlOliling a copy of sU,oh 110ticeto each perBon., firm or corpora ion, or the agent of such person ,firm or corporation. having piI'pperty within said Distrij at his last known addrllss, rJ upon the same day the t such no~ioe is first publiches; that said notioe shall :,_.1 be substantially in the following form. to-wit: ~