HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 934: Create SID No. 183 . .. __.., ..______.__n______________ .____n__ A COTJTr,n RESOL:TTICIJ DECI,!2IlTr.- IT TO 13.8 TEE IHTEHTICIJ Dr THE CITY COUlIC IL OF ':'HI~ CITY. ()}' BO~EHAll, STl, TE QIi'}:!(,l:':'AlJI, TO CRE.\TE i, SPECHT, IMPROVEIv[;IJT DISTRICT TO BE ZilOWI1 fllID mJSICIU.':~ED 1\'3 "SPECIAl, ! n.:'LPROVJ~M:!:nT DISTRICT HO. 1113" 01~ SJ,ID CITY, POHTHEPUHPOSE OF COli :JTRUCTJ;NG PAVrrJG AUD CO;'CRET::: HEADlmG V!TTEIL l!ECIl:,SL?Y. MiD GRLDnrG ~~EL~ }'CRTIC!I:OF SEVElITTT A VENHB13ETWBEN THE liOHTE L nIE O}' rIAl IT S TREl.:T MT" TEEU ORTH L nm O.~~ r,:"mme STREET AND THAT I)OETION CF PI.'_"TE AVJ~lrnE BETVlE~GN TIm ;'OPTE I;orE': "QFMA INSTREI~TAlm THE l!OW'211 IJIlm 01" LL~ STREET 111m TIgT "~)OR~' ION OF tAMME STREET ...'j":r;:'WE]~IJ THE \'IES T r, rITE OF T' F''I'EAVEF HE AND TEE nil ?,T. 1', IITT ./'F :SEVENTiHAVNJ~Ul~L ..!H T1.JE."'CI TY OF BO..2:;:11/[I.-.,I1.JI S'ri.'':'}:; QF MOlT"'.'::"..'.'.]'. Ii>, I 1.1D .T.Q....,.SPEtJ..:E.AL. ri'l...', .A.. .:'..C')1""<.~.. mT{Ti' ."'IT"'I"j..".. (;. OC'm J. '.rD T,''VTP~1.T''1;' 0"." "I.:. 'i"I..IT 1'.."'" ID I'.fpnO\TT"~""'I'T'" All.. ......u.Clm..1' _,,:,,j,,-\,:,,'.,.. _,I.',.LJ....J~J.,~",'":J .,.1"'""_'. 'Il' l.:.LCl....L..I..JJ..~,..L.I .'..1 1.,..._.i......Ij,U u"'. ,..!.....J\;'.l...i,~:J..._"-'.)..,J....:Ae~Q,~- 'sA'I~).T1ISTRICT ... UNDT'R, ~lfD. :"y ':T IP"'",] "'.' 1"11,' "'nT,' .P1:O('.'/"r1.;101TC').. 0", rr.ITII)mT,,"..~ ,,)..(, .':-,.A. \;I'~ . '~J. ". _' .......1". .J:~L '.' ~.~.) .l.........I.l..;J \_I,~' '" ...~,....,L,:..4 _~J;-~." ..~... ~I., ,1_..: .......:. .1........:.L.. WIfJ,:, "".. 'VI-..' OF];T('r:';'A,lL'" 1:3,;,,1 SESHOIJ , 1913 1.3 M.'LElmED BY r;t-'..^,PTJ~I: 142, LAWS C'? ~,r'lf'!_'AU/" "IJ4}'PHSESSWn;1915 , "BELT' RESDLVED BY THl!] CT:JlYGOUHCIL01f TUB CITlYOl<' BOZEMlllJ . STA ~:E OJ,1 HUli~lilJA: Boction 1- Tl'Llt it is hereby cleclsred to be tho jnt(:y)tiO{l of 1.0 of tho ~ity of bozeman, in tho g'1ta,te of MonkinL:, to V1'087C r::: ai, strict to be knov;n and c,o<-;ip:nateil tiS "Special Improve- for the purpoC!e of nwldn,'C the improvements special improvement dh,trict hore inaftor descri lJed; Section E- Thut the bou!1cli.;J'ios of si.,id Si)ede.l 1r:rp l' 0';(')'.', c:nt Dis- t~ict No. 183 aretoroby defined and desoribod DB follows: All thutnortlon :,'~/~i'::',?1~, ," ;' -"- ., of the City of BOI,en::n inc1ud;ei 'vi thin t hB fol1ovvinp: metes und bounds, to-wit: 13ednning ut a point jn. t1~e north line of Ivi[.in stroet, ~h.1 d being 140 fodt eost of the Bust line nf North Seventh ~venue; along t~said,north line OfM~i:tlStreettoa point 135 feet west li71e of said. north Seventh Avenue ; Thence north a distance feet; ~hence east par~llel with~he north line of said Main Street to ')i' I foot west of the said west line of Seventh Avenue ; Tnence nor th withihe ~aid W0S~ line ~f Sevenih Avonueto the center line of Bnd west alley betwe~n Main street and Mendenhall street weot of .. ...... AveD1~e,; Then9~ w6staJLong the 'center line of said alley to f) point i,.""; .(ji.fe~t west of thesa.i~ west l;l.ne of ~everith Avenue j Thence north parfjllel .,111,...,., ithahd 66 feet west o'f said west line of Seventh Avenue to the ~'rtluth line .!. ",n ';&1;):11:" .......... . t>,1J8rnrpe street j Thence east' along the soutli line of ssid Lamme street to (.\.I;-.....J.:..........,' ~~,;v:'~,~t line.of said Seventh Avenue; Thence north along the said west line :'.,l,. " ,., .:"~r,,ql '"., fFHrven-y.hAvenue to the north line of said Larnme Street; Thenoe east along h J.:.'::'{';-.';. ,'.' ". 'd hi;JrJ.orth line of said Lamme :Jtrcet to thE> east lineIDf Seventh Avenue; ~:.:I,J'I..y:\'::1j,>r,:,,::,:'~, ....,'.':'. " hanceno:rth along the eMt line of said Seventh Avenue to a point 70 feet ~:":,,~!\r (,;'::~~,:,;;,;;y,.:, \1::.:::.::;'" ,". Y,:, :.,,:,': ,.:;,' , ,'~"~~' ; -, ' . FS~,G,I~,~,,,i;a~~orthlt~~ of sa 1d ,~~~,r~,~I~,,(19:~tf;:::~f;tl,",T:,f;~~7~~g:~h I fneofLamm~ .stree t tQ the west line of ~,~,~,~;~:[~!1:t.~i,W~e?~;~inSeU1;h along-said west line Qf]'{ft11 Avenue to the north ,'j:.,,,, .",":,<<' ',,:,:'::'>:""':','. "', ',," ,,' '," ",:",:." ':: '.' ,',. ,~4riT19it'Js,H~,Le11}~e Street; Thence east along the l10rthline of ssjd ~Bmme :t;ree.ttQ the east line of said j;'ifth Avenue; Thence south alQng the s~id ':'j~j"t,;' .,:j ::"('7:;- Qst line of JHfth Avenue to Ue SQuth lfune ofs8id Lamme street; '1'hence :,-9 ; east along said south line of Iiatnme street a distanoe of 140 feet; Thence' south '''a'dist,snoe, of 60 feet; Thence west parallel with said south line of L!;lrnme Street, :i~:v;;,;" , " " . , . ,! to a pOint 1 foot east of the east line of' said .Pifth Avenue; 'Xhencesouth.par~llel said east line of Fif~h Avenue to a point 60 feet north of th~ ~brthline of Mendenhall Street; Thence eastparellel with the north line of suid Mendenhall , ' , Str,eett6a point l~b.feeteast'of the east line of said]Jifth Avenue ; Thence nortJrparallel with and 140 feet east qf the said east line of j!'ifth Avenue to , said a p.oint 6.0 feet south of thesouthlino of/Mendental~ street:;';Thence west par- "",",,\~,':.~"'.""\" '::".'~" .,",.,,-., allel with said soutb line of Mendcmhall street to a point 1 foot east of the asid - , east line of I!'ifth Avenge; Thence sop:th p8ra~ihel with sa id east line of l"ifth Avenue to a point 60 feet north of the north line of Main~~tr;eet; Thence east h':'" ,',./1 -.''','''' , : parallel with an,d60 :fee~ north of the said.north line of Main streU to a point , . ',j I . I, 'It' ,~ , I HO feet e,ast of t~e east line .of ;!<'ifth Avenue; Thence sput,:Q. pa;ralle:t. with I)nd '., , '., . , I 140 feet east of the said east line 'of Fifth 1J:'venue to tne north line of said .' Main Street; Thence west along said Dorth line .of' Main street to a point 140 feet west of the west ling of said Fifth Avenue; Thence north parallel with and 140 feet west of the said west lin~ of Fifth Avenue a distance .of 60 feet; Thence east parallel wah and 60 . feet north .of the northli~e .of SElid Main Street to a point 1 foot west of the west line of Fifth Avn1fJi.ue ; Thence n.orth parallel with and " ~ " 1 foot west of the said west line of i'ifth Avenue to u ppint 60 feet ::;Duth' of the of Mendenhall Street; Thence ,w-est p~rallel with and 60 feet .sou,th of line .of Mendenhall Street to a ppint 140 feet west of the west line of r Thence north parallel with and 140 feet west of said west line of I north of the narth line of said Mendenhall Street; eQst parallel with and 60 feet north of sa i d north line .of Mendanhall treet to a point 1 foot west of the said vvest line of 1!'ifth Avenue; Thence north I~' arallal with and 1 feot west of the said west line of Fifth Avenue to a point 1._. 30feot south of the Buuth line of Lamme Stroet; ~'hence west purallelwi th and - . , , "',:Ii. " 30 feet south of the said south line of Lamme Street to a p'oint 140 feet west of th ,"..' est line of so.id IHfth Avenue; Thence nonth parallel with an9., 140 foot, wo~t of he said west line .of Fifth Avenue to a point 70 feet south of the south line of aid Lamme Street; Thence west paralle with and 70 feet south of the saidsDuth ine of LamEle Stroet to a point 140 feet 'east of the east line of Seventh Avenue; I henoe seuth purallel with and 140 feet east of the said east line of Sevonth venue to a point 136 feet south of the seid Houth line of Lamme Stielt\t;;Thence ),,',:,,,,,,", ...1 est parallel with &nd ~36 feet south of the suid south line of Lamme Str~~tta a " ,', ,,' " ,.r ",I; nint 1 footealst of the saideafJt line of Seventh Avenue; Thence south pa:qal1el with ond I foot cast of theS(11 d cast line of Seventh AVenue to a peinti)6 feet north of the north line of Mendehall stre't; Thenoe east parelle with and G6 ~eet - of thesdd north line of Mendenh,all Street to a point 140 feet east said east line of Seventh Avenue,; Thence south parallel with and 140 soid east line of Savant}; ,Avenue to a point 66 feet so,uth of the .- . 'south line 'of Mendonhall streot ; ThehcoJ:,west panUel wi th and 66 feet south , of the soidsouth line of Mendenhall Street to a ppint 1 foot e~st of the said. east line 0f Seyenth. Avonuo';Thence south parallel Vlith and 1 foot ~c, J ~') eas;t of thes8id east line of Seventh Avenue to a ppint 66 feet north of the north line of Moin StreGt; Thence east parallel with and 66 feet north of tf):,,:" , '".' the said north line of Main Stroot to D point 140 feet east of the said ",,} east 'line of Seventh Avenue; Thence south pfJrellel vdth end 140 feet 0[1St of the said eas'tline of Seventh Avenue to the ph1ce of beginning. ., - Section 3- That the character of the.imnrovements which are to ., .,' , . be made wi:thin the ssid SpeciDI .J..rnproyement ;Distriot No. 183 are ';..escri bed as follows~ d "The gnding, the paving with Stand8rd J3itulithic pavement on a rook base and the oonstruction of concreto l1euders where necessary, Seventh A~~nue botweon the north line of Main,Street ;: tha north lino of ~amme. street and that portion of Fifth Avenue between , , north line ofI,:if.dn Stre,.'t and the north line of Lamme Stroet Dnd that be'tween the we st 1 ine of }i'iftJ: Avonue and the east , the petition for the creation of said :'Special Improvement that the said pavement be Standard Bitulithi on u crushed :,:":':,';':"",',:".' ~ '~.~a ,._ '~'"'9 i Section 5- That the ontire cost and oxpense of making the speoial i i improvements here in set forth in s[dd Soocial Improyernent DUtri ct No.183, shall be ruid by S'1' eoial Improyement Dittrict Couron bonds, of the denomina...". tion of One Hundred Dollars, ( or frGction tteroof whore necossary) . to be draVln ag~ihst a fund to be known end dosi.r:noted ss "SpeciDl lrrrproYo!'1ent Dis- trict No. 183 J!'und", and which bonds shall be redeemable at the opt~on of the City at any time that there are funds to the credit of said SpJ ciDl ImDroyo- mentDisttict No. 183 for the redor:1ption thereof, [md sht.ll draw sir:1pJe int- erest at the rate of six per cont per annum, Dnd such interost from the date of tho registre.tion of t?ebonds until the pa:lT11ont of the first installment will be collected by the City Treasurer at the til)18 of collecting 6uc1_ first installment; that the entire C06 t ~md expense of the said improvements within -----:1 i said Distri.ctsha:2..l be de:frlJyed by a spa cial assessment agtd,nst the entire I i I -,- , district, each lot or oarcel of land within said district, 'bo be asse,'ised for cost 0hi~h ita area' bears to the area of the ent- ire district , exclusive of streets, avenues, ulleys and publis plD ces, IJ.nd that the 8mDunt aSbeLJsed against eoch lot or parcel of land, sha 11 be po id in I equal. annualins'1bDlloments eX'"endinr over a ,period of twenty (20) years. . Section 6- 'l.'hat the regu+811 se<>sion of tl16 O,i ty Council of the CitY.Of J3pz8man, to be held. in the '-'ouneil Chamber, C1 ty Hall ,Building, of slHld ~ity on the 5th day of June, 1<;)19, at seyen-tLirty o'clock, P.M. th~ --' same be ing the next regular sess io n of seid City council sifter the ex- pirution of the time wi thin wlich protests ma;l be made, be, ~nd the same is he1."epy d.esignatod as the time and place when (I nd where the said Counc iI, will1 heur Dnd pass upon all protests that mn;)7 be made or fHed according to the