HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 933: Create SID No. 179 -<1:',?j , 11 COUnCIl, Rl~SQI,U':'IOH DECL^~~nro IT TO :BE TEE L ,:,_EHTIClJ n}' '::EE CITY COUIJcn 0::" ':'HE: Clr.:'Y GE' Bo:mHLlJ, STJ\':"E 0;' MOlT ':;!dg , TO crEA "'1: J, ;'jPI::C IAL HTI'ROVE- LmlJ'l' DISTP. ICT , TO BE L,orm Ll'm Dl~SIcn1TED AS nSPl~CI1,r, HIPIWVl:l.tLlJS; DIS'::r:ICT no. 179" OF S.UD Clr;:'YFOR 'l'jiEPURPOSE OF COImTRUC':'IllG A l3.UnT:~~ y Smn':R "'LOIIO '!DEE AI,TJBY J31~T~;':E;::LJ 1IIGHTH A VENUE AIm HIIJTH A VEiJUEPHOM THl: 11M;'}.' MID VJl;f:r;: ALLEY EE1'rmEH BABCOCK STlmET LND OLIVE STRELT To TEE CEW:.'ER 0::<' l:T<H Y S'l'l1K"T, WITHIN SAID CI':'Y .AND TC SPECIALLY ASSE2S TEE ElITIHE em)':.' Llm EXPEHSE or MI,KIHGSJ.IDIMPROVJ::;r,mlJTS-:J,IW' eO!JS'';:HUCTIlJO S;,ID SlJiITRRY SEVIER 1,OA llJST THE PROPEHTY TilTHIlJ'OSAID IJISTRICS;, UlJDEI\ AHD BY VIHTU,p; 01" ';;HE l'IWVISIOIJD OP iCllAPTER 89, LAWS Qli' MOIJ':'AHA ,13TH SE;')SIOIJ, 1913, AS l:.MEIJDLD BY CH1\.ETET': Ill:: , LAWS[')l<' UOlJTJ.HA, 14TH SE$SIClJ, 1915 .' ' BE IT RESOLVED BY THE cey COUl/en 011' THL; CE.'Y m~ BOZE!\I.l~lJ, STATE, 0:8' I.WIIT.AIU.; SectIon 1- Thut it 1s hereby declDre~ to be the ir,tont ion of the City Councjl of the City of BozBrnan, st'<)te of MontD118, to creute fj upocisl i~provoment district, to bo known tJrtdd~1siF':m]ted usHSpociul Im'.1rovor:1ent District No. 1';'9, of soid Ci t;l, faT the prirpose of making the iLrproveucnts asid Special Improvement D~strict hereInafter described.. Section 2- That tbo bpundariero of sbid 'Jl)eciGl Improvement 110. 179 hetohy defined ,I:wd, <1oscri bed as follows; All thGtportj_on of tlJe c,ty / Bozeman, inclucloclvli thin t1ce followinf': mete sand lJound8, to-vdt; BeRinnin? at a point in the west line of Ei~hth ^vonue whe~o t1ce " intersected hy the south line of Story Stro~t; fl'henGe \. c., ~:;t(,l on", ;the south line of Suid story Stroet to the east line of Hirith i, venue j Thence along thee8stli.i1e o~ said Nintb Avenue to tbe center line of tho ..1.\11 &;)t rU.J1).-"ing east !..md west botween l:k:bcock and 011 ve Stl'cetSj 'l'lLence oust ;~long thecentor lino of Gliid o!:wt Dndwost Lilley to tho wos't line of ~i0hth Ave;nue;T~:,ence sonth along t},e" west lino of 8uid Eighth Avenue to tr,o ploce of begInning. Soct i on (I-That it is is horeby declared that tho pro~erty within -9:1:'j- ~~ --- -. -= ~ :','U" \,.. - that the totel frontBre of property in Buid District to be assessed thorefor, i i8 2155.02 11noo1' feet; I exclusive of strects, avenUBS, alloys and nubIle pll.;c03, I I I thBt the approximate estimato of the cost of B~:i(l i;;1pri.vementf.\ to tLo proDort;y I to be a~BeBsod therefore is $1.39 ~er lino~r ~ront foot. I Seotion G- That tho entire cost i'nd OxpO;iBC of rnokinrtha 6noclal I improvements horeimdtersct forth in mJid 3pociul Improvement l):istrict Un. 170 shall be ;JEJid lW s1)eoi8l ir:l1JYOVemont dist:'iet ConponBOilds of tyo (}(momin~)ti on of One Hundied Dollars, (or frl3ction thercQf, wl;ere nocec.;81orO;jr), to be d.nnvn against D fUllcl to 1)0 known t13 "S pecial Imorovomcnt DIstJi'ict Ho. l7~; J.i'lmd"; that such bonds shull bo rodoemable ut the option of the suld City utony tiDe that th~n'e are fu,nds to the credit of s,dd Speeiel Improver~dnt District lio. 17\) for U:o redomption tht;1roof, "nd shell clrnw simple intorest ut the~ste of six. :1,1er cent. pqrar1num, ~md. such interest from the date of tLe reristration of the bO:r1dS l1ntil the payment of the first instullraont will be CQ.J.locted at the time of c.o11ectinp: s1.1chfirst installment; that the entire cost and expenso of 88id im:provf;ments within said Distri.ct shall be defruyed b~l a (31)Ocial assossment against the entire district, each lot orp0rcel of land within said District, borderin,'!, or abutting on both sides of the alley between E:i.gLth;~vonue and lTinth