HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 932: Create a SID No. 180 i - -0~?- -- -~'"._~ --'kJ -~- .- f I A oounCIL RE~~Q:r,UTlon DECI,L::II;G IT ':'0 BE THE!W.i'EliTIOIJO}, TEE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Q]<''30:3ElJ!.l\H. S';'j\TL~ 0:.':' :'onTI.Hl\, ~'O CREATE /\ ::m]J;CI1\L ILI- PROVEII1:E:NTDISTRIC';' ':'om~ IHrown :,:!]) DISSIGITATED M) "i3PECn,J. IMpTtQV};'U:NTDISTEICT NO. lDO", OF TEE SAID CITY, FOn THE PURPOSE Q1o' CCHS':'RUCTI1!G STomr SE'v'Hm, P!,VIIiO AND GRADJI;C TEAT POW'IOlJCOF SIXTH Avmm:c BE"-,,~:'l.:~i ':'HE SOU':'H T,THE 01" STony 3'::11EE'1' AND THE SOUTH I.IHE OFCOLJ.EGE STIW.L;T, I1J TTTS C I ";'Y OF BOZE~:ffJ,n, STI.r1,:J~ rp J:i(\.iTT:,.H.A. 1,ND ';'C ~3PBCIilJ.,I,y A~)'m<:"S T"m ZI!TJ~E CQS T MJD l:Xp.:nsJ:: OF I,1ilKIL1 SlIm Il\IPIW'lnMl:ITTS AGAINST SAID DISTRICT, UlJD1!m 1\I<JD BY VIRTUE 01<' THE PROVnlIONS 01" CEI,pr;'ER fig, L.AW~3 OF MOHTidJA, 13TH SB$HOIl, 1 n:-s, AS !,MElIDED BY ClI!, "TEF. 14 2, LA:"I') OP Ma:: r~MJ.fI , 14';'H SESSION, 1915 . :3E IT REBar. 'lED BY THE C ITY COUlJ(~ 11 or TIm CITY OF B02J;IL~IJ, i 3T!, TE 01" lIOUTI,l{j,: Section 1- Th. t: t i8 her by dcolurcd to bo tho intention ',f ti,o Ci ty Council of tho C.i ty of Bo zm;1Dn, in the fJtiJte uf Mont~nu, to orosts & ,,)no OiLl improvemont district to boJ{)ioy,nand dosi,c:nntod 8.8 ":3poci81 ILmrovomont District lif o. 1<30" , of tho Geld Cit;l, :for the purpOCic of L1:.Jeinr" tho impl'ovencnt 8 in [1,1 iel spe dill improvement disttict hercinaftor described; 3ection 2- Thcit the bounotJrie::) o'.f B "ld 311001:,1 1~:rf1:tover:1Ullt J):i::J- trict lIo. 180 8l"e }>.:::cl);7 clefi::lCd '_:010 (le::o-.:i1.!ed l::;" :follow:,';: 1ill tLc:t '~'\OJ.'.t :1. C) 11. of the Ci t;l of BO;7,Cn:lll inoluclccl \li thin t;;e :C'ollov:i.n:" EwtC:) (.nel '1;or:nC::, to."\,it: "'38."'inninr" IJt Ii point j,TI tJ:o Gou.tb line o:f 3tc:cy :;1-roct, f3.(.', i cl point being 125 foet east of the Bast line of ::)i lj:t 11 lqre,11U8; Thenoe south parallel with BEid east line of Sixth Avenue und 125 feet oust of the 8Lma to tho 80nth line of COller,e Street; T]wnee WGst Ul01W tho s~id south line of ColloRe Streot feet., and to the prop- S(1uare foot; cost and e,xpense of Qakinp, the special ,improvomentshere:J.n sot forth in said Special Im-provemqnt DhJtrict No. 180. qhall be paid by Special Improve~snt District the demonimation, to bo drown draw simple interest \ interest from t}:e date of the of the first installment will be collecting such first in- the soid improvements designated as the time r'nd place. when:d' ond . all th~t may be m~de NOTICE I I C. VI. Sweet ., Me yor (SEAL)