HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 930: Create SID No. 178 - AOO'UNCIL RESOLUTIONDECLARIHO IT ':'0 BE THE mTENTIOn OF. THE CITY COUNCIT.I OF TH:I<J CITY OF BOZEMAN, STATE 0F MONTANA, TO CREATE A SPEC rAL IMPROVEMEHT ~DISTRICTTOEE KNOWN id1DDESIGHA'JJED AS It SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO, 178. ,01~ SAID CITY. J!'OR THE PuRPOSE OF GRADIlJG AND PAVING WITH LIGHT STANDi,RiD BTTULITHIC 1'A VEM1~NT ON A CRUSHED ROCK BASE THAT PORTION OF OLIVE STREET BETWEEN THE EAST :1 IHE OF BOZEMAN A VENUE AND l.'HE EAST LINE QJ11'Lurmy PLACE AND THAT PORTION OF LIlwr,EY PI"ECE 3ETWBEN TE.ID SilUTH LINE OF or,rvE STR},;:r~T AND THE CENTE~ LINE. OJ<' KOCH STREET, AND THE CONSTRUCTION rOJ!' ;SUOHSTORM SEVlEJ(AS MAY BbJ NECBSSAHYTO OOHVEY THESTOHMVi;tJ.TERS..:EROM THE INTERSECTION OF. SAID OLrvJ~STREET AND LINDLEY PLACE EAST TO BOZEMAN CREEK, . ").IN\THEcCITYOFBOZEMAN,STATEOF MOlJTANk, AND TO SPEOIHT"YASSESSTHE EN'J'IHE COST AND ESFENSE OF NiAKIHG SA ID IIAI'ROYEMENTSAGAINSTSAID DISTRICT UNDER ANDB'Y' V'IRTUE01!' THEPROVISTONS 0]' CHAPTER 89. LAWS. OF Mfn~TANA, · H5th SESSIon, 1913,A3 AMENDED BY CHAPTER 142, :LAWS OF MONTAIJA, 14TH SESSION, I n5 IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCI L OF THE. CITY OF BOZEMAN, STATE O};' MCNTANA1 Section 1- That it is hereby declerEJd to be the intention of the City CouncIl of the City of BozemHn. in the 8tde of Montanci, tocrebte b 'sp(:!cial improvement disttiot to be knovm end deSif,nated B8 "8poo1:>1 Improve- ment Distri ct N.o. 178" of S8 idOi ty, for the mlrpose of making the improve- ments in$~id special improvement district herc'in8fte1' de scribed; Section 2- Tl18tthobonndaries of said Soecial Im01'ovement District are hert)by defined and desoribed GS follows: L 11 that ~o1'tion of Bozemun included wHhin the folloYiin['; metes und bounds, to-wit: Be{!;irining bta point in the eouth line of Olive Street where the intersected by the edst line of Lindley PILiC0 ;'l'henceoast along south lilie of Olive street ~ distance of 50 fee,t;Thence s op:th with and 50 ~e0t aastof the e~st line of Lind1e~Pl~oe to the ,cel1'ter'1;ineofKo,chStrect to D point !50foet west of theW~HJtl:Llle of suid Thence 'north}.1DraT1el wit.h Hnd 50 feet west of tho sui(l west of Lindley Place to u point 03-1/;5 feot south of tho south line og 01i va Street; Thenco west puyullol with und 8:3~l/l3 feet s ouill of the line of Olive street to [he center bf the Alley between I:ihdley pince Dnd Bozeman Avenue; Thence north [jlon~, the center line of shidt111ey ttfupointl f.oot sO'l1,.th of the said south line of Olive k1trect; Thence west parallel w:tth and I foot south of the sEd.d fJouth lino of Olive .;5.t1'.e~~t to 6i 'point 49~1 f~et east of the eBst l:Lne of Bozeman Avenue; Thence south '081'- (:" :.'. , ,\" ,'!,', ,:': ' " . I allelwith and 49~Lfeet oastof theslJid .eol>t Une DfBozernanAvenue to u point 1'00 feet south of the saja south line of Oli,veStreet; Thence east a bstance of O. 9 feet; Thence south 1)aT81lel wIth and .50 feet ea.st of the said eastlineof'Bozemon Avenue to a point 150 feet south of the south line of saId Olive Street; Thence west narallel with ~nd 150 feet south I 9 'J ~~ 0 - _ '..'.._-. .....: I. .. -- " ~; ~ of 'he suid south lioe of Olivo street to the eBst line of soid Booem,m j;venue- ~'u I Thence notth nlonl' thes8idcast line of Bozoman Avenue to a point 150 feet north I I of the north line of sa:i,d Olive Streot; Thnnoeeost T18rallelwith undl60 feet I 1 north of the s id ,tbrth line of 01:1_\'c Street /) cUstaneo of 50 feet;, ~henee I I southnar81101 with und 50 feet 08stof tLe s8id 01:\8t line of 13ozemanJ\venne E~ ' distance of 50 feet to u' point 100 feet orth of the suid north line of Olive Street; Thence west a distance of l'foot; Thence south p8rallel w:i.th Gnd 49 " feet eust oithe soid castlino of Bozemun Avenne to B point 1 foot' north of tho I said north line of Olive street; Thence eastpurallel with tmd 1 fiot north of ' thesei'd north line of Olive street toapoint 150 feet eest of the east lire of Bozeman Avenue; Thence north pnrulldL with tind 150 feet oast of the' g&"ld'- ebet line of Bozemhn Avenue 49 feet to [:\ point 50 feet north of the BEl fd north Une of Olive Street; Thence eel1t.parDllel with ond 50 feet north of the sHid north line of; Oli ve :3treetto an extension of tl1e eDst l'ipe of I,iwiLJ;y 'PltJCe; Thence souuh along said extended line of )Jincn~y PI8nG to the plGce 9f beR:i.nninc. Section.. 3." Thut the character of the improvements wh:hh.uroto 1)e maliEj within se.id S:pec~e]; ,]:mprQveml;):t:;\t :i)istri,ct Ho .17f3are de seri 1:J8(1:,iaS,fo;Llows: . '" ,.' . " ' , '...',', The gra$ii1.g and pav-inl'l.: with light Stunderd B1tUlith.icPavement on a'.orushed rookbese thcit portion of Olive ~-)treet between the e~;stlij;;J,e:of Boz- emanAvenue and the east line of IJ.indley Place and that -portion of,Li.udJ;ey Place .. i between the south Line ofOl.ive Streetmhd the centor line of Koch$tl1eet, Hnd I the o-on:!r1nruIDttlmn of such storm sewer us m!.JY be nece.ssflry t.o Gonva:ythe sti:>rm waters from the intersection of said Olive street and Lindleyl'+sce'es.st to Bozeman Avenue: That thetJavemf:mt to be c'Ustructedwil1 be one o.f t..he.fQ].lowlli.ng types', to-wit: standard Bituli thio on H rockb8se; Standard B:htul;Lthi'c .o:n a -cement c01;lcretebese;<(rr Asphalt MOCDd.am of s stllndBrd p:rvde of 1:.\i3,phtli!-'t<. B:lds will be rece5ved on all of the foregoinp: t:'TPes of Df;1VOment ,und sl;\e.lection wi 11 be ml'Jde therefrom; The potition for the creution of th:is District 6:r>epifies,:).i./jh't' Standard Bi tun thic pavement on ..s crushed rock buse, un,llin case st<m~!)rd:Bi t- ulithiPevementd.s,'s.ele.ct'ed. instead of ti(;;ht Stsnda)id Bitulithic!."t[lciiJpnd in thl3{ event ,the estimated cost ond theprob8ble cost per !3<Iuare foO~; v.q.ll be as hereinafter set forth; or as herein nrov:Lded. light standard Bitu].tthic on ~) crushed rock base. Section 4- Tht!t -the an')Jroxinwto estimate of the cost und ex.penfJO f d i c 11 S'. id work and the makinr: of the impDovements in 88:1d Dneci~jl Improve~ o 0 np: Ii " ,. t Diet'riot No. 178 provided thenavemont is r,ip:ht stEmclnJtdBitnl:\.thic', is men - . , o I', t._ ___ on... __n.__...__.____._ ..__......__.. -g ;!)O ~ Eleven Thousnad,Elp'ht Hundred Ninety-three 8nd 42/100~ ($11,893.42). whlch gradinF, construction of storm sewer, engineering incidentals; Thut the approximate estimate of the OOS t und expense of (loinp: ull and the makinA' of thE) improvem(mts inseid Special Imp~evoment Dis- 1'18, provided the pavement is Standard Bitnlithic is,'l'W$lve Thousund whioh includes the cont of insTIection snd in- D~8trict, exolusive nlaoes to be 8ssessed fo;' the proposod is l07r566.9squBre feet; that thOIJ'r)nroximate estimate of the cost .of ni'id improvements to the proDerty within seid DiGtrict to be Dssessed ,J.'. therefore is ~~O.J.I057 per squt\re foot provia.ou tiiut the jJtJvomcnt is Li.<>:ht i"S"tl1n'd;~~rd ,:BitJillithi,e or ~10.l1G78, providod the prnoment is StDndard Bi tulithic. Section 5- ThB~ the entiro cost Dnd e~penso of makinR tho spoc- inrprnvernents l1eroln set forth in suid Spociul Improvement District No. be paid by Special Improvement District ConponBonde, of the denom- OrteHuhd:red Dolle rs ( or frDction theroof, wperoneces8vry), to ,:.,'.'I'i aglHrist afuuctt0beknow.r;lulld designnted ~lS "Speoihl Imp:rovement No. 178 ,J!'und."; lll1.d whioh bOnds shall he redeemable at tho option of Ht any time thutthereorefunds to the eredi t of said 3;\0010,1 lm- :prc;.vement District No, 178 for-the redemption theretf, IJnd shell draw s iIT)plo the rete of six per cent per ahnu.r:l !.mdSllCh intereSt from the regis.tration of the bonas, until the payment of the first instell- , by the Pity TreasureI' at the time pf collecting suoh .," ,.":,', ., ,,'" , / .'" ,:' ,,', fi:r.S:t,~n'st9;l.lme!lt:;tl1at the'entire cost and expenSe of the said.,.iih:proveme.nts , iit)::\lPI:HJidm.etriot shull' be de:f'rayedby 8 speoiul assessment &gainst the , ' " etlch lbt or paJUce1 oflLwd wi th.in said district. to be sse'ssed for that portion of the v.llblecost which its urea bears to the ~red of hb'entire District, exclusive of streets. <.venues. u.lleys 8ndpublic places, ,"'".\':':'J" ,': ',', th~amoutn assessed aw,' inat each 10tor})aTcel of land, shall be p&id annual inslullements extending over E.l)er i od of tV/nety (20) years; Sect"ion6--That the r'egulur :Jession of the Oi ty Oouna 11 of the , ... /' .... ., o:CE!ozeman, to beheld in the Council Chamber, Cl tyHs:J,l,Build iug , the 5th day of June. 1~i9.bt seven-thirty o"clook, P. M. the - ...--.....-- /'.,'.": - ~mn.. " l,. same bGinr~ theilaxt 1'o"ul[l1' session of 8<-,)e1 CitJ' CoullCi~, after tle expll'btion of of the time within which protests may be mude, be t end the ::wme is hereby dOGi~n8t.d as the time and })l[1co. when Dnd where the Goid Oonncil will heur cmd pabO upon all protests tLot muy bo mude or filed according. to t he law, agil1st tl,G proposoc1 Vlor}: or the extent or creation of soid district, to both. Section 7~ Tj",(:t the 01 ty Clerk, bo, ancl he is hereby directed to rive notice, as required by law, of the p:,SSI),C:C of tJ if; rez..,olution, 1)y puMi<iLinf!" the SoHne in ono iG~3Ue of the Bozoman Courier, 8 weok1y newcpaDor printod Dnd published in the City of BO;I,I.r:wn, and by mailinv u eop of "neI: notlee" to oDeh per~3on, firm or corporation, or the 8p:ent of <mor. perSOn, firm or C01'OOl^Dtion, havlWi -prooerty wi thin Sldd District, at his lase knovil1 addl1ess U1)On tJw fi",:lO day thB~ suoh notice is fitot published; tb,t suid Tlotieo shall be unb;3'cL;ntinll;)T in the followin!": form ; NOT lOB nOr;'ICE IS H~REBY GIVEH, t11a t at Dn ud j ournod ro,o,.ulur session of th~ Cj~y Council, of tho Oi ty of Bozeman, Stato of Montana, held on Tueoduy, May 20th, lng, a Ooune H Hesoluti on wes dlJly passed cIDd aGoptod ny t]:osDid C:i.t~r C01mci., dGch!ring' its int~ntion to create a special improvemont district to bo known and designutod us "Special Im!)rovor.1ontDi utrict IJo., 1'78" of the sLid City, for the 1mrp08e of frcdinR und puvjnr with .. . Light StnndordBitulithic povoounton 8 crushed rock bUBe, that portion 6f Olive street between the cost line of Bozeman Avenue, and the cast line of Lindley Pluce, und thut portion of Lindley Place between the south line of Olivo street und the c Q nte l' :).ino of Koch Si;reet ,ana,.tho~'onutnlChon of such ~JtorQl&c!Vve;r', as m8;T be. necessi,ry to cronNGly'the:stOTrDwnters from the inter";" s.'9ction of SDid Olivo S.t,'reet c.ndLindley Place to Bozq11!l?n ,Q:rle'Eik hi the City of Bozeman, S.tate of Montana, 'and declaring itto be thejntention Oithe "My iJouncilto specially assiis:siihc; entireoostand expense of makin[t :'111ch' i::l'provements DF"l:dnst the propertywit1;lin suld district, eaoh lot.or,pDrcel of 1und within seld district to be assessed for that portion of tho whole cost ..---------.-.-.---.... .. ._.___n___..._.._ Tlwt for a description of the boundurios of Bllid proposed" Special Improvement D;1.etrict No. 178/ reference is hereby made dossid Council ResolutioJ1, which is on file in Jb.he offiae of the Uity Clerk for inspection. Dat.ed at Bozer:lan, Montana, this 20th dey of MaY.,A. D. 1919, C. A. Spioth C1ty'Clerk City of Bozeman, at , ,) J!' . fit Bozeman, in Gallatin County. State of District Ho. 178/':of in said newppaper in its the ., , Henry F. Se<.Jrs sv;orn to be fore me this 22nd duy of Mvy, -_....,--- .--..,.--.. n - 9:l()- ,~._~ - - - J,>F7IDAVI':i:' OF PUll. ~::;,',o'ICn .AI!]) T\'l;~ILII~G C:-. !;'C:~CL~3 :~PBCIi,L ILIPT: OV;:;T:::r: ':' ::n S S:::-: Ie:: 11 o. 170 state hi' Mont~nD ) so C ';Jut::1 o:f Gn11Dtin ) I, C. " 3}Jioth, the ,'uly appointed, qualified und acting "' . City Clerk of tho City of BOZClil811, County ,f GDl18 tin. 8t[~itO of UontuIlfc ac horeb;y cert:Lfy: 1- ~J:<,;, puru,wnt to the nrovi3ion3 of Section 7, COHllcil HosolutionI:o. 9;:50, I did Five notico, us required by l~~ of the puusu~e of f'J::,. icl Council Eoselution, by publishinrr 8 notice, c, C001Y 07 "i,t :loll iu hereto attached, und L1ar;:od B::d:,:l b:\.t "A", ;n tho issue c<C i.!}lC Boz(2":,';on CouTier of l"~D::;1' ::.~lbt J 1::1~). :~- ~l::;.;t I d1d r:wil a copy 0::" Btdd notice to cuc1~ pcrccm, '-, i firm or corporation, or tl,o,,,"c nt of ~moh firm or corpoT8ti,'n, hflvinc' I l)Orson, I -property v;i tJ:in seid Sn8cial IrJ'provcncnt Dtst:cict Ho. 178 of the City of Boz- eman, to h1E; lac;t kr,ovm odc1rcF;~:kS is ShOVd', b~l tho ltDt Jf proncrty owners heroto attc::cbo)d find mnrkccl j~xhJbit "TI" upon U:.C 8U~JC (1[.,;. :3nc1: n,ti:c ViCS p'ublh;hed.