HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 929: Creating SID No. 173 '';'':C:'(' - 1 comwn RE:'"WLID':'Ion IJO. e ')'n ,)(..,<J . A COUNCIL RESCDLUTION CREATIl!G A SPECIAL IMPROVEliL:lJT DISTRIC"T HO. IJ73; Ol~ 'Nm cri'Y OF BOZEMIGf. S~2ATE OF I.!OHTANA, FOR THE PURPOSE OF COHSTRUCT~ INGSTORM [)EWERS, PAVING ,CURBSAND GRl,DlrHIG_IDH.A:T PORTION O:B'ROCE STREET {'BETWEEN'TEE WEtoT LINE OI<' TEIRJ)AVElJUl'~ AND TEE EAST I,HiEO:!!' SIXTH AVENUE ( EXOl'~PT THJ!i InFTH AVENUE IJJTBHSEcnOlr) WH'HIN THE SA ID OITYOF BOZEMAN, S-TATEQ}'MOljTAIU, ORDERING SUCH I!ORK r;;o BE' DONE THER:GIlJ, AND PROVIDIHG FOH THE ASSESSj\f;NT O:P S:'HE ElITIRE COST LIW EXPENSE OF MAKlliG SAID IMPROVE- 1lliNTS AGAINST THE PR@ERTYWITRIN SAID DISTRICT, UN-DI;Rj,ND BY VIR~)UE Ob' ,TH:E. PROVISIONS DE CHAPTER 89, LAWS OF MONTANA, 13TH SESSION, HJ19, t n ,;',:,~:':::";~.;::::,':>~}i',"': ,.', ", ':!HEREAS, (it EJ l'er:lllur sossion of the City Council of the Oity 6f J30..j.:~tlJ~, Statodf Montanu, hold on the l7t11 dab' of A:oril, lSH9, tho arid c..HyCOUl1Cil dU:J:y pi1ssed Counoil Hesoluti6n Ho. 922 A, decluring it to '_,(1 ~:', be the intention of the CitJ' Council to creute a ::qJeclal improvement , district, to be knoVinand designoted liS ".5peci,!.:l Improvement District I~o. 17~" of the. Cit;r of Bozem/:ln, State of Montano. for the purpose of oon- " sewers, p8virtF, curbs and grDding that portion of Koch street, between the nest line of Third Avenuei..nd the GBr3t Ij_ne of Sixth 2\ AVenu (oxcept the I!'ifth Avenue Intersection) in the Gi ty of BozemLm, staito bnd expense of makinp.- said improvemon ts against. tho IJl'operty wi thin suid DL:,tri ct under !O.nd b;:.' Chupter 89, L&ws of Monton&, 13th ses6ion, 142, 1t.nv8 of 110ntana, 14th Session, 1915;. shld Council Hesoluti on Ho. 922 j\ is hereby referred to und made <'> pc>rticulurs :tn respect to the boundaries of seid Distr~ct, the estimated costo! said improvements and tho method of asscss- O:J.-t1i,the same against the property \'ithlri sElia Distriet; ~miJ. L: WI-IE~:~EAS, notice of the nassage of saidCouncll Heso1ution A was duly published in one iSSU0 of the WeeklY Courier, a weekly ~ " newspaper printed and published in tl:e Oi ty of Bozem~n, to-.ii t: in the 11;1,') J . iSsue of kpril 23rd, 1919, andiby mailing a CIDPy of such notice to each nj~:.;':Lt:"':; , \:.;,' " :peTBon, firm or corporation, or the agent of such -person, f:1.rm or corpor- ; '} "',J,;,;~:~ .i ,lilt ion , hnving property within-:t1w said proposed District, at his last L r ( I ,~ { .. knDwnaddress upon the '!<'CJ,',,', ," 1?l"P()t having been made of the publication of 8uchnptices: and ~.''',.'J J .,"'1'\<,.":,: ' WHEREAS, within the time provided bylaw and such notice, " ' . . ' ~ ' \. \ " " ',\,,: , . r , ,j , ' nopro.tests. have been delivered to or presented totheClty m"er1c,either .J ~,'.,I:~:;" ',".'~i"I~:::l'::;:~;:,<":,:,;.",,, , ' ,",'" , ' , , ",':":'<, , . -'inwttyWllfj or otherwise, w,tl.Jinst the proposop: work, and cretitlon of said "'::;,'~~aun L"J~}-" . .'. ,.., District or the extent thereof, !md the said City Councillbeing in regular "';.1' , ,. . ., ' session, Thursday, the 15th day of May, ln9 at seven-thirty Of clock", P..M. a,t the Counoil Chamber of said City, the Same being the time and I -929- =~ I the creut:ionof said dist<tict or: the extent thereof, and itapTJearing the:t no I protests. in wirting or otherw; se, have been made or filed as provided by law, or at all to the proposed work or the creutiDn of stdd District or the extent and it further appearing that all theTJroceedings for the oreation of Distrio:t :have been complied wi th; . . I NOW THEREEJORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL Oli' THE CITY 0]> BOZEMAN, I . STATE OF MONTANA I Section 1- That said Special ImprovemeID1t District No. 173 of the I City of Boze~an, atate of MontBna, be, and the 89me is hereby crested for the i purpose of making the improvements therein as hereinafter described. ) . ,~ Section 2~ That such special improvements be, Lmd the SfiTJle are hereby, ordered to be made in said SpeC1&l Improvement;;District Ho. 173, as follows: The construction of storm sewers, where necessary, and tte c.onstruct- ion ~f oonoretecurbs, and grading and paving$aid Kooh dtreet, between the west line oiThird Avenue end the east line of Sixth Avenue, J except' the ]'ifth AVenue interseotion) j ~hat the pavement will be one of the following types, to-wit: Stand- ard Bitulithio on a roc~ bf!se, with or without concrete gutters; 3t~ndardBit- ulithic pavement on a cement concrete base, or Asphalt Macadam of a standard grvde of asphalt. Bids . ill be received on 611 of the foregoing types of pavement, and a selelction will be mode therefI":om": i. .. .t. .\I1Proyemen s . Section 3- That the entire cost and expense of making. thespecia1./ . .. herellm set forth in said Special Improvement m.str;ict Bo. 173, shall be paid by Speoialtmprovement District Coupon Bonds, of the denominatIDcn of One Hundred I" .,:,; ,... Dollars, ( or fraction ~he e of where necessaryj. to be drawn against a,~~d tobe known a~d designated ~1S "S eeil,l Improvement Dit1trict No. 173 J!lund" and which bonds shall be redeemable ~lt thc option of the City ut any time thut thera are funds to the credit of s.sid Special Improvement i No. 173 for the redemption thereof, aha shall drawisimple interest at the rate of six per cont per D.nnum and8uc11, interC!s.t from the date of the regiatrot,lorr{jf the bonds until the payment of tHe fi:bs.t installment Treasurer at the time of oolleoting suoh first installment; that the entire cost and expense of the said improvements with1nsaid. Distriot shall .be defrayed. by [j Special/i1.ssessment " ',~ agains.t the entire distriot, Bach lot or Darcel of land within saf~ District, to '1 , ., L~J . _____..__n ;,: I I' ',I :'~ I ~, I -92~ be Bssessed for that portion of the whole cost which its area. bears to the area of the entire District,exclusive of streets, flvenues, alleys "';ad :public places, Dnd that the amount BSBeBs~d against each lot or parcel of. land, shall be pain in equal annual installments extending o'l1er a period of tw€ub.ty (20) yeers; Section 4- That the Oity Engineer, be. and he j s hereby directed tp prepare plans and specifications for the doing of said work arid the making i of said improvements. Section 5- That the City Olerk, be, and he is hereby directed to publish a notice inviting proposals for the furnishing of material~ the doing of the work, and the making of the improvements in said Special Improve- m~nt DistrLctNo. 173, and referring'to the specifications on file. by pib- 11h.shing the same in two issue of the BozemlUl Courier, at least ten days before the time such bids wfll be opened. which shall be at the meeting of the City Council which shall beheld. on Thursduy, the 19th day of June. 1919. PRssed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Boz.erre.n, at. a regular session thereof, held this 15th day of May. 1919. Approved by the Mayor this 15th day of May, 1919. .a~'."W... $",..&1;:;' .~7qr' / (h A. Spie th, City Clerk " ~:I, -------