HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 943: Creating SID No. 183 ----- - ---..-..... - ,- COUNCIL RESOLUTIOn liD. 943 A COUlJCIJJ m~S01UTIOH CREATING SPBCIAL IMPROVbLEllT DI~3TRICT no. 183 OF ~'H.B CITY OF 30ZE1:1AH, STli TE OP MONTANA, ~'OR ~"HB PURPOSE OF COHSS'HUC':'ING Ell V.ING AlID CONCRETE HEADERS, I'/HERE lJECESSARY, AND GRi~DING THAT PORTION O~' SEY~NTH J~VEHUE BETWEEH THE WEST 2"JIH.b.: 0]' MAIN STREET .AND r;HE HO~{TH I.INE OF LAMllIE STREET l~lID s"IU1T POHT Ion 0]:' In.PTH AVENUE BETWEEN THE nORTH IJIK8 Oir MAI.N STHE1T AIm r:LHE NORTH LINE OF LAMME STREET, IlfD '2E1I1' ?OH'I'IOlj 01-' LJdiIME S7HEBT BETWEBl~ THE WE~}T :L IHE OF FH'TH A Vr.:UUE LIJD TEl,; ~1~~)':' LHJL OI' SEVENTH AVEHUl;;, \':I':'HIH THE CITY Oli' BOZE11AIJ, STLTE OJ!' MOl~rl'ANL. OHDERING i3UCH ViOHK TO BE DOlm TIlli::.EIH AHD PHOVIDIHG 1!'OH ~~HB ASSBSSMj';lJT OP '::T-IE BLJ':'IR1<l COST AND EXPELJSE OFMLKING SAID DI- PROVBlvTiWTS .AG1..nrS~ r::Hl PROl)j:;RTY liITHI.Dr SA ID DIS TRICT, UNDI:;R AND BY VIRTUB OP THE PROVISIOHS 0]' CHL1?TBR 89, LAVIS OP MONT- ANA, 13TH SESSIOH, 1913, AS AME1~DB:D BY CEi\P~BR 142, LAWS O.P MONTANA, 14TH SESSION , 1915 vVH1:!:REAS, at an adjourned regular session of the City Cmunci1 of the City of Bozeman, State of Montana, held , on the 20th doy of Lilly, 1919, the seld City Council duly passed Council Resolution No. 964, dechJr,ing it to be the intfmtion of the City COlIDcil to create a ~)peoial improve- ment District to be known Rn d desig.nated as "Special Im- provement District No. 183 of the said City, for the purpose of constructing paving and concrete headers, where necessary and ~radin~ that portion of Seventb Avenue between the north line of Main Street and the north line of Lamme Street and that ~ortion of ~ifth Avenue between the north line of Main Street and the north line of Lamme street and that I)Ortion of Lamme Streot between the west l1no of :I:'ifth Avenue and thd eust line of Sevonih Avenue in the C~ty of Bozeman, state of Montana and to s~ecially assess the entire cost , ~ and expense of muking the SIJ id improvements agu inGt the pro- porty within said District under and by virtue of the provis- ... .-.-.".......-....- .-----. --.... --- .-............-..-.---- ----.:== .. ~';;;'7.= ,~'" ,.~~~~.,,~.~.~.~..~~._.r_'~.~~,..y.,,~., - ~ ~ - ,._~.,- .,..;;:;'_. --';.~=~ =:;::.~~'~~~~..,~~="~'--. "~-::::::::._ft'_~_''''; .~---~-,~~~ -- <) -~- " 21st, 1919, end by mailing e copy of suoh notice to each person, firm or corporation, or the li!rent of ~mch pcrsc)Yl, - firm or corporation, huving property wittin said District at his last known address upon the same day that duch not- ice was published, and due proof being made of the publicat- ion and mailing of said notices as aforesaid; and WHEREAS, vii thin the time PI' ovided by law tind said notice, protests were delivered to Bnd presonted to the City Clerk (Clerk of the City Council) , in writing against the proposed work and the creation of said District or the extent thereof and the said City Council was in regnl"- ar session on Thursday, the 5th dfJY of June, 1919, D t seve n thirty o'clock, P. M. at the Council Chamber, said City, the sarno bein~ the time and nlace desirneted for hearing pro- ^ tests, if ~ny, ag~inst the proposed wsrk, the creation of said District or the extent thereof und the matter of the cres~ion of said District and theseid protests htvin~ been referred to the Street Committee and the said City Council having adjourned the said regular session und consideration of said Hesolution, the croation of suid District and said protests until Monday, the 9th day of Jlme, 1919, at seven- thirty o'clock, ~. M. at the Council ehamber, said City, at which time and place tne.Street Committee, to whom had been referred the matter of said protests Bnd the creation of . -, said District, made its report and recommendation as follows: " That the total area in the district is 222, 365 square feet; the tot~l area of the pro- , -.-,. ~._~-~~"_.~~ .~~~." -~_.~ - - .- ..,~ ~ ~ ~ -~'''''- - - -3- NOW THERE}10HB, BE Is:' HESOLVBD BY ':'HE CIs:'Y COUNclL O.b' ';'HE CI~Y OF BO~;EL1AN, STA S;E 0]' liIOHTANA: Section 1- That the protests filed and presented '. as hereinbefore set forth against the proposed work, the creation of said District or the extent thereof, be and the same are hereby declared to be insufficient and are herewith and hereby over-ruled; Section 2- That said Special Improvement District No. 183 of the City of Bozeman, State of llontana, be and the same is hereby, created for the purpose of malking the improvements as horeinafter described; Section 3- That said special improvements be, and the same are hereby ordered, to be made in said Special Improvement District No. 183 as follows: The grading, the paving with Standard Bitulithic pavement on a crushed rock base and the c on:c~tru.cti on of.' concrete headers where necessary of that ~ortion of Seventh Avenue between the north line of Main street and the north line of Lamme Street end that -portion of Pifth Avenue be- tween the north line of Main Street end the north line of Lamme Street and that portion of Lamme ~treet between the west line of Fifth Avenue and the east line of Seventh Aven- ue; ~hat the petition for the creation of said Special Improvement District requests that the said pavement be Standard Bit~lithic on a crushed rock base; That the pavement will be one of the following types, to-wit: Standard Bitulithic on a crushed rock base; Standard Bitulithic on a concrete base, or Asphalt Macadam of a standard grade of asnhalt. Bid~ will be received on all of the foraroing types of pavement, and a selection will be made therefrom; Section 4- That the entire cost and expense of making the special improvements herein set forth In said Spec- ial Improvement District No. 183, shall be paid by Special .______n_n ---.-.-..----..-..- ~~~~---~~- - _.~-~---- .. -~ ~_._---.:;--===._.~--~= -- - --=--'" - ~~ - I -4- Improvement Dlutrict Bonds of the denomination of One Hund- red 1:1011[:1'6 (or fraction thereof, wh~re necessary), to be drawn against a fund to be known and designated as "Special - Improvement District No. 183 1!'und"and which bonds shall be redeemable at the option of the City at any time that there are funds to the credit of said Special Improvement District No. 183 for the redemption thereof, end shall draw sim~le t th'.'fa'~. of six per cent per annum and such 1nteres !nteres_yrom the date of the registration of the bonds untjl the p~3yment of the first installment; will be collected by ^ the City Treasurer ~t the time of collectinR such first in- stallment; the t the entire cost and expens'e of the sa .id im- provements within said District shall be defrayed by a spec- ial assessment 8~8inst the entire district, each lot or parcel of IDnd within said district, to be assessed ror thut portion of the w~ole cost which its area bears to the area of the entire district, exclusive of streets, avenues, Blleys and public places, Bnd that the Dmount assessed a~8inst each lot or parcel of land, shall be paid in eguel annual installments extendin~ over a period of twenty (20) years; Section 5- That the City Engineer be, Qnd he is hereby di~ected to prepDre plans and specifications for the doing of said work and the making of said improvements~ Section 6- That the City Clerk be, and he is here- by direc~ed to publish a notice invitjng pronoDals for the furnislUl11g of material, the doing of the work; Imd the making of the improvements in said Special Improvement District IJo. 183, and referring to the specifications on file, b;y' pub- lishing the same in two issues of 1he Bozeman Daily Cp-ronicle the time fixed for opcnin~ of bids to be not less than ten (10) days from the time of the first Tmblication of said not- ice, which shall be ori the 3rd day of July, 1919. Passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Bozeman, at a refular session thereof, held on this 19th day of June, 1919. Approved by the Mayor this 19th day of June, 1919. ( SEAL) C. W; Sweet Mayor Attest: -