HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 940: Creating SID No. 178 - ~-_._~~ ._-,-,-.~~"~~._-- --. ..- COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 940 A COUNCIL RESOLUTION CREATING SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 178. O~-' THE CITY OF BOZEMAN. STATE OJi-' MON:2ANA I FOR ~HE PURPOSE 01!' GRADIlIG AND FA VING WITH LIGHT STANDARD BITULITHICPt. VJ:..1vn:;l~T ON A C3USIlliD ROCK BASE THAT PORTION OJ!-' OLIVE STREET BETWEEN THE EAST r~INE 0]' BOZEMAN AVEIWE AND ~'HE EAST IJINE OF LINDLEY PLACE AND TEA':' PORTION OF IJIND1EY PLACE BETWEEN THE SOUTH LINE OBOLIVE STREET AND '1~HE CENTER IJINE O.1!-' KOCH STREET. AIm THE CONSTRUCTION O:B' SUCH STORM SEWER AS M.AY BE HECESS- ARY ']:0 CONVEY THE STORM WATERS PROM THE INTERSECTION 0]' SAID OLIVE STHEET AND LINDLEY PLACE EAST TO BOZEMAN CR!~EK, II~ THE CITY OF BO;;mvIAH, STATE 0]' MONTANA, ORDERInG SUCH ViORK TO BE DOHE THBRBIH AIm PROVIDING pon ~m .ASSES31:lENT OE' ~Illi ENTIRE COST AND EXPElJSE OF llIAKING SA ID U1PROV:Gl.iliHTS AGldHST THE PROPERTY \"f ITHIN 81. ID DISTHICT, ULmER .AND BY VIRTUE OJP !J.'HE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 89, LAWS OJ!' HONT.AIlA, 13TH SBSSIOlI, 1913, AS AMENDED BY CHAPTER 142, LAWS O:B-' MONTANA, 14TH SESS- ION, 1915 WHEREAS, at an ad,journed rep:ular session of the City Council of the City of Bozeman, State of Montana, held on the 20th day of May, 1919, the said City Council duly passed Council Resolution No. 930, declaring it to be the intention of the said City Council to create a ~)pecial improvement district to be known and designated as ttSpecial Improvement District l~o. 178u of said Oity, for the purpose of grading and paving with light Standard Bitulithic Pavement on a crushed rock bose, that portion of Olive street between the east line of Bozeman Avenue and the east line of Lindley Place and tLSt portion of Lindley Place between the south line of Olive Street Bnd the center line of Koch street, and the co nstructi on of 611.c11 at arm sewer as may be necessary to convey the storm waters from the intersection of said Olive street and Lindley Place east to Bozeman Croek, in the City of Bozeman, State of Montana, and to specially aBsess the entire cost and expense of making said inwrawements against said District, under and by virtue of the provisions of Chapter 89, Laws of Montans, 13th Session, 1913, as emended by Chapter .~~~-~~-............. ..~~ ~~~~~~-_.~~.-~-~~~,~-,.'.~~. - -- ,..,.....:.,...-~- =~ ~-~~'-'~-~---~._'W~'~~'~-~~~u~~""'"::; .=.::.:,~,,;::;o:t::;:;::~~..=..,=.:..~.....~~~~~:= ~~____m~ ~'" .. ~~~ . ,~,.~.~.. -- -2- Resolution No. 930 is hereby referred to and made a part hereof, for ~lrther particulars in respect to the boundaries of said District, the estimvted uost of said improvements, and the method of assessing the same ag~inst the property within seid " ~. District; and WHEREAS, notice of the passage of said Council Res- olution No. 930 was duly published in one issue of the Bozeman Courier, a weekly newspbper printed and published in the City of Bozeman, to-wit: in the issue of l1ay 21st, 1919, and by mailing a copy of such notice, to each person, firm or 001'- poration, or the agent of such person, firm or corporution, having property within said District, at his last known udd- ress upon the 60me day suoh notice was published, and due proof having been made of the publication of said notice; and WHEREAS, within the time provided by law and such not ice, certain protests were delivered to the City Clerk against the proposed work and creation of said District or extent thereof, and the said City Council was in ref!'ular session, r" on .l.hursday, the 5th day of June, 1919, at seven- thirty o'clock, P. H. at the Cotlncil Chamber of said City, the same being the time and plaoe designated for the hearing of protests against the propose~ work, and the creation of said district or ,the extent thereof and the said City Council having adjourned the said regular session and consideration of said Resolution and protests until Monday, the 9th day of June, 1919, at seven-thirty o'clock, P. M. at the Council Chamber, said City. at whi"ch time and ~olace said protests were duly considered and it having been ascertained and dec- laredby the said City C01mcil at the said time and place that the total area of the !1roposed District is e:pproxirnate1y 107,566.9 square feet; that said protest represents 2,000 square feet, and that said protest represents only approxi- mately 1.8 per'Lcent of,the entire ares of said district; and therefore less than one-half of the area of the property to be ssseBsed for the said improv-ements; and the said City Council having thereupon found that said protest was insufficient and having overruled the same, and ordered the creation of said - -----.. -- -- ~_~~_7 ~ - .~.,_.... ~ ~-~ - ~ ~_.,,--~-~ ~- - ~~ ~.~ --- "" -3- of said District had been fully complied with; HOW c:.'HEHEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY =:'HE CITY COUNCIL 01" ':HE CITY 01' BOZEIvL-'\H, STA T.E OJ!' MONTAlJi>: Section 1- That" said Special Improvement District Ho. 178 of the City of Bozeman. State of Montana, be, and the same 1s hnreby , created for the purpose of making the im- provements therein as hereinafter described; Section 2- That Buch special improvel:lOnts be and the same are hereby, ordered to be mede in said Special Im- provement District No. 178 as follows: Grading and paving with light Standard Bitulithic pavement on a crushed rock base, all that portion of Olive Street between the east line of Bozeman Avenue and the east line of Lindley Place, and that portion of Lindley Place between the south line of Olive Street and the center line of Koch Street and the construction of such storm sewer as may be necessary to convey the storm water from the intersect- ion of said Olive street and Lindley Place east to Bozeman Creek. That the pavement will be one of the following types. to-wit: Standard bitulithic on a crushed rock base; Standard Bitulithic on a concrete base, or Asphalt Macadam of a standard grade of asnhalt; that bids will be received on all of the foregoing types of pavement and a selection will be made therefrom; That the petition for the creation of said Dis- trict specifies light Standard Bitulithic on a crushed rock base; Section 3- That the entire cost and expense of maki.ng the special improvements herein set forth in said Special Improvement District No. 178, shall be paid by Special Improvement District Coupon Bonds, of the denomin- ation of One Hundred Dollars (or fraction thereof, where , necessary), to be drawn against a fund to be known and desig- nated as "Special Improvement District Ho. 178 Fund", and ~ _._~._~~~-,~~,-~~~~~~~~---------.-------~-~~'-~~ ___~_~~~;;::-___~_~._;:;;:;w,~.;;-,.;;..=~-;;;:;':;'-===--""'-==:~;;::;:~;=:::;:::::'r'=::~:::,:'~-'~_~'~_'_.'~'_~~''''M~__~n_._',__'.~~'~~_~,,::=,,~~',,----:----,-----= ~~ .~_~__,~.~_.=:-~._._.........,......-.;;;~~-_..,,=~ ~~.".,.~~~-~~-,._"._~~,-'--_., --- - ~~. . - - - -4- Improvement District No. 178 for the redemption thereof, and shall draw simple interest at the rate of six per cent per annum. and such interest from the date of the reris- trotion of the bonds until the payment of the first install- ment will be collected by the City ~reaBurer at the time of collecting such first installment; that the entire cost end expense of the said improvements within said District shall be defrayed by a special assessment a~ainst the entire district. eBch lot or parcel of land within said dis- trict, to be assessed for that portion of the whole cost which its area bears to the area of the entire district. ex- clusive of streets, avenues, alleys and public places. and that tte amount assessed against each lot or parcel of land, shall be paid in equal annual installments extending over a period of twenty (20) years; Section 4- That the City Engineer be, end he is hereby directed to prepare plans and specifications for the doing of said work and the making of said improvements; Section 5~ That the City Clerk be, and he is here- by directed to publish a notice inviting proDosBls for the furnishing of material, the doing: of the work, Bnd the making of the improvements in sald Special Improvement Distict No. 178. and referring to the specifications on file. by publish- ing the same in two issues of the Bozeman Daily Chronicle. the ti~e fixed for opening of bids to be not less than ten (10) days from the ti;:le of the first pUblication of said notice. which shall be on the 23rd day of Jun~. 1919. Passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Bozeman, at an adjourned regular session thereof. held on this 9th day of June, 1919. Approved by the Mayor this 9th day of June, 1919. . .. M. J. O'Connell ,,< Acting Mayor (SEAL) Attest: C. A. Spieth City Clerk