HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 939: Creating SID No. 180 ~--_._-_. , -~-, --. ~~_M_~~'.~_.,...........~~ _ ,_~.~u~__...,..,~ ~_ ----. - --.- -"~.,.,~-"."'~,~.,..~ ~~."~" - COUNCIL RBSOLUTION NO. 939 A COUNCIL ::iESOLUTION CRE.ATIlW SPECL~L IllIPnOVE}:IEHT DISTHICT NO. 180, Q]'j]IE CITY OF BOZi::IIAN t S'l'ATE 0]' MOLJ:'.ANA, POR r.i:HE 1)UIE)C~3E OF CONSTHUCTHJG A STORM SEWER, PI.VHfG AIJD GRADIHG TJ:L"T, PORTION 0]' SIXTH A VEl~- UE BETWEEN THE SOUTH LINE 0]' STOHY STREET AND THE 30UTH :;~ IlJE OF COLL "GE C'~R'T"'" III THE CI~Y OP BOZEJHAIJ, STATE OF MONTAHA, .c. ' ,) J. J:,.'.,.L, ORDERING SUCH lW0RK TO BE DONE THEREIN, AlJD PHOVIDIlJG :blOR TIill ASSESSIVIENT 0]' THE ENTl~E COST AND EX~ENSE OP MAKING Sj~ID nil- PROVEMi~NTS AGAINST .THE PROPl:;RTY WITHIN SAID DIS~L'HICT, UNDER AND BY VIRTUBOl~ THE J)ROVISIONS 01<" CHAPTEH 89, Ll\WS 0]' MONT- AND, 13TH SESSION. 1913 t AS AJ'JiIENDED BY CHAPTER 142, LAViS Ob' MONTANA, 14TH SESSION. 1916 WHEREAS, at an adjourned regulElr session of the City Council of the City of Dozeman, State of Montana, held on the 20th day of May, 1919, the said City Cou.neil duly passed Council Resolution No. 932, declaring it to be the intention of the said City Council to create a special improvement dis- trict, to be known und designated as "Special Improvement Dis- trict No. 180" for the pur00se of constructing a storm sewer, paving and g'rl:iding that portion of Sixth A venue 'between the south line of Stor:l Street and the south line of College street, in the City of Bozeman, State of Montana, and to spec- ially aSSeSs the entire cost and expense of making said im- provements within said District, under and by virtue of the provisions of Chapter 89, Laws of Montana, 13th Session, 1913, as amended by Chapter 142, Laws of Montana, 14th Session, 1915; whjch said Council Resolution is hereby refer'red to und made 8 part hereof, for further particulBrs in respect to tl:e bound- aries of said District, the estimated cost of said irxprovements, and the method of assessin~ the same a~ainBt the property witfuin said District; and WHEHEAS, notice of the passage of said ,Council Resolut- i on II 0 . 932, was duly pUbliHhed in one issue of the Bozeman Courier, a weekly newspaper printed Bnd published in the City of Bozeman, to~wit: in the issue of May 21st, 1919, and by mailing ..------- - .- ~,.._~.- . -~ - - - .. .. ._~, ~~~-~-- ~. - ==","--===,=~"7.. =: ~ ;;;;:.- "",~. ,"~_~,,~~-~;--,~.;;,;;;=~~,~--,..,..........._~. -~~-~---,-- ~~~ . -2... s copy of such notice to each person, firm or cor- poration, or the a~ent of such person, firm or cor- poration, hBvinv property within said proposed dis- I trict, at his last known address un on the same day such notice was published, and due proof being ffiBde of the publication of and mailin~ of said notices as aforesaid; and WHER.blAS, within the time providedby law and said notice, no protests, were delivered to or presented to the City Clerk, or to the City Council, 0 i ther in writing or otherwise, against the proposed work and the creation of said District, or the extent thereof, and ~ the said City COlillCil being in re~ulvr session, on Thurs- day, the 5th day of June, 1919, at seven-thirty otclo~. P. M. at the Counell Chamber in said City, the same bei.ng the time and place desirnated for hea~ing protests, if any, against the nroDosed work, the creation of said District, or the extent thereof, and the said City Council having adjourned the said re~u1ar session and the consideration of said Resolution until Monday, th~ 9th day of June, 1919, at seven-thirty 0 tel oak P. M., at the Counc il Chamber, SD id City, at wLich time Bnd -place, it appearing thut no pro- tests in writing or otherwise, had been nwde or filed os provided by law or 'at all to the proposed work, and the creation of said ~istrict, or the extent thereof, Bnd it .. further ~:;-Dpearing that all the proceedings for the creDtion of said District have been complied .with; NOW THEREFOHE, BE 17 RESOLVED BY TIIB CITY OlP THE CITY OF BO ZE1M~ H , STATE OF MONTAUA: Section 1- That said Special Improvement District No. 180 of the City of Bozeman, state of Montana, be and the same is hereby, created for the purpose of making the im- pDovements as hereinefter described; Section 2- That such special improvements be, and the same are hereby, ordered to be made in said Special lm- . _.. __._..__.._____n__.. .. ~~~~_. ~-~_._~- ~~~."" -~~~".~- " ~~~~.~~"""-~~~ ~~. ~~__~...~ "~.,"'~'~M'. ~~ - -,-- -~~----~~~ -3- provement District No. 180 as follows: The construction of storm sewer, and the paving including the necessary grading thereof, all that portion of Sixth Avenue South between the south line of Story street and the south line of College Street; That the pavement will be one of the following types, to-wit: Standard Bitulithic on a rock base; S;tandard Bitulithio on a concrete base, or Asphalt Macadam of a standard Rrade of asphalt, Bids will be received on all of the foregoing types of pavement and a sele,ction will be made therefrom; That the petition ,for the creation of said Dis- . trict requests that the pavement be Standard Bitulithic on a crushed rock base. Section 3- That the entire cost and expense of making the special improvement herein set forth in said Speci~l Improvement District No. 180, shall be paid by Spec- ial Improvement District Coupon Bonds, of the denominCttion ;: of One Hundred Dollars (or frvution thereof, where necess- ary} , to be drawn ag8~nst a fund to be known and designsted as "Special Improvement District No. 180 Fund", and which bonds shall be redeemable at the option of the City at any time that there are TIlnds to the credit of said Special Im- provement District No. 180, for the redemption thereof, and shall draw interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, and such interest from the date of the registration of the bonds until the payment of the first installment will be collected by the City Treasurer at the ti::le of collect- ing such first installment; that the entire cost and ex- pense of the said improvements wi thi,n sa id District, shall be defrayed by a special assessment against the entire _.._n...__'__.__ __._ . _.....-- -...............~~,--~ " ,......."..,m_..~~.,..__.~~___.~.....~~~_~_.........~..._---- - ~....... '. w_.,,~==,= =::0.=...... ---.., -_.~.. -- ---":'~~"._'-'_.'~~"""'=;::;'==:'::-=.~~='; - .....-.- ...' ..~.. ._~~....~-----...-~~ .., -4- be paid in equal annual installments extending over a period of twenty (20) years; Section 4- That the City En~ineer be, and he is hereby directed to prepare plans and specificat- ions for the doing of said work and the making of ~aid imp:!' OVernel}t s . Section 5- That the City Clerk, be, and he is hereby directed to publish a notice inviting proposals for the furnishing of material, the cloinf!;' of the work, and the rouking of 'Lhe irn]Yt'ovements in said Special Im- provement District No. 180, and referring to the speci- fications on file, by publishing the same in two issues of the Bo:~eman Daily Chronicle, the time fixed for opening of bids to be not less than ten (10) days from the time of the first publioation of said notice, which shall oe on the 23rd duy 01 June, 1919. Passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Bozeman, at an adjourned regular session thereof, held on this 9th day of June, 1919. !, ApprQved by the Mayor this 9th day of June, 1919. M. J. O'Connell Acting Mayor (SEAL) C. A. Spieth City Clerk ...--....-