HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 949: Levied assessment of all property in Bozeman -..---.-----.,-.--- --- -~ .'~~._~ .~._,~-~ _m~" . COUNCIL ~ESO~U?ION no. 949. .A COUNCIL B.i!;:;rI,U':;InJ IJLVYIHG TJ\ZE~) }'OH ':'lTE C' F'Y 0" BOZ'''U'T 1'J "'H:,E <.'ITI' IT\' (;1:, 1'''''''''' 1'1 "(;'") X~\~ ..J 1.. .0 ,'~l~l\' I,lllj , 1 j.. ,) .Lr\.l-b -'J: . :l\.1o J..." J '\, J-'l.. . \ TITl!; Y.&\R, 191 g. "t~> \, I,) I tJ 31 IT ~{[~~"OL "lED BY '2H1:; CITY conncn, 01<' '~'ILD, CE'"{ OP BO Zi::I,IlI.H : Section 1- That there is hercb~r levied and assessed on the assessed valuation of all property with- in the City of Bozomen. not' exempt from taxotion for the year 1919, a tux of ten (10) mills on each dollor thereof, for the gcmcrel und adiJIlinistrative purnoses of s8id City, such tax to be for the ~urposos, and to be distributed as follows, to-wit: ]'01' Gener~'11 Pund............. .four mil lB. For Street }'und............. .:fonT rn411s. ~'or }i'ire Furld. . .. '. it', . '" ..' . II: . .. . . two mjlls. Section 2- ~h8t there is hereby levied Bnd assessed on the assessed v81u~tion of all the property vdthJn the Cit;/' of Bozeman, not exempt from taxation, for the yoar 1919, a speciol tax of nine and one-hMlf mills, on eoch dollar thereof, for the special pur00scs of said City, such taxto oe for the \)Ul'POSOS and to be distributed as follows, to-wit: For Library ...............one mill. ]'01' Water Sinkinf Flmd... . . (me mill. For City Hell Building 30nd Sinking Fund..........one mill. For Funding Bonds Sinking Fund...... .... .... ,three mills. For Perk Pund.... . . . . . . . . . . two milis. POI' Sewer Bonds Sinld.np' J!'und. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . one' and one-lwlf mill So. Section 3- That the City Clerk be, Bnd he is hereby instructed to certify suoh levy of taxes to the .- ..-- .- ---.-.-. - ..--- ... -.---...". ..--...- . -- -..---.. _....--..._~_._.__.- ... -- -~ -. ==~ - - ---- .- - . ~=---== -~ ~-~_.~~~ ~-~ ---~ -2~. County Treasurer of the County of Gullc,tin, in the state of Montana, to be by him pIa oed on tho assess- ment roll of said County, Bnd to be collected by the County ~reBsurer of said County as other taxes ere collected. Passed this 7th duy of August, 1910. An.proved this 7th day of i~uP:"u:3t, 1919. C. Vi.. Sweet Mnyor ( SEAL) Attest: c. A. Spieth City Clerk . . .