HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 948: Create a SID No. 188 ------.........'~. -,~~~--'_.........------~- -~ - --~. ~ M" ..-,- ~', .' . -. ~..". - --~- .- - -,._- - COUNCIL 1:\ESOIJU':'IOH HO. 948 h COUNCIL RESOLUTION DECIJ.AiUIW IT TO BE S'Hj~ IUTEH':' IOH OF S:Fl:: C I':Y COUlJ C II. 01!' THE CITY 0]' BOZElilIALJ STATE 0]' MOHTAHJ., ':'0 CH.bATB II ~)l?EC- lAL IMPROVj,,11ElJT DISTInCT TO BE KNOWN MID DESIGHiIT~D AS "SPECIAJ~ IlvL?HOVEI:lDLJT DISTHICT NO. HW" OF SLID CITY, ?OH THE PURPOSE OJ<' C OHSTIWCr;: IlW 1~ SAUITLln SEW.i::n OH TE IHD A VEIWE BEr.::'WEElJ PEACH STRJ;:ET M~D BE.ALL STRBET, ':. ITHIN Trlli SAID CITY, fIND ':'0 SPECIArJI~Y ASSESS THE i:H':'IJ.B, COST Jl1m KXPElJ3E 01" Ml1KIHG SAID BIPROV.8I.lliHrrS AIJD C(\l!S~HUCTIHG SAID SEWER ABA INST ':'EE PROPERTY r;ITuur SA ID DISTRICT UHD.GR JIllD BY VIRTUE of TIlli PROVISIons 0]' CIIAPTER 89, LAViS 01!' I,lOHr:'ARA, 13TH SESSION, 1913, j~S MiIEHDED BY CHl~PTl.m 142, LAViS OJ!' IvIOlJTAHA, 14TH SESS ION, 1915 BE IT R.b~)OI..VED BY '.:'Tm CITY COU:UCIL or '~HE CITY C';" ~?OZi:nAI:, STATE OF ilONTANA: Section 1- That it is hereby declured to be the intention of the City Council of the City of Bozemen, State of Montana, to create a special imnrovecent district, to be known and desiā‚¬mated as "Special Im~'\rover:1ent District Ho. 188" of sa j, d City, for the pur ()ose of meld liP" tl'8 imyn'ove- ments within suid 0peld.~1 Improvcmcmt Di:.:;;trict hereinafter clc3cribed; 3ection 2- ThetU:c boundaries of SEI i.d Special Iru- pro~ement District No. 188 ore hereby defined end described as follows: All that portion of the City of Bozeman included within the followin~ metes Bnd bounds, to-wit;; Berinn.1ng at B point in the ~outh line of PeBuh Street, which l)oint is 100 feet eDsterly from the eBst line of Third Avenue; thence South parallel to bnd 100 feet dis- tant from the eest line of Third'Avenue to the north line of :aeall street; thence west along the north line of Beall Street 252 feet to a point in the north line of Beall Street Bnd 100 feet westerly from the ;,vest line 0:[' Third Avenue; thenoe north parallel to ond 100 feet distant from the west line of Third Avenue t(O the south line of }>eoch Street;thence east along the ~outh line of Peach Street 252 feet to the place of be- ginning. ~)ectiol1 3~ That it is hereby declared that the pro- perty within said District will be specielly benefitted by the said imnrovernents to be made l;herein, and the constnlCtJon of said sanitary sewer as hereinafter described; ...-.. .-.--. -.. "...-.----- - ------- ----. ---------~-~~ .~.~~~~-~-_.~~~~~--- --- " - "- .~ ~~-~ .==....~._~ .. =-..==,-::;;-~~-~' .~. ~~".'-~~. ---,:",_' _.=.:;:;;.-=--""';;""""__~~~.,.___,._,:;:;:--_~_;:;~-~,-~~~~--;;;-",,~~_w~ - ~~.~ .,~~-~ -2- Section 4- ~h8t the character of the improvements to be mude Iii thin said :Jpecial Improvement District No. 188 is as follows. to-wit: The construction of D Sanitary Sewer, inGluciing the necessBr;r pipe, wye branches and r:u,1Jlholos on Third Avenue from the manhole On the GlJnltory Gawor in Ponch Dtreet to tho center line of Beall Street. Section 5- That the approximate estimote of the cost and expense of doing all said work, end moking the im~ provement in sDid Special Improvement District No. 18n, as above described is Three Thousand, ~wenty-slx Dnd no/lOa Dollars, (~3,026.00). wl:ich includes pipe, wye bn:muhes, manholes, trenchin~, pipeloyjng, backfilling, envineering, inspection and incidentals; that the total area of property within said District~ exclusive of streets, Bvewles, 811eys und rmbl:lc places, to be assessed for the pr oposed tmp:rove- menta is 230,530 square feet; and that the approximate esti- mate of the cost of said improvements to the property ~ithin said uistrict to be assessed therefor, is ~)Q. 013122 1)e1' square foot; Section 6- That the entire cost and expense of mak- ing the special improvements herein set forth in s/Jid Special Improvement District lio. 1813, shall be paid by Special Im-, ...-----.. --..... - - ~~ -- ~~ L"~~ _~_r~ - -3- against the entire district, each lot or parcel of land'with- in said District, to be assessed for that portion of the whole cost whioh its area bears to the urea of the entire District, exclusive of streets, tlvenues, alleys and 1)'1101io places, and that the amount assessed against each lot or par- ~el of land, shall be paid in equal annual installments ex- te,nding over /Jporiod of four (4) years. Section 7- That the regular session of the City Council of the City of BozBflwn, to be held in the Council , Chamber,\ Ci ty Hall Bu.'ildinf of saidCi ty on the 7th daJr of August, 1919, at seven-thirty o'clock, P. M. the same being the next regular session of said City Council, after the ex- piration of time within which urotests may be made, be, und the same is hereby designated as the time and place, vihen and where the BBid Council will hear and pass upon all pro- tests that may be Hinde or filed aucording to the law ngtd.nst the proposed work, or the extent or croatian of said district, or both; Section 8- That the City Clerk be, Bnd he is hereby directed to give notice, as required by law, oi' the passage of this resolution by publishing a notice in one issue of the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, D daily newsnapBr printed and pub- lished in the City of Bozeman, and by mailing a copy of such notice to each persun, firm Or corporation, or the a~ent of such person, firm or corporation, having property within said District at his last known address unon the same day that such notice is first publibhed; that s~id notioe shall be sub- stantially in the following form, to-wit: !yOTICB liOTIC~ IS HEREBY GIVEN, that at a reEuler sess- ion of the City Council of the City of Bozeman, state of 11ontana, held on Thursday, July 17th, 191 g, a Coun- cil Resolution was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, declsring its intention to create Dspecial im- provement district to be known Bnd designated DS "Special Improvement District Ho. 188" of said City, for the pur- pose.of constructing a Sanitary Sewer on Third Avenue between Peach street Bnd Beall Street, within said City .-.--.--- .. n_._..._._ -..-.-.. . ..... --- n____ --.----- - -~,~~ --. ~~~~~--~.~- """'== ~~. -- ....- ~~ --;;;;:;;'""'----,'~' ...: _.~- ~~~~-~~~~~~;:'"~..,.~."--~,.~~~-=-...-~.~'~~ -4.... of Bozeman, State of Uontana;'Jnd deoluring it to be the intention of the Ci t;{",. Council to specially assess the entire cost und expense of making such improvements agoinst the property within seid District, each lot or purcel of lend within said District, to be uBsessed for thatportion of the whole cost ,-,J j ch its area beers to the area of the entire cllGtrict, exclusive of streets, avenues, alleys endrmblic 'plucos; S~hlit the estimete of the total cost end eXl)OnBe of Llah:inp' sriid irnprover:lents iEl r:::hrce Thous- an~, ~wcnty-six end nO/lOa Dollars ($3,026.00);, thbt t11e totel area of property wi thin SL: id district exclusive of streets, avenues, alleys undpublic -pl~;ees , is 230,530 square feet; and that the eost P9ysquore, foot to the nroperty within said District iB ~O.013122; that Thursday, the 7th day 6f Aurust, 1919, at seven-thirty o'clock, P. M.., at the Council ChampsI', City Hall Buildinp:, s~dd Cit;y, has been desigmJted as the time and li180e \,hen and. vlhero the City Council will hear and pass upon all protests that may be made against the proposed ~ork or against the extent or creation of sbid District tobs assessed, Dr both. That at any time within fifteen (15) days after the first nublication of this notice Bny owner of property liable to be assessed for said work, may make D written protest against said work or a~binst the extent or creution of said District to be assessed, or both. Such protests must be in writing and be delivered to the Clerk of the soid City Council within fifteen (15) days after the date of .the first publioation of this notice.