HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-11-14 Recreation and Parks Advisory Board Minutes Bozeman Recreation & Parks Advisory Board
September 11, 2014
7:00 PM
LINDLEY CENTER - 1102 E. Curtiss St.
Matthew Parsons,Vice Chair Richard Shanahan
Sandy Dodge Stephanie Gray
Brian Close Salal Huber-McGee
Monica Rodriguez Carson Taylor, Commission Liaison
Bob Wade, Chair Jenna Pinto
Steve Roderick—excused
David Cook-excused
Matt Hausauer
Beth Thorsen
Mitch Overton, Parks& Recreation Director
Thom White, Parks&Cemetery Superintendent
Elizabeth Hill,Aquatics Manager
Doreen Olean, Recording Secretary
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Wade at 7:05 p.m.
Item#1 -Approval of Minutes of August 14,2014 Meeting.
Board member Close pointed out that the water feature mentioned under Item #5 is "being investigated"
not "was installed". Board member Dodge motioned to approve minutes as amended. Board member
Parsons seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Item #2 - Open Public Comments— 1:46
Chris Mattson, Vice-President of Gallatin Valley Softball Association, stated that GVSA does not sublet
the softball fields. The $800 that was charged to Bozeman Fastpitch was for field maintenance for their
event. Original quote was $1200 but because Fastpitch was unable to use the fields on Sunday due to
heavy rainfall maintenance fee was changed to $800. Fastpitch was informed ahead of time that the
fields may not be useable because of excess moisture.
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Item#3 - Swim Center User Group Changes—Bob Wade—4:40
Kathy Brown disclosed that she is the wife of Chairman Wade. She has lived in Bozeman for 15 years.
Supports Recreation& Parks Advisory Board. Kathy talked about water aerobics participants at the
Swim Center who are predominately female and older. Some people come because of prescribed
therapy. Water aerobics class of 9:15 has developed a strong, social tight-knit group. Scheduling of the
pool is difficult to let everyone have time in the pool. Water aerobics doesn't really have a
spokesperson. Felt their group was not consulted to the change in the schedule. Would like to be
involved when there may be a change to the class schedule.
Joanna Wales, represents the Masters Club. Has swam at the pool for about 20 years. Feels that the
schedule change was based on summer number of swimmers. Felt decision was made before they were
consulted. Masters has lost a lane on Monday—Thursday. Understands scheduling pool is challenging.
Chairman Wade disclosed that he has been a master swimmer since 1999. Program started with about
10 swimmers and they are now over 50.
14:40—Elizabeth Hill, Aquatics Manager, stated that a lot of time and effort was put into the schedule.
Consultation was done with supervisor Mitch Overton before implementation. Ms. Hill presented a
chart of swimmers from September of 2013 to June of 2014. The chart showed an 8 lane pool and
indicated how many swimmers were in each lane of the user group and public lanes. Pool had 54,480
visitors in nine months. Pool has a staff of 16. Another user group wants to use the facility. There are
now two private swim teams for youth. A sampling of 20 weeks was used to arrive at how many
swimmers are in each lane. A sampling of the current week of swimmers was also done. Pool contracts
are scheduled through December 2014. Pool is getting used more all of the time. Last year there were
13,000 public lap swimmers. Last year a Friday morning 8:30 a.m. water fitness class was tried and it
was successful.
25:45—Director Overton stated that the department values all the user groups in the pool. Aquatics
staff works hard to be customer service oriented and Manager Hill brings this attribute to the pool. She
has put a lot of work into the pool schedule, rightfully so. Change is always difficult. Contracts are
being done on a quarterly basis and will be adjusted as trends change. Water aerobics class is as
important of a group demographically as Barracudas, Masters or the public. Mr. Overton, Mr. White
and Ms. Hill met with the user groups and each group needed to make alterations. Tried to consider
people's feelings and schedules, as well as general public needs.
30:11 - Chairman Wade complimented Ms. Hill on her visual presentation of the pool.
Item #4 - Announcements
Item#5 - Committee Reports
Subdivision Review—Sandy Dodge
- Southbridge—34:00
Former Meadow Creek subdivision out on S. 191h. They have requested that the planned play
equipment for the interim park be moved into their permanent park which is on the east side of the
development along 191h. The developers say that part of the interim park will be permanent. Committee
does not recommend playground equipment close to S. 19th because of traffic and were unable to
approve their request. Committee would like to see a play site away from the highway.
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- The Villas—37:58
Adjacent to the East Gallatin Recreation Area. Proposal is for 38 townhomes with driveways coming
out onto the street which is the entrance to East Gallatin Recreation Area. However, this is not a park
issue. The developer is seeking cash-in-lieu for the requirement of 1.14 acres. There are good trail
connections in this area. Three-quarters of an acre would develop a 30' north trail connection and a 20'
south trail connection. The PROST Plan states that proximity to an existing park is a positive factor in
determining the appropriateness of cash-in-lieu. This is not in the city limits yet and is zoned county
land and industrial, which needs to be re-zoned to residential. Committee recommended a combination
of parkland and cash-in-lieu if a small park were created in the project that could meet some of the needs
of the residents that are not met by EGRA. Allyson Brekke informed the committee that this land is
designated as park, open space and recreational land rather than industrial.
Item #6 Division & Gallatin Valley Land Trust Reports:
Parks & Recreation Director Report—Mitch Overton—48:16
Parks Division - Received five new park entrance signs that will be installed before winter comes. All
park signs will be replaced eventually. Three of these signs are already in place. Superintendent White
& Director Overton have been working on some law enforcement issues with the police. Toilets are
being stopped up and park staff is spending a lot of time cleaning up the mess. Restrooms at East
Gallatin Recreation Area are locked and there are 4 porta-potties for use. Also have had issues at Kirk,
Lindley and Bozeman Ponds parks. Forestry is trimming trees up 7 feet to make for more visibility.
Police Dept. is very supportive and helpful. There is a lot of work being done on trails this time of year
including putting down fines and running the roller over the top.
Trails, Open Space & Parks—54:41
Carolyn Poissant is the newly hired Trails, Open Space and Parks Design & Development Manager.
She is a seasoned park planner, but has also done community development. Has Masters degrees in
landscape architecture and public administration. Her office will be located at the Beall. Has great
Next week a number of staff will be attending the Montana Trails, Parks and Recreation Association
meeting in Butte. Bozeman will host the conference next year which will include Idaho.
Aquatics Division—58:23
Staff is cleaning and getting ready to paint Bogert Pool. Aquatics Manager is trying to locate a leak at
the Swim Center and is close to finding it. Working to get staff open water certified.
Cemetery Division—59:22
No cemetery liaison between RPAB and Cemetery Board. Mr. Overton is working on a City
Commission Resolution which will officially dedicate 32 acres as cemetery land. In 1960's city
acquired 70 acres from the Elks. Twenty-eight acres are utilized for the softball complex and dog park.
This land will be used as cemetery land when the need arises. Until that time the land will be utilized
and managed as park, recreation of open space land.
Forestry Division— 1:01:25
Is working on a new urban forestry plan which includes an emerald ash bore plan. The city has a great
number of ash trees.
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Trails, Open Space and Park Project Update
1:02:00 - Sports Complex - working on a MOU. The user group is working on bylaws to create a
Sports Park Foundation. Close to beginning master planning. After the MOU and master plan, work
will begin on a RFP for designing and engineering this facility.
Story Mill Park Project—It is in the master planning phase and will be launched on City Hall next
week, which is an online survey system. A community workshop will be held on October 1 from 5 to 8
p.m. at the Emerson Ballroom. Concern that there is a cross-section of people who would be interested
in an urban, active park as well as a passive use park. Having a variety of uses to the park is important.
1:09:05—Trail to the M—Moving along. Federal Lands Access Program/Division of Highways
Western Federal Lands portion has boots on the ground now working on design and looking at the
bridge. Construction part is their project. 13.42% match. City will own and maintain the project once it
is completed. On October 8 there will be a public meeting from 4 to 7 p.m. at City Commission Room.
This meeting will be led by Western Federal Lands.
1:12:16—Bozeman Creek Enhancement Project
Working with consultants to alter the design. Still a good project.
Recreation Division— 1:13:11
Fall programs are under way. Recreation Manager, Jamie Saitta, is working on cleaning up all the user
group agreements and managing them for parks, special events, athletic and exercise groups.
1:14:30 - Board member Close requested that the Cemetery Resolution be put on the agenda for the next
RPAB meeting. Director Overton suggested that having a liaison again between the Recreation&Parks
Advisory Board and the Cemetery Board may be important.
Department is working on Capital Improvement Program.
City works will be implemented this year, which is an asset and work management program.
Item#7City Commissioner Perspective—Carson Taylor— 1:23:24
Commissioner Taylor thanked the group for their service to the City. Master planning is going well.
Aquatics Center is waiting on an agreement with the county. City is growing and there is more demand
on facilities and parks. There are issues involving annexations. Rouse Justice Center bond is coming up
for a vote in November.
Item #8 F.Y.I.
Story Mill Master Plan—Bob Wade -1:34:14
Chairman Wade brought posters regarding the Story Mill Park Master Plan.
Board member Huber-McGee announced that a new fountain that was planned by SLAM and park
supporters is being put in Beall Park. There will be a celebration and unveiling on October 41h from 5 to
10 p.m. Twenty more tiles are available to sell. Monies raised pay for the cost of the piece and any left
over money goes into a scholarship fund for Worthy Student Scholarships for Bozeman and Belgrade
High Schools. Bogert Park Neighborhood Association is having their annual meeting on September 18
at 5:30 p.m. at the Bogert Park Pavilion.
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Item #9Adjournment
Board member Close moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m. Board member Shanahan seconded.
Motion passed unanimously.
Bob Wade, Chairperson
Britney Mortenson, R ording Secretary
Doreen Olean, Recording Secretary
Approved on n d r �► .
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