HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 947: Create SID No. 187 --.-..- ----.--.--..- ------ -... - -.-.- - - COUNCIL RESOLU~ION NO. 947 A COUNCIL RESOLUTION DECIJi\.RING IT ~20 BE r::HE INTENTION OJi'THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOZEM:AN, STATE OF MONTANA. TO CREATE .i SPECIAL IMPIZOVE- MENT DISTRICT t TO BE KNOWN AND DBSIGH.b.TBD AS "SPECIAIJ IM.PnOVE- MENT DISTRICT HO. 187" OP ~HB SAID CI~Y. FOE '.::'EE PUHPOSE 0]' COl~STRUCTIlW PilVBliIElIs:', GJJ\.DIlJG AND 'j'EE COHSTRUC'l'ION m' COlJCRl::TB HEADERS, V71lliRE HJ:.;CESSARY, on ll11 THAT PORTION OF ':'HIRD AVENUE BETWEEN THE lWRTH IJIlm O}j' !vIi, IN S1'REET j,ND S~HE HOHTH IJIlIE OlP MENDEHHALL STR8ET AND ON ALL THAT PORT IOH 01!' IU;;NDEIHUIIJL STRE.L:;T BETWEEN '.::'Jlli WEST JJum 0]1 ':llIRD A iTI~lmE l>lJD r:HE BAST -L HIE 01' FP'TH AVENUE IN THE CITY 0]' EOi~El\UlH, STJiTL O:B' lvlOH':i\.HA, AND TO SPECIALLY AS~3BSS TH~ EH~ITIE COST AND l::Xi?ElJSE Oli' MLKING SLID lliIPHOVl::M.Ll~TS i..GAINST THE PH011ERTYWITHIH SAID DISTRICT, UNDER AND BY VIH7UE ali' TEE PHOVI::3IOUS OJ;1 CHAPTER B9, LAWS OJ:' IJIOlJ7AiiJ" 13TH SESSION, 1913, AS AM1::NDE)) :3Y CHj~PTBH 14~2, LAWS Oiil lvlOiJ':'AiiA, 14TH SESSION, 1915 BE IT HESOLVED BY f_:HE CITY COUlWIL or ~H.B CII1Y 01!' BOZLMlll'J, STA TE OF lvlOl~ T.AIJII : Section 1- 'I'hut it is hereby declDl'edto be the in- tention of the City Council of the City of Bozeman, in the State of Montana, to create B special improvement district to be known and designated as "Special Improvement District No. 18?" of said City, for tLe PUrl)ose of mt,:kinp: the improvements in said special improvemont distriot hereinafter described; Section :> '.:'hat thehoundaries of said Special Im- provement District No. 18? are hereby defined Bnd described as follows: all that portion of the City of ~ozeman included .. i thin the following metes and bounds, to-vii t: Bee;inning at the intersection on the soutl1 line of Mendenhall st. ond the eB~t line of ~2hird i-. venue; tlwnoe eost vIanI! the south line of .Ilikendenha11 3treet 140 feet; thence south 55 feet; thence west narallel to and 55 feet south of the south line of 1,Lendenhal1 street 112 feet; thence Dartt 3 feet; thence west uprallel to ond 50 feet south of the south line of Mendenhall Street 27 foet; thence Houth p8rullel to t-;nd 1 foot eust of the east line of ':;:hird Avenue to a point 1 foot east of the east line of Third i-.venue ~Jnd 52 feet north of the north line of llain stroet; thence east ~27 feet nora1101 to the north 1j ne of 1:lain f)treet; thence north 3 feet;thence east parallel to and 55 feet north of the north line of Main street 112 feet; thence south 55 feet to the north line of 110 in Street; thence west ulong the north line of Main Street to (} -no:int in t):le north line of Main street ond 140 feet west of the west line of Third Avenue; tbence north 55 feet; thence eait parallel to and 55 feet north of the .-.--- -...--- . .._ -_on n.. ____._. ..-.....--. .....--.. ..._n - - ~~.._., ~_~m =="""-=-~~ - .'=-~-==' - ~" _.~ - - . ~~~ '~ -~_._-,'~ ~~ __';, w~~ ,-' ~'. ~-=--~~ .-- <') -"'- north line' of Main Street 112 feet; thence South 3 feet; thencE'J east 27 feet; parallel to the north line of Main street; thence north perollel to end 1 foot west of the west line of Third Avenue to a ~oint 1 foot west of the west line of Third Aven- ue; and 104.8 feet south of the south 4.1ne of Mena.enlwll street; thence west 27 feet parallel to the south line o::F Men- denhall street; thence south 0.2 feet; thence west parellal to and 105 feet south of the south line of Ivlendonh<.oll Street 112 feet; thence north 55 feet; thence west p/Jrollel to [md !jO fc!ct south of the south line of lviendenhull Street to the east lirw of Jj"ifth Avenue; thence north ulong the oast lino of Fifth Avenue to B point in the east line of l!'ifth 1~ venue and ffiO feet north on the north line of Ivlendenhall street; thence eust :!?~n- allel to snd 50 feet north of the north line of Mendenhall Streot to the oast line of Third AvenTIo; thenoe south ulong the cast line of Third Avenue to the plDce of beginning. Section 3- That the chcracter of the improvements wh:ich are to be made within said Special Improvement District Ho. 187 ore described BS follow$: The construction of Pavement on D crushed rock base, grading and tho construction of concrete headers, where nec- essary, on all that nortion of T.hird Avenue between the Horth line of Main Street and the north line of Mendenhall Street and on all thatnortion of Mendenhall 8treet betweeD the west line of Third Avenue and the East line of Fifth Avenue; Section 4- That the anproximate Gstim~te of the cost and expense of doing all said work and making the improve- ments in said 31)6cio1 Improvement District Ho. 18'7, as obove described is Hine Thou,Sund, Seven Hundred r:;wenty and nO/lOG ($9,720.00), which includes grading, Duving, concrete headers, engineering, insnection and incidentals; that the totul area of proporty within said District, exclusive of streets, avenues, alle;y~s and ))ubl i c vIaces, to be assessed for tho proposed im- provements is 89,612 square feet; and that the approximate es- timate of the cost of said improvements to the property within said District to be assessed thprefor, is $0.10847 per square foot; -- ~ - - ---. . " - -3- Section 5- That the entire coat und expense of ffi8king the epacial improvoments herein set forth in selid Special Im- provement District No. 187, shell be paid by Special Improve- ment District Coupon Bonds, of the denominetion of One Hundred DollBrs, (or fraction thereof, where necessary), to 1\0 drawn , against a fund to bo known and designated as "Special Improve- ment District No. 187 Fund" and which bonds shall be redeemable at the option of the City at any time that there are funds to the credit of seld Special Improvement District lIo. 187 for the redemption thereof, end shall draw simple interest at the rate '\ of six per cent per annum, and such interest f:rom the date of the re~istration of the bonds until the payment of the first in- stallment will be collected by the City Treasurer at the time of collecting such first il1stDllments; that the entire cost and expense of the said improvements within said District shall be defrayed by a specinl Dssassment arndnst tlle entire dlstrict, each lot or nor eel of land within said District to be assessed for that portion of the whole cost which its area bears to the area of the entire distriot, exolusive of streets, avenues, alleys and public places; and that the amount assessed against each lot or parcol of land, sh~ll be paid in equal installments extending Over a period of twenty (20) yo 8 r s . Section 6- That the regular session of the City C01m- cil of the City of Bozeman, to be held in the Council Chamber, City Hall Building, of said (City on the 7th clay of .August', 1919, at seven-thirty o'clock, P. M., the seme being tho next regular session of sl:1id City Council, EJfter tl:.e oxpinition of time v.ith- in which protests may be made, be, and the same is hereby desig- nated 8S the time tmcl ph-ice, YJhon iH:d w};ere the said Council will Lear Lind pElse upon nll protests that may be made or filed according to the law, against the p:1toposcdwork or the extent or creation of said district, or both. Section 7- That the City Clerk be, and he is hereby directed to ~ive notice, as required by law, of the passage of this resolution, by publishing the Bame in one issu.e of the Boze- man Daily Chroniole, a daily newspaper ]rinted bnd pu.blished in the City of Bozeman, end by mailing a copy of such notice to each person, firm or oorporation or the arent of such person, firm or ,", , cor0cr~tion, h~ving proporty within said Distriut at his last .... - -- ~- ---~---===- - -.---. _._~ = - " - -4- known address, upon the same day that such notice is first pub- lished; that soid notice sholl be substantially in the followivg form: Ii 0 TIC E HOTICB IS HBR.i::BY GIVEN, that at a rcru1ar session of the city Council of the City of Bozeman, state of Montana, held on Thursd.ay, July 17th, 1919, a Council Resolution vws duly passed and adopted by the said City COlmeil, declaring its intentio~ to create a special improvement district to be known and desl@:- nated as "Special Improvement District IJo. 187" of said City, for the purpose of constructing pavement, ~rading and the con- struction of c.:oncrete headers, where necessaty, on all that , portion of Third Avenue between the north line of Main Street and the north line of Mendenhall street and on all that por- tion of Mendenhall street between the WfJst line of Third Avenue and the EBst line of 1!'ifth Avenue, in the City of Boze- man, state of Montana, and declaring it to be the intention of the City Council to specially assess the entire (;ost and expense of making such improvements against the property within said District, each lot or parcel of land vdthin said District, to be assessed for that portion of the whole cost which its area bears to the area of the entire district, exclusive of streets, E;venues, alleys and'lublic places; That the estimste of the total cost Dnd expense of making said improvements is Uine Thollsand, Seven Hundred Twenty and nO/lOa ($9,720.00); that the total area of proporty within said district, exclusive of streets, avenues, alleys and pub- lic places is 89,G12 square foot; thot the cost per square :Coot to the property wi thin said District is ~;o .10847; that ':'hursday the 7th day of August, 1919, at sevon-tr:irty 0' clock, P. III. at the Council Chamber, City HDll Building, said City, has been designated 8S the time ~nd place, when and vihere the City Coun- cil will hear and pass upon all protests that may be made against the proposed work or against the extent or croation of said District to be assessed, or both; that at any time within fifteen (15) days after the first publication of this notice any owner of prooerty liable to be assessed for said v,ork, may mAke a written protest against said work, or against the ex- tent or creation of suid district to be assessed or both. , Such protests must be in writinr- and be delivered to the Clerk of the said City COllneil within fifteen (15) days after the date of the first publication of this notice; ~h8t for t1 deBuription o:f the boundaries of snid ))1'0- 1)osed Special Improvement District Ho. 187 reference is hereby . made to said Council Hesolution, which is on file in the office of the City Clerk for inspection. 1919. Dated at Bozeman, Montana, this 17th day of Jul~T, C. A. Spieth Ci ty Clerk - Passed and adopted by the City COllncil of the City of Bozeman, at 8 repulsr session thereof, held on this 17th dbY of JUly, 1919. Approv,~d by the Mayor this 17th day of July, 1910. C. 'Ii'. Sweet Mayor (SEAL) Attest: c. .A. Snieth CIty Clerk