HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 946: Create a SID No. 185 counCIL RESOLUTIon NO. 946 A COUNCIL P.ESOLUTION DLCLARIlJG I': TO B:b :Illi IIJ~bNS; IOI~ 0]' ~H.E CITY 01" BOZhMl'.lJ, STATE OlP MOL/TARA, TO CREATE A 3PECIJ..L IMPROVElvlliHT DISTRICT TO 13E KNOWN AND DBSICIJA TED AS "SPECIAL UIPROV1IvlEHT DISTHICT NO. 185" O}i' SAID CITY, }10H ':'HE PUHPOSE OF' CCNSTHUC';'IHG SANITARY SEWER IN ';:'HE LIjLEY BETWEEN MAIn STRKET AND MENDEN- HALL STREET FHOM IHNTH AV~NU.E TO SEV':~ITTH A VENUE '" J'j~HIN SAID CITY, i~ND TO 3PECIAI.IJY ASSESS ':'HE l~N~.'IRE COST .AND l;;X- PENSE OP MAKIHG SA ID TM})nOV~~l,ImJT MID conSTRUCTING S.A ID SJ.:;VlER AGAINST THE PROl'2RTY WITHIN Sli ID DISTRICT UlIDER AND BY VIRTUE 01<' THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 89, IjAWS OF MOHTAlJ.A, 13TH SESS- Ion t 1913, .AS AhlliNDED BY CHi,P~2BH 142, LAViS OP MOD':'AHA, 14':'H S~i3SION, 1915 BE IT RESOLVED BY T.HE CIT.Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, S'l.'iI TE OJi' MONT.ANA: Section 1- That it is hereby declared to he the intention of the City Council of the City of Bozeman, state of Uontana, to create a snc cial hIprovement district, to be known and deBiEmated as "Special Improvement District Ho. 185" of said City, for the purpose of muking the improvements within said Special Improvement District hereinafter des- cribed; Section 2- That the boundaries of said Special Improvement District No. 185 are hereby defined and describ- ed as follows: All that portion of the City of Bozeman in- cluded \'111 thin the following metes Bnd bounds, to-wit: Beginning at a point in the south line of Menden- hall Street where the same is interse cted by the center 1 inc. of :3eventh Avenue.; Thence south along the soid uenter Itne of Seventh Ave. to a point 125 feet south of the extended south line of the olley in Block 1 of SpringbDook Addition to Bozern.un, seid point being 5 feet north of the north line of Main Street; ?hence west pi1rallel with bnd 5 foet nOl'lih of the said north line of Main street to the center line of Ninth Ave.; Thence north along the said center line of Ninth Avenue to the south line of Mendenhall Street; Thence east alon~ the said south line of ~endenhal1 Street. to anoint 125 meet ee at of the Be st line of sa id N!Lnth A venV.e; Thence south parallel with <md 125 feet east of the said cast line of Ninth Ave. to t:~ north line pi the east and west alley 0 in Block 2 of said Springbrook Addition, ~hence east along the north line of said eDst Dnd west alley to a point 125 feet west of t.he west li.ne of Eir-hth Avo. as nlatted in said d.t L ---- ~~--~- .-. ,. .- - ~._~ - -- .. ~,~. ft,_~,.,.~~,__ ~~ ~__~,u .~_.. ............ ~ .-. .- .., -...,- Springbrook Addition; Thence north parallel with Bnd 125 feet west of the said west line of Eighth Ave. to the south line of said Mendenhall Street; Thence east along the said south line of Mendenhall street to the place of beginning; Seotion 3- That it is hereby declared that the property within said District will be specially benefited by the said imurovements to be made thorein, cmd the c on- struction of BAid sanitary sewer as hereinafter described; Section 4- T~8t the character of the improvements to be made within said Special Improvement District No. 185 is 8S follows, to-wit: The construction of a svnitary sewer, Inolud1.nf': the necessary pipe, wye branchEs and manholes, In the 1:)11ey between Main Street Dnd Mendenhall street from LJinth J:.V'enue to Seventh Avenue. Section 5- That the approximate estimate of the cost and expense of doing all said work, Dnd making the im- provements in said Special Improvemont rHstrict Ho. 185. BS above described is Sixteen Hundred Twenty~five Dnd nO/lOO ($1,625.00). which inalndes pipe, wye branches, ID<Jnholes, trenching, pipe-laying, beckfill1.ng, engineer ing, inspection Bnd incidentals; That thetotul area o:fpropcrty v,:i.thin sElid District, excluBive of streets, avenues, 811e:18 Bnd public '~)laces , to be assessed for the proposed improvements is 146,250 s~uBre feet; and that tho approxmiate esti:nbte of the cost of said improvements to the property within svid dis- trict to be assessed therefore, is $0.01111 per square foot; Section 6- That the entire cost Dnd expense of makinp the special improvements ~erein set forth in s~id Spec- 'tal Improvement District No. 185, shall be PEi id b;;r SI;e cia1 Improvement District Coupon Bonds of the denom:i.nation o~ One Hundred Dollars. (or fractionthereof, where necessary) to bo drawn against a fund to be known and designated as "Spoeial Im- provemnnt District lID. 185 Fund"-,. and whichbonds shull be re- deemable at the option of the. City at any time that there Dre ---------- nn__ - ~.~ ~-----..-------'-.~_.~ - --~,~ ~.,._~ ~,~ _,~___~~~__~'r~_~_."'~ ~-,. ~~.~ ~- _...............'~~~--~_.~~~" -3- date registration of the bonds until the Tw;yment OfU1O first instollment will be collected. by the City ~reasurer at the time of collecting such first installmont; that the entire cost end expense of the said improvements ~ith- in s8id District shull be <<efrayed by a special assessment against the entire district, each lot or pAycel of land within snid Distriot, to be assessed for, that portion of , the whole cost which its area bears to the area of the entire district, exclusive of streets, avenues, alleys and 'Du_blic places, and that the ~\mOlmt assessed Br:Sinst each lot or parcel of land, shall be p~id in equ~l anrowl installments exteftding over a period of three ( '"' ' .) J years; Section 7- That the reRulor session of the City CmIDc 11 of the City of Bo zeman, to be held. in the ConncIl Chamber, City Hull 3uilding, of said ~ity o~ the 17th day of July, 191 g, at seven-trdrty 0' c1 ook, P. M., the Berne being the next reguler session of said City Council, after , ' the expirnti,on of time within which nrotests mey berhade, ". be, nnel the s()me is hereby designated as tho tirne ~md " place, when and where the said Council will hear and pass upon all protests that may be made or filed accordinp to the law, a~8inst t~e nroposed work, or the extent or oreation of SDid district, or both. Seotion 8- That the City Clerk bo, and he is hereby directed to Five notice, as required by law, of the Ij8Ssage' of ..... this resoluti on, b~l nubl i~l'~in~ a '(. ntice in on8 issue of the Bozeman DailY Chronicle, a dei ly newspvperprinted und 1'u_"olis11- ed in the City of Bozeman, and by moiling n copy of 8uch notioe to each person, firm or corDorstion, or the BRont of such per- son, firm or corporation, havinR property within soid District at his last known address upon the Burne day that sHch notice is first published; that sLid notice shall be substantiBl1y in the following form, to-wit: NOT ICE nO~ICE IS 11EH~~BY GIVEH, that ot n regular session of the City Council of the Gity of Bozeman, --------------. . --..-. ...-. -...- -.---.. - --" "~. .~-" ~~~, ,~. ""'''' ~~-,~~.~~ ~ ~. -4- said City Council, declaring its intention to create a special improvemont district to be known and desig- nated as "Special Improvument District lio. 185" of said City, for t~b purpose of constructing sanitary sewer in the Alley between Main i3treet and Mendenhall Street from Ninth Avenue to Seventh Avenue within said City of Bozeman, state of Montano, and declDrin~ it to be l,he intention of the City Council to spec- ially assess tho entire cost and expense of making such improvements aguinst the property within said District, each lot or parcel of lond within said dis- trict to be oBsessed for thut portion of the whole cost, which its area bears to the area of the entire district, exclusive of streets, avenu.es, [1110ys and public .nleces; ~hat the estimate of the total cost bnd ex- nense of mtddng Std.d improvamEmts is One Thousand. Six Hundred Twenty-five and nO/100 Dol1vrs, ($1,625.00); that the totel area of nroperty within said district, exclusi va of f3treets, avenues, fJl1eYf3 und public places is 146,250 square feet; and that the cost per square foot to the property within said District is $6.01111; that Thursday, the 17th day of July, 1919, at seven-thirty o'clock, P. M. at the Council Chamber, City Hall Bui1djn~, said. City. has been designated as the time and pIece, when and where the City (.;ouncil will hear and pass upon all protests that may be made against the proposed work or against the extent or creation of said District, to be assessed, or. both. That at any time within fifteen (15) days after the first publication of this noticQ, any owner of pro- perty liable to be assessed for said work, may make a written protests against said work or ur,ainst the ex- tent or creation of said District, to be assessed, or both. Such protests must be in writing and be deliv- ered .to the Clerk of the said City Council within fif- teen (15) doys after the date of the first 1)ubliclJtion of this notice. ~hat for a description of the bound- aries of said proposed ~pecial Improvement District No. 185, reference is hereby made to said Council Res- olution, which is on file in the office of the City Clerk for inspecticn. Dated at Bozeman, Montana, ~his 19th day of June, 1919. C. A. SpieJt4. City Clerk Passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Bozeman, at a regular session thereof, held on this 19th day of June, 1919. Approved by the Mayor this 19th day of June, 1919. C. W. Sweet Mayor (SEAL) Attest: C. A. Spieth , City Clerk: