HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 945: Create SID No. 186 counCIL HESOIJUT ION 1JO. 945 A COUNCIL P.ESOLUTION DECLARING IT ceo BE THE IH7EW:'Ion OJ!-' ::nE CITY COlEJCIL 01' ::HE CITY OF B02~EHAN, 3T11 TE 0]' MOlJTAHA, ':'0 eREA TE j:" ;3Ft;C IAL IM- PROVEMENT DISTRICT TO BE KIWVIN i'.UD DESIGNiI'.:'ED AS "SPECIAL IIvlPROVEl.UmT DISTHICT NO. 186" OF TIm SAID CITY, FOR Trill IJUR- POSE Olt-, CONSTRUCTING FA 'lING MID CURBS 1.IJD GRJ,DIHG '.2HLT PORTION OP LAMME S'::'HEET BETWEEH THE WE;:)T LINE OF TRACY AVENUE AlJD ':'HE EAS':' LINE OF ]'H'TH AVENUE IN THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, STATE OF MONTANA. AND TO SPECIAJ~LY ASSESS THE ENTI::.\E COST AND EXPENSE OF MAKING THE SAID IMPROVEMENTS AGAINST THE PROPERTY WITHIN SAID DISTRICT, UNDER AHD BY VIRTUE Ol'-'TEE PROVISIons 0]' CHAPTER 89, LAWS 0]' MONTAN11, lt5TH SESSIOlJ, 1913, lIS AMBlrD- ED BY QHAPTER 142, LAWS OJ!-' MONTANA, 14TH SESSIOH, 1915 BE IT RESOLVED BY 'l;HE CITY COUIJCIL OJ!' '~'HB CI r;y 0]1 30Z~IAH, ~")TATE Q:E1 MONTANA: Section 1- That it is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council of the City of Bozeman, in the State of M.ontana, to create a special improvoment district to be known Bnd desip.:nated as "Special Improvement District Ho. 186" of said City, for the purpose of making- the im- provements in said special improvement district hereinaftor described; Section 2- That the l)Olmdaries of said Special Improvement District l~o. 186 are hereby defi,ned and describ- ed as follows: All that portion 'of the City of Bozeman, in- cluded within the fol1o~ing metes and bounds, to-wit: Beginning at;a point in the west line of Tracy j~ven- ,: ue vihera the same is .intersected by the north line of the alley betwoen Mendenhall and Lamme streets; Thence west along north line of said alley to the east line of Fifth Ave.; Thence north along the said east line of Fifth Avenue, to a point 140 north of the north line of Lar:lme street; Thence east par- allel with ~nd 140 feet north of the said north line of Lamme Street to the west line, of Tracy J~venue; Thence E;onth illong the west line of ~rac,y l~ve. to the place of beginning. Section 3- That the character of the imnrovements which are to be made within said Special Improvement District No. 186 ana describe~ as follows: ~he construction of concrete curbs and paving and grading that portion of Lamme Street from the west line of Tracy Avenue to the eClst line of Fifth .Avenuo; ----------- ---------.-" ------------ -....- . The pavement to be Standard Bitulithic on either a crushed rock or concrete bose. 3ids will be received on both of the :foregoinp.: types Dnd a selection will be made therefrom; Section 4- That the approximate estimate of tlw co~)t and expense of aoinP' all 8~;lid work and nwking the imr>1'OVeplents , in said Special Improvement District No. 186, as above des- cribed is Twenty Thousand, Seven Hundred Seventy and 35/100 ($20,770.35). W:hich includes grading, paving, concrete curbs 1100 dor s , enpineer:ing, inspoction and inoidentQls; that tJJe total erea of property within said District, exclusive of streets, avenues, ulleys and nuvlic pIeces, to be assessed for the proposed improvoments is 430,080 square feet; and that the approximate estimate of the cost of said improvements to the property within said District to be assessed therefor, is $0.04805 per square foot; Section 5- That the entire cost and expense of mak- ing the Speciul Improvements herein set forth in s8id Special Improvement District no. 186, shall be paid by Special Improve- ment District Coupon Bonds, of the denomination of One Hundred " Dollars, (or fraction thereof, where necessary), to be drawn again8t u flU}d. to "be known fwd desiprH,tod as "Special Improve- ~ent District No. 186 ~"und", and v,ih,ich bonds sha.ll be redeem- able at the o~tion of the City at Cn;)T time that tJe('re erefu,nclB to the credit of said :)pecial Improvement District He. 186 for the redemption thereof,and shall draw simple interest at the rate of six ner cent per annum, aYl(l such interest fronl the d8te of the registration of the bonds lU1til the puyment of the first installment will be collected by the City ~rea8urer at the time of collecting such first installment; that the entire cost und expense of the SElid improvements vv:LtLin s~)id District shall be defrayed by a special assessment vgainst the entire district, each lot or Darcel of land within ssid District to be assessed for that portion of the whole cost which its area bears to the area of t1w en ti ro cliB. trict, exclus i Va of strC'ot s' i;1VOnllEJ<" 8118 "", . , ".' Q, - d ~ and 9ublic plaoes, end th8t tho amount assessed o~uinst each lot or p~rcel of lend, shall be f)aid in equal annual jnstallments ex- tending OVer e ~oriod of twenty (20) years. --.-.--.- -.--". .-.-.. .. --.-.- ---... -,- Section 6- Thut the regular session of the Ci t;)T Council of the City of Bozoman, to be held in the Council Cham- ber, City Hall Building, of se id City on the 17th da~' 0 f July, 1919, at seven-thirty o'clock, P. M. the same being the next re~l18r session of said City Colmci1, after the expiration of time within which protests may be made, be, and the f3f:H~1e is hereby desip"nated [,8 tLe tir:18 and nIece, 'vvl:en Dnd where the said Council willhear and pass upon all protests that may be made or filed according to the law, against the nroposed work or the extent or creation of said district, or both. Section 7- That the City Clerk, be, and he is here- by directed to give notice, as required by law, of the passage of this resolution, by publishing the same in one issue of the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a duily newspaper printed Bnd pub- lished in the City 0:; Bozemun, und by nwilj_ng B copy of suoh notice to Bach person, firm or oorporation, or the agent of such person, firm or corporation, huving property ~ithin soid District at his last known address, upon the same day that such potiee is first published; that said notioe shall be sub- stantially in the following, form: 11 0 TIC E NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that at B rep"ular session of the City Council of the City of Bozeman, State of Montana, held on Thursday, June 19th, 1919, B Council Hesolution WBS duly naBsed. ~md acloDted by the sa id C1 ty COlmail, declbring its intention to create a s-pecial irF)l'ovement district to be known and designated as "Special Improvement District Ho. 186" of soid City~ for the purnose of constructing paving and curbs fnd gre.dinR that nortion of Lamme Street between the west line of Tracy Avonue and the east line of Fifth A venue, seid pavement to be either Standard Bitulithic pn a crushed rock base or concrete base, in the City of Bozeman, state of Montana, und dec18ring it to bathe intention of the C1 ty Cou.ncil to specially assess the anti.re cost 1.J!1d eXT~!ense of making such imorovoments against the property within svid District~ each lot or Darcel of lund within s~id District to be assessed for that nortloD of the whole cost which its area bears to the area of the entire district, exclusive of streets, avenues, alleys and public pltJces; ~hDt the estimate of the total cost and expense of making ssid improvements is Twenty Thousand, Seven Hund- red Seventy and 35/100, ($20,770.35); that the total area of property within s~id District ~xcltieiv~:6f streets, avenues, alleys and public places is 430,080 square feet; that the cost per square foot to the property within soid Eistrict is $0.04805; That Thursday, the 17th day of July, 1919, at seven-thirty o'clock, P. M., at the Connc~l Chamber City Hall Building, said City, has been desiiTnoted as the . ..-.-.----. ---.---"....-...--.. - ."- ~-~~~~~ - - ......-. ~~, ==:1 ;;:; "= - ~-~~,-, -4- time Bnd place, when Dnd where the City Council wlll Jicar and pass urou all the nrotests that may be made 8gninst the proposed work or a~ainGt the extent or creation of said District to be assessed, or both. That at any time within fifteen (15) days after the first publication of this notice any owner of property liable to be assessed for said work, may make a written protest egairist said work, or BITsinst the extent or creation of said district to be assessed, or both. Such protests must be in ;,\'ri tine: and be delivered to tho Clerk of the snid City Council within fifteen (15) days aft~r the date of the first pub- lication of this notice; That for a description of the boundaries of said proposed Special Improvement District No. 186, reference is horeby made to ~aid CO\illcil Resolution, which is on file in the office of the City Clerk for in- spection. Dated at Bozeman, Montana, this 19th day of June, : 1919 . C. A. Spieth City Clerk Passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Bozeman, at a rerru1ar Bession thereof, held on this 19th day of June, 1919. Approved by the Mayor i,},:i.s l~)th d!;i~' of June, 1919. C. W. Sweet Mayor (SEAL) Attest: C. A. Spieth City Clerk