Members Present:
Dave Skelton, Chairman/Planner
Chuck Winn, Fire Marshall
Phill Forbes, Public Service
Kurt Albrecht, Building
John Paysek, Engineering
Rick Hixson, Engineering
Staff Present:
Georgiann Youngstrom
Lanette Windemaker
Dave Skelton
Debbie Arkell
Patrick Morris
Visitors Present:
Van Bryan
Rob Gilbert
Nick Salmon
A. Second Week Review
1. Lockwood Building MiSP/COA Z-9584
Planner Windemaker reviewed this minor site plan and certificate of
appropriateness application for an office and apartment combination
located at Bozeman and Beall . She stated that comments last week
concerned the existing water service line under the proposed
building and where it is in relation to the easement. She noted
that the site plan does not reflect the boulevard on the Bozeman
Kurt Albrecht stated that the south and west walls must have a one
hour rated wall for building code. He noted that the correct
separation rating between the two uses will be needed.
Chuck Winn asked if the outside stairs were wooden or another
material . Van Bryan said no decision had been made on that yet.
Dave Skelton asked if there were any comments from engineering.
Van Bryan verified the adjacent owner had been contacted about the
placement of the sewer line in the easement. He reported that the
easement was 20, and that the line is 5' off the interior side. He
didn' t think there was a water line. Planner Windemaker reviewed
Fred Shields comments on the placement of the water line.
Dave Skelton stated that Fred Shields had indicated that the water
service line was going to catch a corner of the garage. Van Bryan
asked if the lines would have to be relocated. Dave Skelton said
yes . He then asked about the easement for the property west of
this property. Phill Forbes stated he had searched for the
easement papers in question and that his search had ended in the
city attorney' s office with no documentation being found. Van
Bryan stated that the real estate agent had some documentation.
Planner Windemaker stated that the proposed project will go to
Design Review Board today.
2 . Happy Hours CUP Z-9569
Dave Skelton reported from Planner Arkell that this proposed
project has been withdrawn due to the parking requirements . He
stated that the applicant will modify the proposal in some way to
lessen the number of children. Kurt Albrecht stated that there are
serious building code problems with the exit planned through the
kitchen, which is not allowed in the code.
(After review of these minutes, the file should note that the
applicant withdrew the application for a C.U.P. and did not
indicate plans would be modified for this site. D. Arkell)
3 . American Bank Ma5P Z-9568
Planner Skelton asked Rob Gilbert to attend the meeting this week
and stated he had met with him last week. At that time the
proposal included 5-6 situations that would require variances
and/or deviances . He stated that Rob Gilbert had modified the site
plan and parking on West Babcock Street.
Planner Skelton said there would need to be some modification with
location of the egress/ingress on West Main, also at the East end
of parking lot structure and take it back a minimum of 8' to
eliminate one egress/ingress so there would not be so much driving
on the back side of the parking.
Rob Gilbert stated he had meet with representatives of Beaver Pond
Plaza and they are looking at a joint curb cut on that side which
would eliminate the cut on the Red Barn side. He stated that he
had an updated site plan with him and had made most of the
modifications mentioned by Planner Skelton.
Roger Sicz asked if the curbs and sidewalks were being required.
John Paysek had talked to Phill Forbes about the plan and as the
plans have no grades on them, engineering is not going to require
the curbs, gutters , and sidewalks yet. Planner Skelton stated that
with the development on South llth those had not been required.
Roger Sicz stated that if and when the design is done, he favors
the curbs, gutters, and sidewalks being required to be put in.
Planner Skelton asked if it was the Pines project in which curbs ,
gutters, and sidewalks were required. Phill Forbes corrected him
and said it was Montana Travel .
Kurt Albrecht asked if the property line going through the parking
building had been addressed. Planner Skelton said no but, as had
been done with Big R, a deed restriction would be required. He
explained that a deed restriction would require that one lot would
not be sold without the other lot. He stated that in the past
aggregate lots had been required but the city attorney found this
deed restriction more favorable.
Planner Skelton stated that Fred Shields had asked for the location
of sewer and water service into the office building. Rob Gilbert
said that the mains for water and sewer are shown on the site plan.
He then questioned if Fred Shields was asking for the entry into
the new building. Planner Skelton confirmed that was the question.
Planner Skelton asked if the covered parking would have a floor
drain to handle the snow melting or the rain. Rob Gilbert stated
that the drainage would be done with sloping. He noted that C&H
Engineering will do the drainage plan as soon as he gets the
modified plan to them.
Kurt Albrecht asked what the construction of the open air parking
will be. Rob Gilbert stated it would be protective steel .
Planner Skelton stated that the typical three week review process
will need to be modified to accommodate the site plan changes . He
said there would need to be a schedule change to get it before the
Planning Board. He stated he will check with Andy Epple on the
appropriate procedure.
Rob Gilbert brought the modified site plan forward for committee
members to view. He noted that the position of the dumpster had
been moved as well as a setback from the road. Chuck Winn and
Planner Skelton questioned if the east end of the parking structure
was now blocked. Rob Gilbert confirmed that there would be no exit
from that location. Chuck Winn asked him if that end was bermed
up . Rob Gilbert stated he hadn' t thought of that.
B. Initial Week Review
1. Food Coop MiSP Z-9585
Planner Morris reviewed the minor site plan application to allow
the removal of exiting buildings from 911 W. Babcock, regrading and
paving of the parking area, and landscaping/lighting site
improvements . He stated the parking lot would be expanded; one
building will be moved or removed which is historical; that a
commercial curb cut will be needed on West Babcock; and that the
re- zoning has already been done.
Dave Skelton asked about the storm run-off . Planner Morris stated
that the plan shows a retention pond on the north east corner of
the existing parking lot and snow removal from West Babcock. Nick
Salman noted that the natural grade is south to north on the site.
Planner Morris stated that the applicants are looking at the trash
area as snow retention, also. Nick Salmon stated that it will be
up to engineering.
Dave Skelton noted that screening will be needed for the
residential area. Nick Salmon stated that a fence is being
Nick Salmon asked if there is a standard for the water and sewer
disconnection from the residence that will be removed. Phill
Forbes stated that he would need to talk to Fred Shields about
this .
Nick Salmon stated that they will be asking for one deviation, the
side set back south of the building, as they have a building
already built into the side yard set back at 8 ' and that a
pedestrian door and load dock door is that vicinity. He stated
they are looking for a location for the bailer that makes most
Planner Morris asked if they were proposing to screen with a fence.
Nick Salman stated yes on three sides , but need to gain access to
the fourth side.
Phill Forbes asked how do you redefine a curb cut. Nick Salmon
stated that they will redo part of an existing sidewalk that is
deteriorated and repave over part of that damaged area to increase
the cut .
2 . Countryside PUD MaSUB P-9530
Planner Skelton reviewed this Major Subdivision Planned Unit
Development Preliminary Plat that would allow a multi-family
development with reduced street standards on approximately 7 acres .
He stated that it is the Kim and Lonny Walker development east of
Pond' Edge development, just north of the Montana Department of
Fish, Wildlife, and Park' s Fishing Ponds . He noted that it has
reduced street standards and sidewalks with parking on one side or
other of the street . The multifamily development will be
townhouses and single family, and duplex structures .
Planner Skelton noted that the Balian development of Pond' s Edged
is going to City Commission. He stated that he had pointed out to
the Planning Board that the extension of Ravalli would be a street
standard that is less than the typical city street. Roger Sicz
asked why they were accepting it. Planner Skelton stated that the
through streets should be some type of City Standard within a
public right-or-way but they were looking at the standards not
being the same with private streets .
Planner Skelton stated that the Bozeman Recreation Advisory Board
did not want the cash in feu of park land, but would prefer the
park land. He noted this park land would help the sewer and water
department with maintaining 250' maximum. However, he noted the
Recreation Board had asked for 251 . Planner Skelton noted for Rick
Hixson that at Planning Board he had pointed out that looping is
not a rule of thumb but is a standard policy from engineering and
superintendent of sewer and water.
Planner Skelton commented that he will take a close look at the
profile of curb, gutter and right-of-way. He said they are
planning 24, for two way traffic with 8' parking on one side, 3 '
boulevards and 5 ' sidewalks . He also noted that Ravalli would need
to be extended north to West Babcock,
At Planning Board Planner Skelton did make it clear that this
change in street standards is specific to this area only. He also
related to the that Board that the Development Review Committee as
an advisory body recommends improvements to West Babcock before any
other development is done in this area.
Planner Skelton asked that John Paysek in his memo spend time on
reviewing any dead end loops and to also contact him if there are
John Paysek commented that the utilities are under the curb and
gutter and that is not acceptable.
Planner Skelton questioned how close the creek was paralleling the
project. He wondered if it was too close to the back doors of the
proposed homes . Phill Forbes asked if it is a creek or a farmers
ditch. Planner Skelton said it was a ditch.
John Paysek asked if the Balian project and this one are going to
line up as this one looks skewered.
Planner Skelton also pointed out that Rick Kerin is protesting the
valley gutter requirements at the Planning Board and City
Commission. He asked if that was required to avoid the same
problem that there is at Pond' s Edge. Roger Sicz and Phill Forbes
confirmed it was .