HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 944: Construction of sidewalks and curbs .. __. _n _...__... ___..____.__. COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 944 A COUNCIL RESOLUTION ORDERIlW ::In~ CON~3~RUOTION OF '"1IDEWALKS LITD CUEBS, OR bIS'HSH TIEJEO:b', IN FHON~ QJ!' LOTS t rm PMWEI..S OP LLIJD, 1,',1 :'HIN THE CITY 01!1 BOZElvuur, STJi ':'E 0];1 UOH':'i\HA, VII C2HOUT ~'HL FOI\Mi. r;; ION OF 1\ ~-3PBC IAL nirPHOV~~Itl~~NT DISTHICT, PUHSUJINT ':'0 ':'IIE PHOVISIOH S 0]' :mCTIOH 20, CRAPTBR 09, LAYJS OP MCHT11UA, 13':'H ~>.t;SSIOH, 1913, ,AND ORDIlTi:lJCE NO. 435, AS iiMEND.KD ny ORDUbnCb no. 447, 0]' THE 81\ ID CITY JiND ORDINANCl!; 451 O}' SA ID CITY. " WHEREAS, the City hn~ineer of tho City of Bozeman, did at a rep:ulDr session of the City' Council, of the City of Bozeman, held on the 5th day of June, 1919, submit to Gaid City wouncil, a stater;t\:mt :;howing a liEt of walkst.hat had boen condemned and curbs that ~lou1d be ordered constructod in Special Improvement District No. 183, that said statement so submi tted, was duly referred t,o the street Committee for action thereon, and thereafter at on adjourned rep~lbr seBsion of the said City Council, hold on the 9th clBY of June, 1919, the so id ;j treat Committee (11 d make tI reDiDrt and recommendation us fo11ovls: II We recommend that these improvemc;nts be ordered constructed." NOW THERE.::&'OEE, BE IT RESOI~VED AND IT IS HEREBY ORDLR8D BY THE CITY COUNCILOl!' THE CITY 0]' BOZ.LWdJ ,STATE 0]1 I:IONTJ\1Ji\: Section 1- That concrete side walks Bnd curbs, or either of them, be, und the S8me Bre hereby ordered con- structed in the City of Bozeman, State of Montana, for the year, 1919, without the formation of a special improvement ~_. district therefor; that said concrete side walks and curbs be constructed pursuant to the provisions of Section 20, Chapter 89, Laws of Montana, 13th Session, 1913, and Ordinance No. 435, and Ordinance No. 447 of said City of Bozeman, and Ordinance No. 451 of said City. Section 2- Thet attached hereto ond made a part hereof is tt Bohed~e ::Jhowing the sidewalks und curbs to be con- structed as herein provided; that s~id sdhe~ule likewise shows a description of the property in front of whjch said sidewalks and curbs ore to be constructed, name of the ovmer thereof and the number of feet of sidewalks Bnd length of bhrbs to be constructed. Section 3- ~hat the Street Con~i$sioner (Ci ty i.'~nidn- ---------- n -'(,~- eer) be, Bnd he is hereby, directed to Rive notice to the owners, Or the agents, of said property as Bet forth in stJid schedule, as provided by said Ordinunce No. 435; that the owners of saidpro!)orty sh~;ll hove the right Lmd privilege to con~,truct s~id side\ialks Dnd curbs subject to tho prov- isions of said Ordinance No. 135, us amended by Ordinance Ho. 447, and Ordinance No. 451 and the pluns Bnd spocificat- ions as prepared by the City E~gineer for the construction thereof. , Section 4- ~hBt ih all OBses where sbid sidewalks and curbs are not constructed by the ovine rs us here inbe i'ore provided, then and in that event, upon tho expiration of a thirty (30) day notice, by re~istered m~il, 8110wed suoh own- ers, wi thin which to cC'nHtruct said sidewalks imd cu;rzbs, the same shall be constructed by the City of Bozeman, by its Con- tractor, for th~ construction of miscelluneous sidewalks and curbs. Bnd according to the plans and specifications therefor; that the cost und expense of constructing said sidewalks and curbs by the City of Bozeman, as herein provided shall be de- frayed by special assessment, lovied and assessed against cach lot or parcel of land, in front of which suid sidewalk ond CUTbs are constructed; that the amount asscssed 8gvin8t each lot or narcel of lund, sholl be paid in equal onnual instvll- ments extenJinR over a period of five ( 5) years; Section 5- That payment for the construction of said sidewalks and cl1rbs shell be made by special warrants, which shall be drawn BFW inst 8 fund to be known as .tSpecial Sidewalk and Curb }1'und", which wlJrnmts shull be in form as provided by Ordinance No. 447; thn t for 811 s i dewi,lks and curbs eonstructed by the Ci ty, as herein provided, a Council Resolution .. levying the assessment for the cost thereof, shall be in every manner ~reparod and certified, the same as Re~olution lovying assessment for the muking of im~rovements in special improvoment districts; that said ~esolution levying said assessment shull be passed and adopted before the 1st Monday in October, 1919. Passed und adopted by the City Council of the City of Bozermm, at a ro'n18r sossion thereof-held on tIlis 19th day of \Ju.ne, 1919. ~- - .- - ~~..~ - - ~~...~.,~ ~ - -3- Approved by the Mayor this 19th dny of June, 191~' . c. VI. f.3we.2~ Ma ~lOr ( SEAIJ ) l\ttest: c. A. S1Jioth City Clerk . . --......-.---