HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 38 Create SID No. 247 CITY COMMIS3IONRESOLUTIONNO. 38. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, CREATING r1 ,SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NUMBER 247 OF THE CITY,OF BOZEMAN, STATE OF MONTANA, lJ FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING A SANITARY SEWER WITH THE NECESSARY CONNECTIONS AND MANHOLES ONMENDENHALLSTREETBET~N ROUSE AVENUE, NORTH, AND WALLACE AVENUE, ;NORTH. WITHIN SAID CITY OF BOZEMAN, ORDERING' SUCH WORK TO BE DONE THEREIN, PRO- 'VIDINGFOR SPECIAL ASSESSMENT OF THE ENTIRE COST ANDEXPENs:EOFMA,KINGSAID IMPROVEMENTS AGAINST THE PROPERTY WITHIN SAID DISTRICTUNDER"AfHlBY'V'IR'l'UE OF THE PROVISIONS .OF SECTIONS 522'5 TO 527? INCLUSlVE,OFTHE'REVTSED CODES OF MONTANA, 1921, AND ANY AMENDMENTS TJ-mRETO. WHEREAS, At a regular session of the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, State of Montana, held on the 7th day of August, A.D. 1924, the said City Commission duly passed City Commission Resolution Number 37 declaring it to be the inten'tion of said City Commission to create a Special Improvement Distric~ to be known and designated as Special Improvement District Number 247 of the said City for the purpose of constructing a sanitary sewer on Mendenhall Street be- twe'en Rouse Aventoo, North, and Wallace Avenue, North, and to specially assess the entire cost and expense of making said improvements and construction of said sewer against the property within said District under and by virtue of the provi- sions of Sections 5225 to 5277 inclusive, of the Revised Codes of Montana, 1921, and any amendments thereto, which said City Commission Resolution Number 3? is "l hereby referred to and made a part hereof for further particulars in respect to i i ~ \~ :", the boundaries of said District, the estimated cost of said improvement and the U method of assessing the same against the property within said District; AND WI1EREAS, Notice of the passage of City Commission Resolution Number 3~ was duly published in one issue of the Weekly Courier, a weekly newspaper printed and published in said City of Bozeman, to-wit: In the issue of August 13, 1924, and by mailing a copy of such notice to each person, firm, or corpora- tion, or agent of such person, firm, or corporation having property within the proposed Dis;trict at his last known address upon the same day such notice was first pUblished as aforesaid, and due proof having been made of the publication of such notice; . AND WHEREAS, No protest having been delivered or presented to the Clerk of the City Commission in writing, or 'at all, against the propos.ed. work or against the extent or creation of said District (or the extent thereof) to be assessed, within fifteen days after the date of the first publication of said notice of the passage of said Resolution of intention, or at all, and said City Commission was 'J in regul?;r session on the 28th day of August, 1924, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., of said li day at the City Commission Chamber in the City Hall Building in the said City of B oz eman, ~he same being the time and place designated for hearing and passing '.- upon all protests, if any, against the p:J:'oposed work or against the extent or creation of s~id Di~t~ict to be assessed, or both; NOR THEREFORE I BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, STATE OF MONTANA: ~~~.......'.,~ .,- n__ ,"'~ ~.,~-_."-"'.''''''''''''-''- - - _. _.__ u_.__ Section L That said Special Improvement District Number 247 of the City of Bozeman, State of Montana, be and the same is hereby created for the pur- pose of making the improvements therein as hereinafter described. Section 2. That said Special Improvements be and the .same are hereby ordered to be made in said Special Improvement District Number 247 as follows: The construction of a aani tary sewer including the necessary pipe. wye... branches, connecting sewers and manholes on Mendenhall Street between Rouse Avenue. North, and Wallace Avenue, North. Sec:tiori :3. That the entire cost and expense of making the Special Im- , provements herein set forth in said Special Improvement District Number 247 shall be paid by Special Improvement District Bonds of the denomination of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) each and in fractions where necessary, to be issued and charge- able against a fund to be known as Special Improvement District Number 247 Fund; said Bonds .to be redeemable at the option of the City of Bozeman, Montana, when.,. ever funds are available for that purpose from said Improvement District Number 247 Fund; said Bonds shall draw simple interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, which shall be chargeable as a part of the cost of said Special Improvement and shall run from the date of .the registration of said Bonds until said Bonds are paid, and such interest, from the date of registration of the Bonds unt;ilthe payment of the first installment, will be collected by the City Treasurer at the time of collecting such first installment; that the entire cost and expense of said ImprQvement within said District shall be defrayed by a Special assessment against the entire District. each Lot or parcel of land within said Diatrict bordering or abutting upon s aid portion of Mendenhall Street wherein the improve- ments shall be made, to be assessed against all lands within said proposed Special Improvement Dis'trict Number 247, each front foot of entire frontage there- of to be assessed and taxed for ita proportionate share of such entire coat, ex- clusive of Street, Avenues. Alleys and pUblic places; that the amount assessed against each lot or parcel of land shall be paid in equal annual installments extending over a period of five years. Section 4. That the CJ ty Engineer be, and is hereb,y directed to pre- pare plans and specifications for the doing of said work and making of said im- I provements. Section 5. That the Clerk of ,the City Commission be, and is hereby directed to publish a notice inviting proposals for the furnishing of materials, the doing of the wor~ and the making of the improvements in said Special Improve- ment District Number 247, referring to specifications on file by pUblishing the same in two issues of the Bozeman Chronicle, a daily newspaper printed>l;I,nd pub- ,',~.:/,"::\::":d:::::, lished in the said City of Bozeman, not less than ten days before the 1;>i~e bids will be opened. which shall be at a meeting of the City Commission. ------- ----------.-- ..-------....--.---- ---.- --.---."".---...-. .... ...--.-- .-. ahal1 be held on Thursday, the 11th day of September, 1924. Passed and adopted by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman at a ,l regular session thereof, held on the 28th day of August, 1924. Approved by the Mayor on the 28th day of August, 1924. ~/~/t//~'t Mayor ATTEST : z::?'~~4/ Clerk of the Conunia si on 11 I I i I -" lJ . - , ~. \:., . ~ -----.---------- _.__u.,,____..___